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Wyvernil posted:

There's just no escaping it, is there?

Even in a game like this, there's always BARRELS.

I wonder if they explode when someone shoots them, too?

Given what we've seen with those food stands the first stage, I'd have to say... yes.

TheGreenAvenger posted:

Aoki Setsuna's voice is deceptively manly. His balls have dropped? At THAT AGE?

It's the Disgaea law of age and demons: you never fucking know.

Morgenthau posted:

And I'd thought the impact the kid was thrown in would have caused a concussion at least but he manages to get up and climb a barrel thrice his size and look on in fear. Yay for improbable anime physics!

Oh god it's that freaky water-adapted Mobile Suit.

After half of what we've been seeing so far, I'm finding myself less worried the "how" and more concerned about WHY he'd do that. Two teams of robots are about to turn the town into an experiment in unleashing as much firepower as possible, and at least one team has a tendency to kill humans on sight.

... okay, fine, both teams.

Sindai posted:

It could be worse. It could be crates.

... motherfucking crates. Not only can you break 'em open and use them to trigger switches, you can use them to turn impassable moats into the easiest puzzles ever.

What CAN'T they do?!

Dominic Hokage posted:

The tongue-in-cheek in this game/show never fails to amuse me. We have a bunch of bad guys who have very specific goals that amount to medium property damage and public mischief. To stop them is a secret military force that disguises itself as a theatre troupe and its mode of transportation rearranges large stretches of real estate and includes a vast underground railway network.


But yeah, it's the type of series that, in many ways, you'd be hard-pressed to take seriously (ESPECIALLY with how the first game's presented).

Grunduggerer posted:

Why do I keep imagining Kanna singing this in a really off-key voice while training?

Because it's the type of thing that she'd do, regardless of how much pain it would inflict on everyone within earshot?

Dominic Hokage posted:



Glazius posted:

Also, prebattle screen with current ticker updates on the fight for Ogami's heart plz?

Also also, there's easily something which is heavier than a Koubu around, and that is TWO Koubu, but putting two units on one square is unpossible and also extremely dangerous when one of them is Sakura.

Whoops, forgot my stats.


Kanna's the only super-happy pilot, and that's only because the chapter focused in on her... she's got +7 attack, +6 defense, and +1 movement. You can probably figure out the other pilots' boosts from there. Given how little time we were given before the fight, there hasn't been much chance to really work on any of the other pilots (like Sakura), so.

Also, the Koubu would pretty much have to be standing on each others' heads. And according to official sources, a Koubu is something like 1,000 lbs or a couple hundred kg or something (though only half that when it's activated with a pilot inside).

And then, yeah, you have to worry about whether or not one or more of the pilots will survive being in such close proximity while empowered by their death robots.

Sylphosaurus posted:

You know, I'd kill to hear Kanna sing that song.

... I don't think I can ever unsee Kanna as Gaston now.

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