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((UPDATE: PART 3/4))


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Last tutorial ever, guys, I promise!

As the upbeat battle march starts playing once again, Ogami is hailed by Sakura, taking all the momentum out of their charge into battle.


Look, if it's about my previous mistakes, I was young and inexperienced! I've learned a LOT about Koubu control since then! Besides, it wasn't MY fault that those kids were in the way!!


Yes, Ogami-san, we know. You've improved a LOT since yesterday, and we're very proud of you for-


... wait, WHAT kids?


Nothing that had to do with the red paste you guys found on my Koubu yesterday! Nothing at all!!


Do you know about "Special Attacks"?


.... special attacks?

Not to be confused with Final Attacks.


If you would like, I can teach you how to use them...

And we get to the final tutorial in the game!


Aah, you're right. I'd appreciate it.


"Special Attacks" use your spirit gauge when activated, and are attacks with added effects.


Ogami-san, you get the attack-boosting "Brave Sword"...
... while I'm able to use the "Retreating Demon" to destroy the enemy's defense!


Given how they can be used, its sounds like they could be really powerful. So, how do you use them?


Okay, on the fifth hit of a five-hit combo, if you press any button other than the 'O' button, you'll be able to use a Special Attack.


Now then... I'll give it a try.

The only requirements are as such: you've got to be able to hit the enemy five times, and you need to have something in your spirit energy gauge.

Instead of pressing 'O' on the fifth attack....

... you can press anything else and get an added effect.

Not shown: 96 damage, in addition to disabling the Wakiji's defense. Each character's special attack gives a different effect, which I'll get into whenever I end up using them (which I rarely do, because I'm an unstrategic bastard AND because I prefer to blow spirit energy on final attacks and their straight-up damage.)


That's all the explanation for the "Special Attacks." Did you understand that?


Aah, thanks... I'll try it out during the actual fight. Now then, cutting communications.


Ensign, you're the goddamn commander. Why on earth would you be cutting communications?


... s-sorry, I got sorta carried away.

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