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What If Ogami Decided To Be A Horrible Human Being?

Once upon a time, the Ichiro Ogami living in the parallel universe next door made a slightly different decision.


He decided that he really, really couldn't get enough of Kohran's insanely high-slit outfit it would be safer to bring Kohran back to his room, instead of trying to risk incurring the wrath of the ridiculous high-security systems set up around Kohran's own room.

It was just a short walk from the library to Ogami's own room, but he still moved as quietly as possible. Though it didn't seem like there was anyone on the second floor, Ogami still moved quickly, slipping past Ayame's room with nary a sound.

It honestly seemed as if Ogami was going to get away with this. Not that he was really going to do anything BAD to Kohran, of course- perish the thought. He just wanted a little... revenge. Ogami had been saving up a few gallons of hot mustard, cooked spaghetti, and even a lemon or two just for this occasion. Should he start with the Chinese water torture, or the--

Sadly, Ogami had forgotten about one person:

... he'd forgotten about the stalker who would undoubtedly be hanging around outside his room.


Eek! Sa, Sakura-kun...

Ogami had no good reason to be carrying an unconscious Kohran in his arms; no excuses could be made, since even Sakura's paranoia would be well-founded in such a situation.

He didn't have time to think up a plan to get past her, get around her, or even to return Sakura's question- why WAS she always outside his room? Had she been following him around all night, or was she simply hiding here and waiting for him to return?


Er, no, I...

Ogami was caught flat-footed. He could HEAR Sakura's faith in him plummet like a stone.

And though he didn't think it possible, the situation took a turn for the worse.


... Kohran is sleeping, isn't she. ... fine. I'll carry her back to her room.


B, but...

He had no doubts about what would happen to Kohran if he left her with Sakura- jealous, obsessive Sakura. He did his best to keep his grip on Kohran, but Sakura tore her away with an almost unnatural fervor.


No buts! I'm even more worried about what would happen if I left this to you!
Alright, Kohran... let's go.

Game to Sakura.

Kohran whimpered in her sleep, as if subconsciously aware of the horrors that could very well befall her in the next forty minutes.


Now then, Ogami-san. Please excuse me!

Sakura whirled away, easily carrying the slightly smaller Kohran as if she was nothing but a rag doll. But little did the swordswoman know that Kohran had more than her fair share of tricks up HER sleeve... the next forty minutes would be difficult for Sakura, as well.


... guess I'll go back to the nightly rounds to gather up my wits.

Ogami scuttled away, trying to figure out how to survive the next forty minutes. Even as he broke out into a flat-out run, he thought that he could hear the sound of sword catching on metal, along with a series of explosions, ringing out from Sakura's room...

The battle for supremacy had begun, and no matter which one of them- Sakura or Kohran- came out alive, Ogami knew that he did not want to get caught by the eventual victor.


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