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Hey, Kanna. You look troubled- what's wrong?


But I haven't been able to link my guard and my attack, so I've been having trouble.


Hey, Captain. If it's alright with you, could you spar with me for a bit?


Kanna, do I really look like I need to have every bone broken in my body today?


Awww, c'mon, Captain, it won't take too long! I just need you to give me your best shot.


... really? That's it?


Yeah! Look, I promose, you won't have to do anything else.


... okay, sure, I don't see why not. One punch, then, and that's it!


Yup! Gimme your best shot!



Alright... here we go! ... dyaah!?


Awright, I'll take advantage of that thrust... five continuous attacks!




Here we go!!











AAIIIIEEE-- dude, was that my kidney?!


Couldn't tell ya, Captain! Thanks for swinging by!


-- oh god my knees shouldn't be bending my legs perpendicular to the ground WHY, KANNA, WHY!?


Once you pop, you just can't stop! Seeya 'round!


With the detached numbness of the mortally wounded, Ogami reflected that he was leaving an awful lot of blood and/or internal fluids on the carpet for some poor bastard to clean.

With the detached numbness of those used to being flushed down the crapper on a regular basis (figuratively speaking), Ogami's next thought was that the poor bastard was probably going to be him.


Why, if it isn't-- good GOD, Ensign, what happened?


Kanna did. Sumire-kun... I think every bone in my body's broken, and I barely managed to drag myself this far, and I think my vision's tunneling, so could you drag me down to--



Huh? Sumire-kun, what--



... what!? Are you crazy? I--




I mean, yes'm. Just... just give me a second to drag my broken body up to a chair.





(Exactly how long does she plan to make me do this?)










Aaaah... there we go. Thank you, Ensign!


Oh, hell, no problem at all. It only took long enough for all of my injuries to heal naturally.


Glad to be of service. Ta-ta!


I send Ogami trekking back upstairs, because it's that time of month again: Koi Koi time.


We'd damn well BETTER have a good match, because I have been waiting here for hours.


It's a long story... let's just get this started. I'll shuffle the deck.




... there. Maria, draw--


D... draw the cards, Maria. I meant draw the CARDS.


I apologize, Captain. Some words still make me get a bit jumpy.


Nnnno problem. Couldja put that gun down? Please? Or at least do something about the safety catch?


What's a safety catch?






... could you just put the gun down and start the game?



I hosed up the video recording this time around, so I won't be able to put up a video link for the match itself. Those of you wishing to see a card game in action will have to turn to that newfangled Card Games channel, where they broadcast people playing children's card games 24/7.

Needless to say, nothing much was lost. The match DID involve a surprising amount of yelling on Maria's part, however.








It's just a card game! Calm down! Or at least let me write my will!!


S... sorry, Captain. I still get... jumpy about these kinds of games. They were a bit more... cutthroat back before I came to Japan. I have seen grown men- mob bosses, crime overlords, and their ilk- slaughter each other over single cards...


What kind of card games did you have back then?


... um.


They involved... c-cutesy little battling monsters tearing each others' throats out.


... good god, Maria, are you freaking seriou- I'M SORRY I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID THAT PUT THE GUN DOWN PLEASE.


Those were crazy times, Captain.


Are you sure those times actually ever ended?


. . . (one game later...) . . .


Whew... somehow, I managed to win...


... without dying needlessly...




Do your best, and don't let your guard down.

Two more people, huh? Well, out of the possible remaining strongest battlers...

... let's go check on one of them.


I've been waitin' fer ya, Ogami-han! Now, hurry up 'n c'mon in!!


Right, I'm coming in.

Amazingly, Ogami manages to remain somewhat calm.

This is, at the very least, one of the few benefits to being mentally scarred.


Ogami-han, what're ya lookin' around like that for. Over here!


.... eh!? Uwah, when did you get behind me? And furthermore... that's...


I can't decide whether that's awesome or frightening.


O... Ogami-Robo!? Don't tell me that in order to make this, everything up until now had been...


How's it feel, t' see yer very own self?




E, even this is wearing a ticket-taking outfit!?


Heheheh... it ain't jes' th' ticket-takin' outfit.
Ogami-han, I used yer data as th' base fer its inside body too, reproducin' even th' minute details.


Well... y'know... 'course, there were also some... unreplicable parts, too...




It's th' bellybutton. The bellybutton was a lost cause. There ain't any point t' havin' it there.










That's it?


Eh? Whaddaya mean?


Is that the only unmentionable body part?


Eh, the other one isn't even worth mentionin'!


... well, not only have you caused incredible amounts of trauma, you've managed to kill my self-confidence, too.


All inna day's work!



Also, if I added th' bellybutton, there wouldn't be any way t' tell it apart from th' real deal!


I, I see... I think that even with a bellybutton, you'd be able to tell the difference, though...


Right then, I'm activatin' th' Ogami-Robo! Switch on!!



Cheer up, Kohran. Your feelings make me happy enough.


Also... it's not like you to let one mistake get you down like that!



Eek! U... unit two!?


Ogami-han, I'm gonna need more effort from YOU, too. I'm countin' on ya!




So... all this was for the express purpose of making me a present?




Each and every one of those hours of mental AND physical scarring, spread across a few months of heart-bursting terror, were all for the sake of making me one single present?


That's right! It's jes' a small present.


Just a small-- good god, and it's not even a holiday or anything...


Thanks fer remindin' me, Ogami-han! When's yer birthday comin' u--


I don't have one!




I am philosophically against receiving presents! I am also religiously against receiving presents! In fact, I am also very much philosophically against receiving presents for religious reasons!!


Not even a-




Well, a'right, if ya insist... if you'll excuse me, I gotta go dump this here robot...


Wwwwwait, hold on a sec. Kohran, how fast can you repair this thing?


First off, the Ogami-Robo ain't a "thing," and it'll probably take me a few days-


Could you get it done faster?


Well, sure, but it won't work fer very long if--


That's no problem! I just need it to work for, oh, half an hour or so.


I guess, if'n you insist...

. . .


Hey, Iris, let's go on that date!


What? Really, Oniichan!?


Sure, just meet me in the lobby in about five minutes!


Yaaaaay! Thank you, Oniichan!! Iris needs to change, but she'll be right there!!

. . .

... thus, thanks to his robotic double, Ogami managed to free up the rest of his afternoon.

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