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Morgenthau posted:

Whoops, guess I was a bit overenthusiastic with my words there. I apologize, it's just that I'm having a lot of fun in this LP and it's kind of exciting to see another SW player who has played the game as in-depth as I did. I'm sorry if I said a bit too much but I have refrained from the big parts. I'll be more careful next time.

Don't worry about it, I know exactly how you feel. You're like one of the handful of people I've seen who have even HEARD of this series, and you know a shitload about it, to boot.

Psychodude posted:

Wow, how did I miss this thread? I'm a big fan of the fact that you're translating this as you go. It's nice to see people putting so much work into their LPs.

So far I'm really liking Maria and Kohran, but the Mysterious Finger Blowjob lady might pull ahead. We all know how much dating-sim protagonists love finger blowjobs!
Both giving AND receiving, right Shiki?

(maid finger fellatio!)

This is one of the many series that needed both translating and some measure of exposure, given how damn popular it's been in Japan. Making an LP is the only way I can accomplish both without having to translate every possible branch, conversation, and ending that this game has to offer. And that anything is Sakura Wars is riffable is one hell of a bonus. Glad you're enjoying this so far!

... good god, Tsukihime, too? Well, this is as good a place as any to unveil an awesome magic trick.

*Jeopardy theme*

Ta-da! She's tied the bandaid around his finger using only her tongue! Give it up for the amazing Minami Makimura!!

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