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And now, the battle, linked here for completeness' sake.

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This stage is almost exactly like the one we'd last fought on, switch-triggered bridges and all. The only differences are 1) it's nighttime, and 2) there are fewer enemies. It's a literal walk in the park.

A burst of Wind...

A few, Kanna-enabled switch-hitting errands up to the north...





And an incredible amount of violence later...

... the last Wakiji falls. We're in.


Ogami-kun! Please hurry up and reach Maria's position!!


Yessir, understood! We'll have Maria out of there soon!!




Ogami-san! There's a locket on the ground!


... this is MARIA'S locket!!






What? What?








(Good god, I'm surrounded by asshats.)









... seriously, don't you have anything BETTER to do than stand around and laugh at people?


Look, this is part of my JOB, and I really need the money.


And maybe a manicure?


What do you think I'm saving up FOR?



Until then, that woman's life is in my hands!!



You just now figured this out?


Well, y'know. Up 'til now, all those Wakiji really DID was kick around a few barrels, a few houses, some food stalls, and maybe one or two KIDS, but...


... and the whole 'destruction of humanity' thing?


I thought it was some kinda joke or something! I mean, the Hive of Darkness couldn't find its way out of a paper bag if you gave them a flashlight and a Swiss Army knife!


True, Kanna. You'd at least need to give them a map, too.


I hate you guys so much.



Ensign! Look at that!



Or they could just be saying "ha ha, we have a nifty boat and you don't."


... well, yes, it IS true that not very many boats are capable of running on their OWN, but that's really not the point here.



Ogami-san! This is a trap.


Won't you just knock it off already!?


I, uh, I just thought that you'd want to know tha--


Look, I've lived through Kanna kicking me in the face, Kohran kicking me in the gonads, and I've even changed my own clothes without a hitch. I can figure out that this situation is kind of a tra--


-- aaaAAAAAGH!!


... I was TRYING to tell you, Ogami-san-- this locket is booby-trapped.






It's not like we have a choice in the matter if we want Maria to come out alive. Seriously, what ELSE can we do? Call in an airstrike and level Tsukuji to the ground?


Now THERE'S a good idea if I've ever heard one. Shogeimaru, main cannon standing by.





If I can't even protect my own troops, then what kind of a captain am I!


A really shitty one?


Tha, that was a rhetorical question, m'm.


That's what you'll be if you don't let me press this big shiny 'FIRE' button.


I'll also be a grease stain on the pavement, ma'am.





Listen up... if it's only Maria who manages to make it back...
Then reorganize the Flower Division with her as captain!


I will definitely rescue Maria! ... I'm leaving the rest to you!







Guess the boat ain't so nifty after all. The damn thing sank like a rock.


Don't jes' stand there, we gotta save the Koubu that guy who was incidentally piloting my baby Ogami-han!!





Heheheheh.... so you've arrived, Ogami. How courageous!




Maria! Are you alright!?


No, and you're a dick for asking.


... Maria. What the hell, man.


Er, sorry. Knee-jerk reaction.



It's just as you see...


Ensign! Why did you come!?




E... Ensign?


Setsuna, you bastard!! What have you DONE to her!?


Er... nothing? I mean, I strung her up on this cross, and maybe the imagery's a bit too subtle, but--


You've turned her into a maiden in distress!! What the fuck have you done?!


Wait, calm down, she was very cooperative! I didn't have to do a THING to her!


He's actually been pretty accommodating, Ensign. He didn't even damage my Koubu.


... isn't that just a really, really fucking stupid idea? I mean, he could've shoved it off the docks or someth-


Shut UP, you fool, he hasn't caught on yet.



I'm the captain of the Flower Division. It's only natural that I'll come and rescue my troops!


This is a trap!! Run!


Good GOD, haven't ANY of you guys thought that I'd at least be capable of figuring out THIS much for myself!?


Well, you WERE pretty dense about the whole "secret brigade" thing a while back--


That doesn't count, you guys were scaring me out of my wits.


... and we DON'T still scare you?


I've built up a whole lot of emotional scarring since then!


That's... really not something to be proud of, Ensign.



... yes, this might be a trap. Yes, I might be making an error in judgment.
But to just give up on you and leave you here... I just can't do it!!


For the sake of someone like me... you really...


... are a fucking idiot, Ensign.


Look, do you REALLY need to mess up all of my dramatic moments like this?


I'm strung up like a Christmas decoration with a maiden-in-distress expression and boobs. It's not like I have anything better to do.



(No, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any better battlecries.)


You got out of your fucking robot!?


How the hell would I have fit it into this room!? Besides, YOU--


I was forced out of my Koubu at swordpoint!!


... well, okay, fine, can't we just chalk it up to the dramatics of the moment or something?


Fine, fine...



Stand up! Ogami!! It's no fun if you died this easily...





Hahaha! I am, in fact, so confident of the foolproofness of my plan that I'm just going to keep hitting the same place over and over again.


... y'know, it's times like this that I really start to wonder how demonkind's survived for so damn long.



U... urgh.... M, Maria...


Pff, hahaha...!! What's wrong... captain of the Imperial Assault Force! How spineless!





Wait, that's-- ... oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me AYAAAAMEEEEE--



Wh, what's going on!?


Ayame and her wonderful technicolor death blimp, that's what. Could you scrape my kidneys off of that wall over there?



Hold it right there!






H, how did you get here...!?


There's a transmitter device attached to each member's uniform for times like these!


Wait. Wait. So... you KNEW about these things?




... and you waited until AFTER we spent this amount of time tracking down Maria, AFTER we've spent over half an hour fighting off Wakiji, and AFTER I've been gibbed in the shoulder?


Well, it doesn't sound as cool when you put it THAT way.


... AND you know where anyone is at any point in time.


Oh, yes.


Good lord in heaven.



Ch'!! It doesn't matter how many of you there are, it'll all end in the same way!


With your messy death?


... can I rephrase that?


Ahahahaha-- no.



Well, well, you're sure acting tough, huh? Now then...


I'm payin' you back in full... for all the hurt you've caused Maria!


Captain! Leave this part to us!


Maria's Koubu can still be used, so hurry up and join th' rest of us.


Now, quickly!!


Yup, we're idiots... but... isn't that what comrades are for?


... to be idiots?


No, to be idiots... together!!


... I must say, you're not being very convincing, Ensign.



We will never leave you to be alone! Now, it's our turn!!

NEXT TIME: The Last Fight of the Chapter, With...

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