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The Chapter 4 Battle, p1!

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So, Ayame-san. How's the Rolling Thunder coming along?


Oh, I've already flipped it back over!


You what?


It wasn't particularly difficult. I mean, all I needed to do was initiate the Rolling Thunder's transfo--


... er, but nevermind that. Tell Kohran that she owes me money, alright?


Oh, don't worry, we've ALL been reminding her of that fact.


Come to think of it, shouldn't you be worrying about getting teleported into a deathtrap?


It won't be a problem, Ayame-san. For some reason, I'm feeling better than I have in while.





It's true... his spirital energy readings are at a record high.


Really? That's good. With that much strength, he'll be able to fend them off himself while the others focus on opening the Kaminari Gate--



... his readings just dropped back down again, Ayame-san.


Yuri, would it be at all possible for you to try and cut the comm channel between Sakura and Ogami's Koubu?


We've been trying to get it cut for months, Ayame-san.



Sadly, you can't Protect yourself from harm.







Why, Ensign... I don't know what to s--



Naaah, screw THAT, I'm Protecting Kanna.




-- er, well, I mean, she's going to be up front punching people in the face, so--


... and I will just end up stuck in the back row, unable to get anything but the last hit in?


Yeah, exactly! I--


-- wait, no, that's not what I--




Well, no, I... uh....



Mountain strategy!



Don't you dare ignore me, Ensign, I'll show you just how powerf--







Thanks, Sakura-kun, I--




Yes! 'My'!










... maybe?








It's dropping again, Ayame-san. Can't we do anything to save him?


... no, leave him be. It's the inevitable hurdle that every young man (or woman) who comes in close contact with a bevy of attractive young women (or men) must jump in order to survive in this beautiful yet cruel world.



The rest of the stage isn't particularly large; the Flower Division is basically facing the Kaminari Gate.



... th' Captain ain't even here, Kanna. He's stuck back behind that gate over there.


... oh yeah. That's right.


Who else will be there for me when I'm feeling down?


Kanna's spiritual energy readings are dropping rapidly!!


Good lord. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but... are her feelings for him THAT strong?


Guess I'll have to find a new punching bag for the time being. Hey, Maria--




Ah well. I'll satisfy myself with Sumire. 'Ey, Sumire!



Yup! We're all together!! It's a lot of fun!!


Whatever you say, lil' miss "I-hate-war."


Did you say something, Oniichan?


Ha ha ha, nothing at all, Iris.


(... didn't you say that you weren't afraid of Iris as a demonic hellbeast anymore?)


Yeah, but I'm perfectly within my rights to be scared of a little girl for being a little girl.



Right, right. But you're kinda small, Iris, so don't push yourself now.


Iris isn't a child! Kanna, aren't you just too big!?


Hahahahaha! My bad, Iris. Now then, we're all counting on you.


Yup! Leave it to me!! Iris'll do her best!!

The switch is located roughly in this direction, though I'll have to cleave through quite a few Wakiji to get at it.

Granted, they're just the usual batch of cannon fodder that we've been fighting this entire time, so...

... once again, they're not particularly difficult to take down.

Meanwhile, it's talkin' time!


Yup! It's really good!! Iris loves this Koubu!!


That's right, that's right. After all, it's a top-class Koubu that I'd skipped lunch t' fine-tune!


That's amazing! Hey, hey! Which part is that amazing!?


Hmhmhmhmhmhm.... that, I can't tell ya.


Well, ain't that alright? C'mon, do yer best~!


Eh~!? Tell me~!! Kohran, you tease~!!

... I think we all know what THIS means.

Perhaps intelligently, Rasetsu set things up so that the Wakiji would have crates to hide behind, both as barricades and as objects meant to obstruct anyone trying to get to that switch.


Perhaps it would have been better if Rasetsu had remembered to tell the Wakiji themselves.

Maria is sent over to help Sakura out a bit, being the hard worker that she is.

... of course, nobody ELSE can be assed to do any work.


Eheheheh! Isn't it~!?


However, in any case, it would be so much better if you had made it more flashy.
By all means, shall we add on some more frills and lace?


Really!? Iris loves frills~!! Let's add a whole lot~!!


B... both of you, you haven't forgotten that the Imperial Assault Force is a secret brigade, have you?


Ah... that's right. Our group is a secret, isn't it.


... it cannot be helped. We shall have to wait until next time to make your Koubu flashier.


Yes, let's~!


And this... is Iris's Koubu.

Like Kanna, Iris's movement phase is pretty much open-ended and free as a bird...

With the exception that she passes through almost EVERYTHING.


'Course, she has to end her turn in a corporeal state, otherwise the creatures of the warp will tear her apart.


Yup! Sakura, let's do our best!!


That's right. We're all counting on you, Iris.


But... I won't give you Oniichan. Because he's Iris's lover!


R, really?






S... somehow, I feel like I should be scared...



And meanwhile, Ogami gets thrashed.

... it doesn't particularly hurt him, but bless their hearts, they just try SO hard.


For once, perhaps, Ogami is actually able to kick ass without getting completely torn apart in the process.



... although his finishing quotes need some work.

Kanna moves in to help clean up the Koubu...

And Sakura moves up to wait for the gates to open as I was under the mistaken impression that I'd have to physically walk a Koubu through the open gates in order to trigger the boss battle event.

Kohran helps by indiscriminately blowing shit up.




Kanna! Heads-up!




... Captain, what're you tryin' to do?


Push you out of harm's way.


Oh, THAT? Haha, you're gonna need to work out a LOT more if you want to try and push ME around.


A... anyways!




And now that you found a way to teleport outta that deathtrap, that's one less thing that we have to worry about--


... Captain, why the hell did you just jump back IN to the deathtrap?


Well, y'know... it wouldn't be nice.




Can you imagine how many months he must've been waiting to put his lovingly-crafted plan into effect?
I don't think that it'd be right to just ESCAPE from his trap, you know? It's probably going to be the only time that the poor bastard'll have the spotlight.


... I guess you got a point there. Hey, go beat the ever-loving crap outta those Wakiji, okay? We'll be there in a few.


Right. Oh, and tell Kohran that she still owes Ayame money, okay?


... this isn't a battle. It's a goddamn ice cream social.


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