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Everyone's full of spirit (except for Sakura), and Kohran's first in the rankings, but...

... the stats say otherwise. Kanna is, once again, some kind of freakishly unstoppable monstrosity (9 atk, 9 def, 9 move), though Kohran and Sumire are giving her a run for her money.

Sakura? I guess she's just kinda there.




You have to admit that even when Maria's being a colossally stubborn idjit...








... she can still act really fucking cool.




Kukukukuku.... so it appears that you truly fear letting others know about your past!



Hahaha! You've completely fallen for my trap!!


What the-- you just TELEPORTED these Wakiji in from out of the blue! That's not fair!


Fair? FAIR? Do YOU want to talk about fair?! YOUR boss doesn't force you all to sortie one at a time, instead of getting all us big nobs together and sweeping through the Imperial Capital in a matter of minutes! All WE get are stupid Wakiji!


Well, you--


YOU'VE got flashy finals and protects and strategies, too, and all those cool uniforms! Do you know what I have? Huh?!


That doesn't--


I've been ten years old for countless millennia and all I get out of the deal is a fucking bowl cut and the most ridiculously cheesy laugh the world has ever known!! Tell me why I shouldn't just defy the laws of drama and tear you to bits right now, the easy way!!


I could just pop open the hatch of my Koubu, pull out my pistol, and plug your face full of holes.


... point taken. Let's... let's just get you inside.


~ Fin.

... how the hell did she EXPECT this encounter to go?

Some time later, despite the fact that Maria came here on foot and everyone else drove in by blimp...


And Maria?


I strongly advise letting Kohran go in first to disarm any explosives she may have left behind.


To keep the Wakiji away, right?


... what do YOU think, Ogami-kun?


I'm thinking that it'd have been more prudent to allow us to wear bulletproof vests, actually.


We're not made of money. We can't spend money to protect that which is easily replaceable.


I... you guys can afford to launch a giant freakin' blimp anytime you WANT, for crying out loud! And by replaceable, you're--


Maria won't shoot to kill, she'll just shoot to excruciating amounts of pain. Organs and limbs are replaceable.


How about sanity and peace of mind!?


I think Kohran knows a thing or two about brain transplants--





Ogami-kun, your priority is to get closer and investigate the area around her Koubu.




The previous scene in video format. With motion!

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