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... good god. Given how these predictions and the hype are going, I think I'd better just reveal the package before all of your expectations peter out somewhere at "Canuck-Errant mailed Spirit Armor a psychotic French loli."

I was hoping to get my camera fixed before then, but that doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon. I had to make do with the webcam built into my laptop. In any case, as many of you suspected...

... the package that Canuck-Errant took many pains to send over has something to do with Iris Chateaubriand.

Because Canuck-Errant is a glorious bastard, it is, in fact, Iris Chateaubriand in miniature--

-- and in her battle uniform. Note the excessively dead eyes and the frighteningly calm smile and the fact that it just keeps staring at you.


It comes with a magic stick, and even a tiny Jean-Paul (which is sadly unable to float in mid-air. This just goes to show that the toy industry still has a long ways to go before it can accurately replicate in full the mind-bending atmosphere of Sakura Wars).

I never thought I'd find myself saying this, but pictures of Iris Chateaubriand no longer frighten me and/or fill me with a sense of unease.

I haven't bothered taking the Iris figure out of the plastic box. I tend to keep the box face-down in the corner...

... but I flip it back over occasionally just to make sure that the figure inside hasn't moved at all.

I'm always afraid that it has shifted position, or that its eyes are glowing, or that its smile is just a bit wider...

Even as I type this, I keep casting furtive glances back to where the Iris figure is lying, mostly to reassure myself.

I swear to god that the thing keeps staring at me whenever I'm not looking. This effect isn't helped too much by the extra pictures of Iris on the front and back, or by the miniature Jean-Paul sitting by its master's heels.

So as I pray...


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