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EDIT: Holy shit, post #1,000 without even meaning to. ... anyone know what the post limit in threads is?

1) A'right, first things first: updated votecount (and yes, this means "everyone's votes noted, yes, everyone, I'm looking at all of you people who decided to vote within the same day holy shit postflood" )!


First Place: 25


Second Place: 21


Third Place: 17


Fourth Place: 15


Basic rundown: Sumire's pulled ahead, Maria's lagging behind, and Kohran, while still fourth, is gaining on Kanna's third place- she has garnered an incredible number of votes in an impressive amount of time.

I still maintain that it's anyone's race at this point in time, because we still have some chapters to go before The Great Big Decision. I'm looking forward to it.

2) Secondly, I'll have an update ready for tomorrow; I've settled back into stuff and am more or less used to the new software I'm using. However, it's not the "What-If" Iris date. Not yet, anyway.

3) And finally, I made some minor edits to the LAST update, mostly in the form of more narration because I've been getting lazy in that respect.

Adahn1986 posted:

I've got to hand it to you, it took hours just to read through this, and that's while ignoring everyone else's posts. Translating and editing all the screenshots yourself has got to be a monumental bitch, and I'd just like to let you know that I think you kick ass.

Heh. Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

Ganduro posted:

I've lurked for a while on this thread, but realized I never got around to posting, so. This thread has actually spawned in-jokes between friends and I. Feel confident in your humour, SpiritArmor, it's better than mine.

I'm both getting a gigantic ego boost that's going straight to my head flattered and mildly disturbed by having spawned in-jokes. It's like hearing that my thread's gone off and had illegitimate children behind my back.

Lobsterman posted:

Because you can never have too much ... unless you're Ogami.

In which case your mind is probably not quite all there anymore, so the point is moot.

Grunduggerer posted:

Can you have an explosion fetish? Kohran seems awfully satisfied there.

GruntyThrst posted:

The internet has taight me that yes, you can have an explosion fetish.

This is why a vote for Kohran is a vote for victory.


... no.

Dammit, I'm never going to see Kohran the same way ever again. Not that I haven't been twisting peoples' perceptions of her already, but never you mind that.

Canuck-Errant posted:

Hey, Spirit Armor. Are you back enough that a parcel sent to you would actually get to you?

Also, there's apparently an entire line of Sakura Wars figurines. Neat, eh?

Yup, and I'm going to email you after I'm done with this post. And I wouldn't be surprised by that; I actually picked up a semi-set of Sakura Wars capsule dispenser figurines over the holiday break.

RedMagus posted:

Thanks to the prodding of Seorin, I took 3 days to read through this thread (mostly at work since I'm bored crapless).

I can only wish we had steam powered PCs.

Voting for...Dammit, I'm stuck in a 3 way tie between the hot russian sniper, the rich snob, and the tall girl. either way though, this thread has got my love! You have no idea how hard it is to keep from cackling like Kohran a madman while reading this.

Also, since the robot's been sent on a date with Iris, that means we'll be able to get it's memory circuits and see what *could* of been, right?

Awesome. I'm glad you're liking the thread so far! Good luck figuring who to vote for (and congratulations, now you know what it's like to play the game for the first time and having to decide which pilot you're ultimately going to shoot for).

TapamN posted:

If anyone is interested, I can probably upload videos of the DC's Sakura Taisen minigames at some point, since only the hanafuda one seems to have made it over into the PS2 version. (Although only Sakura's minigame is really worth playing...) Putting up a video of the grid based battle system is also an option.

Glad to have you here! -- also, fuck yes, that'd be awesome no matter when you get them out. Thanks!

TapamN posted:

I can't remember reading in the thread whether or not you are going to do the other Sakura Taisen games. Are you? There are some great moments of Oogami pain in ST3, and then in ST4 there's the amazing  every-Paris-and-Tokyo- hanagumi-member-walks-in-on-Oogami bath scene . I'd like to see your take on them. Not to mention that ST1 is probably the worst out of all of the three I've finished... having to put up with Iris and the awful Sumire/Kanna chapter and final chapter make it rank much lower with me. ST3 and ST4 never had such large sections of concentrated stupidity.

Yup. It's probably going to take me an assload of time, but I'm planning to run through the rest of the main Sakura Wars games- 2, 3, 4, and even V.

TapamN posted:

 I also greatly enjoy seeing one of Kohran's inventions foreshadowed timebombs walk off with Iris. I am waiting in anticipation for the inevitable result. 

 WHICH inevitable result? Oh ho ho ho. 

CannonFodder posted:

I will not stand for such nonsense. Thinly veiled lesbianism is always a good thing, no matter how stupidly it plays out.

Without giving too much away... well, you're probably going to be disappointed if you're expecting THAT.

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