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Insane Totoro posted:

Sumire must win! If only for the reason that Iris creeps me out more and more each time I read this thread.

Vote noted!

Morgenthau posted:

As I said, fastest way to lower Iris' love points towards you: Gatecrash her shower scene. Though mind-scarring, it's effective!

... she has a shower scene?

Psychodude posted:

Agreed. The MS paints seem to convey Ogami's horror in a very lovely fashion.

Also, I'm formally throwing my vote in for Maria. The poor girl seems to need the help right now. SHE'S COLD BECAUSE SHE LOVES YOU! IT'S JAPAN IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE!!

Thanks. Then... the drawings have fulfilled their purpose.

Also, vote noted... a while back, actually.

Wyvernil posted:

I'm also agreeing with the notion that the Paint pictures help the effect(of soul-crushing horror, at least).

Looking forward to the next update, whenever that might be. Wonder if it's time to introduce the last pilot yet?

Yay, soul-crushing horror!

Also: yes.

The Lone Badger posted:

I'm going to have to vote for Maria here. Because I'm pretty sure that if we piss her off enough we're going to get assassinated by a mysterious sniper and she'll be forced to take over command for the good of the country.

BlondRobin posted:

(In Which Ogami Gets Assassinated By A Mysterious Sniper And Maria Is Forced To Take Over Command For The Good Of The Country.)

....... I love you goons.

Grunduggerer posted:

(In Which A Rocket-Powered Part Of Ogami Gets More Action Dead Than Alive.)

.... rocket-powered.

... no... no, I don't see that ending well at all.

Dominic Hokage posted:

Oh gawd, Awesome-chan can't arrive soon enough!

Yeah, the above stories really put everything into perspective, huh.

Grunduggerer posted:

Pilot 6 has just as much crazy as 1-5, I suspect.

Sumire Legion onward - because everyone else will end up killing Ogami within a year.


Also, I'd give it like... half a year.

Verbose posted:

I'd like to vote for Maria again and have it count twice.

That would be madness.

I mean, like, more madness than that which takes place at the theater on a daily basis.

Wyvernil posted:

'd say it's about high time for a new update, myself.

Where's that OP? I'd have thought with the long break that he'd have gotten though all of chapter 3 by now.

Remember that it usually takes me about 3-4 days to crank out an update, so... I only managed to get about one and three-quarters updates done during my probation'd time.

Update's coming tomorrow, 'cause most of it's done.

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