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And here it is!

---- BATTLE #2 BOSS! - VIDEO ----

Google Edition.
Youtube Edition.

"The enemy-san has left!"
~ An anonymous MS (Mobile Suit) pilot- he was subsequently shot by his superior officer. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the squad's morale went up an unprecedented one hundred and fifty percent.





As usual, we win an excessive number of points in the 'looking totally badass' category.


Alright... we've routed the enemy. The Imperial Capital Tower is also fine.


I.... jeebus, don't tell me that Tenkai's been sitting right on top of what he's been wanting to destroy this entire time. It's like some mecha anime version of the Tortoise and the Hare.

Okay, so he could've been waiting until NOW to destroy it so that he could take his victory and rub it in our faces.

Or the Hive of Darkness's big boss is just going to wipe us all out in one fell swoop.

... I'm not really liking any of these possibilities.


You fiend, what ARE you?!


I am Tenkai! The great commander of the Hive of Darkness... and both the first and the final ruler of the Imperial Capital!





You fools who dare hinder my ambitions... you are much too haughty!!
None of you are fit to serve as my opponent!!

That said, Tenkai suddenly screamed in pain as he realized that he'd set the flames to be a little too hot.




Ensign! Behind you!!


Hahaha. C'mon, guys, you seriously don't expect me to fall for something like THAT, do you?


Ensign, there really IS something behind you!


You too, Maria? I didn't think that yo-


"I don't need to cover your back," she says.

"The commander should be the one who determines who's back needs watching," she says.


Demon-Driven Mechanical Soldier: KAGE

Basically, 'Shadow.' Gosh, I never would've seen that name coming.

As a testament to Ogami's quick reaction skills, it only takes him a good five seconds to double-take at the Wakiji's flashy entrance.

One Wakiji versus five Koubu? Eh, this couldn't POSSIBLY be a challenge.

... even though Tenkai seems so confident in its ability to destroy us that the old coot just goes home.


Wh, what! Is this... a Wakiji?


Aah, you're right... our objective is to destroy the demon-driven mechanical soldier! Everyone, don't let your guard down!



And the boss battle begins where the last fight left off. This time, the Flower Division starts off on the highest plateau, in front of the tower; facing us are Kage and the two gun Wakiji, and there's a third Wakiji off to the side, next to Kohran and Maria.

Shield Maria...

Hit up the defensive 'Mountain' strategy...


And go give Kage what for. This won't take too lo-

... huh. It appears that Ogami's mounting mental instability has crippled his ability to fight. Ah, well.


Well, you know, Tsubaki, it IS trying to kill us.


Aaah... understood. We'll monitor the situation cautiously.



For now, Kohran gets clean-up duty.

After Sakura gets a stern talking-to about how she really shouldn't keep blinding her own teammates with her lens flaring drama katana quick-draw technique...

... I send her to go help Ogami smack around Kage. Sadly, Sakura's 'Ouka Houshin' can only hit units on the same terrain height. The gun Wakiji gets away scot-free.


Well, fuck.

One hit for the hell of it.

... this type of thing is generally the first indication that something has gone horribly, horribly wrong with the world.

And as if this weren't bad enough, it's the return of obsessive psycho stalker Sakura and her inexplicable, inappropriately-timed fits of IRRATIONAL AND BURNING JEALOUSY.


Wha?! Sakura-kun, what're you talking about all of a sudden?!


That woman... did anything happen with her?

This isn't the best time, woman, we're facing down what may or may not be a totally invincible engine of destruction.




Nothing at all. So... Sakura-kun, you don't need to worry about a thing.


Eh..... is that true....?


But of course. Don't you believe in me?


N..... no. Um..... I'm sorry.

Just when Sakura was on her way back to being a normal, somewhat sane human being, the game has to go and throw THIS conversation out at us.


It's alright. Sakura-kun... can you come along with me?



Off they went, skipping through a field of flowers and totally ignoring the deadly battle raging around them.


And then Sakura got shot at a whole bunch.

Ogami, too. God, I love karmic backlash.

Still, these mid-battle conversations continue to both astound AND frighten me.


My lord, we've succeeded in cracking the Flower Division's encoded transmissions. Now, we can listen in on their plans and strategies!


Very good. Let's hear what those fools are always babbling about amongst themselves!





But I was only asking how everyone's doing-




No, wait, Sakura-san, this is all some sort of giant misunderstanding that's my fault for some inexplicable reason!!


Ensign! Bring on the spotlights! Lift the curtains! My legion of loyal fanboys are waiting! Oh~hohohohoho~!!


Ogami-han, I've invented the prosthetic limb!! Hold still an' let me shoot yer legs off so I can try attachin' it t' yer bleeding stumps!!









Setsuna. Let us never speak of this again.


Yes, my lord.

This particular battle marks a turning point for the game, as every single boss we encounter from here on out will have a special little something that can make our lives hell:



.... they all have final attacks of their own.

Though I guess Ogami's just resistant to getting impaled and exploded.


Guh.... what's with this guy... he's... stronger than he looks!


Please be careful! That demon-driven mechanical soldier is different from anything you've faced thus far!!


Its attacks are powerful, but it looks like its defense is even stronger!!



Even if you flat-out attack it, you might not be able to beat it! You've got to think of some sort of strategy!!


Ogami, it's just as you hear!! Don't overdo it by throwing yourselves at it!


Yes... understood. We'll be careful when flanking it.

What? Fuck THAT shit, Kage can only hit one of us at a time in addition to doing crap damage. We're Kouburolling him. It.




.... we're in the middle of battle. Please keep it brief.



Uh, um....


Nah, let's keep it at least mildly intelligent.


It's about Kohran....


While her machine is first-class, her spritiual energy isn't that high.
And because her Koubu was made to specialize in making long-ranged attacks....
I believe it would be better to let her fight from a distance.


I see... would you happen to... know anything else?

For instance, the number of high-ordinance WMDs she has stashed in her room, the number of bungholes she's violated, how many chibi-robo suicide pilots she has stashed away in her walking death Koubu...


I believe that covers everything important when it comes to battle. ... cutting communications here.


.... I was hoping that she'd at least tell me about Kohran's interests or her favorite foods or something like that.
... Maria's very serious, huh.


Ogami's such a trooper, always thinking of the best ways to get into peoples' pants.

Regardless, the next few turns go smoothly as the Flower Division settles in for the long haul. Kage's going to be a bitch to take down.

Sumire takes out a grunt...

... Ogami cuts and cuts and cuts and cuts...

... Sakura takes out the last grunt standing...

-- and comfortably settles back into her obsessive mindset, in which Ogami is the center of her little mental mindscape.

Forget caution, I'm just going to get everyone I have to dogpile Kage.


Even if I have to mercilessly slaughter a couple trillion unwilling chibi-robos to accomplish this task.

It's kind of tragic how their once-glittering eyes have taken on the dead, soulless glaze of Iris's stuffed animals men who have become completely disillusioned with their lot in life.

SO MUCH HEALTH. This calls for a randomly dramatic support attack!

"Ogami-han!" "Got it!!"

And so on, and so forth. The fight rages on, with neither side gaining the upper hand. Days pass. Weeks fly by. The seasons change. The battle stretches on for years.


Little did we know, however, that we would be facing a new terror from the skies...


... and the loss of two of our best pilots through an unexpected betrayal.


(Or just through willful negligence).

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