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The Chapter 4 Battle, p2!

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It's alright! Iris can do this by herself!!
Maria, if you get hurt, Iris can heal you!! So...
Go out and take down those Wakiji with all your strength, okay? It's a promise!


R, really...? I... I'll think about it, okay?

Sumire joins Sakura in watching the gate. Also,


... moves deeper into enemy territory.




Why won't anyone praise me anymore?


Oh, don't worry about that, Ogami-kun. I've just cut off all inter-Koubu communication to your own unit.


... does this mean...?


Yes, Ogami-kun. You won't be bothered by everyone now. So--


... seriously, Ogami-kun, you don't need to cry.


I'm just... so... HAPPY... ... thank you...


Just keep on truckin', Ogami-kun. You can thank me later.


The utter destruction continues. Why Rasetsu doesn't simply have the bulk of his forces thrash Asakusa while the Flower Division's preoccupied getting to the gate switch-- instead of wasting manpower GUARDING said gate switch-- remains an incomprehensible mystery.

This is Iris's attack radius. It's an area-of-effect attack, much like Kohran's, except bigger and centered around Iris herself. Everything within this radius is attacked (with the exception of Maria, thankfully).

So what, dear readers, would you think that Iris's attack animation looks like? Telekinesis that slams the enemy into the ground? Blasts of psychic power that are capable of shearing the heads off Wakiji? Demon-summoning?


(It's also a bit more violent than it looks.)

And all of a sudden, combination attacks!


Sensei~, I have a question~!


A, afterwards, okay?

Naturally, Iris's quotes tend to be whimsical in nature.


Its effectiveness is undeniable, however.



... is it just me, or is Iris taking more damage than she should be?


What? Jean-Paul? ... I did everything that you told me to!


So why's she--




... you lost me.



What!? I kissed her forehead!


... really?


Of course I have! It's the one with the apple and the seven dwarves, right?


To make her a little bit stronger, right?


Wha-- OHSHI--




... how? And come to think of it, where ARE you?


Yeah, and YOU hadn't bothered to wash up when I kissed you earlier today, and you didn't see ME complaining. How'd you GET down there?


Yeah, yeah, 'special compupter powers,' I know. Well, here we go!


Hey, Iris! Catch!





Oniichan! You brought Jean-Paul with you? -- I caught him!


Yeah, uh, you'd lost it, so I--





You just, uh, go do your thing now. No need to thank me, either.












The Wakiji hadn't been finished off, but its mind was flooded with enough fear to paralyze even the most hardboiled of soldiers.




... much like Ogami's.

The last Wakiji goes down...

Kanna intercepts one of the last guards...

... and Iris caps the flag. With this?



We're in.

NEXT TIME: VS. Rasetsu!

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