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I keep forgetting to mention this, but I'm fairly certain that the little word bubbles above scenes are supposed to mean something. Once I determined that the bubble type isn't linked to what character is where, I never bothered learning WHAT they meant.

However, I DID memorize the white bubble plus music note combination, because that means one and only one thing:

Koi Koi.


It's going to be Kanna this time, huh... I've got to make sure that I won't be caught off-guard by one of your bold moves...


... like that one time we were playing Monopoly.


You kinda deserved it that time.


Kanna, most rational people don't dibs on the boot or the doggie by hurling the other players out the window.


Captain, I'm not rational. I'm Okinawan.


Besides, you didn't complain when Sumire caught you in that reverse Galactic Double Pleated Choke-hold.


Well, I kind of deserved THAT for letting Kohran tinker with the game pieces.


I don't know... I still think that Kohran was onto something with that mechanical cockfighting...



Right, let's hurry up and get started! Of course, you're gonna play, right?

As far as I'm usually concerned...

... there's only one correct choice here.


Let's do this, Kanna! Come on!!

Optional Video- Koi Koi- VS Kanna:
Google Version!
Youtube Version!

It was a fairly anti-climactic game. I just did what I always do...

I'd end the round the moment I scored any points whatsoever.


Look, I'm just not the type to take chances.


... you've consigned yourself to a life of fightin' demons wearing nothing but an oversized garbage can. If THAT ain't chance-taking, then what IS it?


The greatest career choice in the entire universe, if it weren't for my hyper-violent co-workers.


Yeah, I should probably give Maria a nice, stern warning if I were you. She's still gettin' out of hand lately, what with all that gunplay.


I... uh, indeed.


Ending the round even if I earn just one point? F.O.E.!


The last round ended by a stroke of sheer, stupid luck. I took what I could get.



I never thought that I'd get beat down THAT badly...


She's a pretty powerful opponent. Do your best, Captain!


Well, THAT was a pleasant post-game conversation, one that didn't contain needless praising, creepy overtures, or the sort of hyper-competitive, excuse-making teeth-gnashing that most sore losers engage in.


Fucking hell, she's got to be plotting something.



It's the costumes room, but... how come no one is ever CHANGING in here?


Hey, Sumire-kun. What're you up to? Checking up on the stage costumes?


No... that is not the reason. I simply find this room to be a nice and quiet place, so...


What about the salon? Wasn't that a nice and quiet place where you could drink tea and all?


... Kanna was hulking around up there, waiting for her next round of Koi Koi. She is the antithesis of 'nice and quiet,' Ensign.


That couldn't have been THAT bad--


She was lifting weights, Ensign.






... okay, that'd do it.



I see...



Ensign... if you were to sell your own love... how much would you set the price at?
How much money... would it take for you to be able to love someone else?


The price of love, huh...


Isn't that called 'prostitution'?


... haven't you even bothered WATCHING our play, Ensign?


Er... yes! Yes, of COURSE I have. Isn't it an action flick about the continuous battles between a prostitute and a penniless poet?




I- yes! And from what I've seen of the props, it is an epic story, featuring a thousand rampaging elephants!


Ensign, what in the world are you blathering on about? There are no battles, and there are NO rampaging elephants at all! I--


Wait, so you're telling me that Kohran DIDN'T have permission to build a thousand mechanized elephants and store them in the hangars?






... I believe that you might want to talk to her about that.


I... yeah.


Of course, the Ogami that we all know and love--

-- is a hopeless romantic.


I... don't want to answer that question. You can't put a price on something like love.


No! Love isn't something that you sell!! You can never set something like a price on that!




That is correct... you should not try to place a price on love.
To love someone... that should be endless thoughts rising up from the depths of one's heart.
To be swayed so easily by money... I believe that to be the height of wretchedness.


... says the woman who has her own Scrooge McDuck-ish money pool.


I do NOT.


Alright, fine, that was below the belt--


I have a money bubble bath.


... how does that even WORK? Can you even get gold and silver to bubble at a temperature that wouldn't kill a normal human being?


It... it was a better idea in theory than it was in practice.



Were you... testing me?


Hmmm... somehow, that's not very convincing.

Also known as one of the leads in "Love is a Diamond."


Thank you very much. Thanks to you, I believe that I can now play her part well.
Now then... I shall have to excuse myself here. Please have a good night's sleep...

Curse the Japanese language and its ability to cram an incredible amount of meaning into a ridiculously tiny box!


Ah... Ogami-san! I was just cleaning up the dressing room.


That's great, Tsubaki-chan. But it must be tough doing all this by yourself- shall I help as well?


Right then, I'll sweep and clean up a bit.


Yes, please! I'll get these make-up kits in order.


Wait... but I'd already finished sweeping?


Well, yes, I noticed. Why else do you think I would volunteer for this task?




Tsk tsk... you're still young. Someday, you'll see the importance of learning to shirk your duties like a ninja.



Hmmm... so this is the powder that Sumire-san is always using, huh...


Heheheh, this is a rare opportunity- I've got to make a memo of which brand this is!


Tsubaki-chan... you...


... you're stalking two people at once?


Of course! I mean, Sumire's chapter is coming up next, so I'm sure that you'll be able to find all SORTS of way to shatter her horrible bitchiness and turn her into a well-adjusted, lovable, and demure young woman!




Which, of course, is when I'll strike, much like I've begun taking greater and greater chances with Maria.


... I, uh... good luck with that.





I want to put on make-up and become pretty, like Sumire-san!


Like... Sumire?




You... want to become... like Sumire.




But, that... I... that isn't RIGHT, that... you...



Dear God in heaven, I can't unsee it.



When you see me after I put on make-up, I'm sure that I'll even make YOU swoon, Ogami-san!


Ah, aah... right.


If you can get Sumire's evil princess laugh nailed down, I'm sure you'll even be able to make me cringe in fear.


... I'll take that as a compliment!



Now then, I should get going. I've still got some work left to do at the shop!


See you later, Tsubaki-chan.








... what happened to cleaning up the dressing room?





.... sunnovabitch, she ran away.


NEXT TIME: Swimming! Stars! ... Failure!

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