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((UPDATE: PART 2/4))


Sakura! "Stalking with more subtlety than ever before!"

Sumire! "Gaze upon your goddess!"

Maria! "Keep your hands where I can see them!"

Kohran! "More cannons than GOD!"

O~gami!! "Why does my mecha have a lazy eye?!"



GOOD GOD, the force of our sheer unbridled awesome was too much for his old man heart to take!

We win it!

-- oh, no, it's just demonic teleportation to the top of the tower.


Which means... if th' enemy wrecks the Imperial Capital Tower, our mission's failed, ain't it.


Protect the Imperial Capital Tower, huh. It's an important mission, isn't it....

... Ogami could scarcely believe that this wasn't just some really good dream, or some hallucination of something finally going right. A task other than protecting some snack stalls, or gleefully cutting the fingers off guests clipping tickets! Hell, NOTHING could go wrong now!!


And then the cannon fired, killing them all in an instant. Yeah, it WAS too good to be true.


I'm vaguely annoyed that they can't actually dodge like that in the actual game, as in so many other strategy RPGs.

On the other hand, it's a refreshing change not to have to worry about dodge/hit rates and trying desperately to hit some bastardly dodgemonkey boss. Lord knows I have enough trouble with Sumire's shitty movement moving people where they need to be.

"Ya call that a cannon?!" Kohran cracked, bringing her own weapons up to bear. "I've stuck bigger things up Ogami-han's bunghole!!"

Meanwhile, Ogami curled up in his cockpit and cried bitter, bitter tears over his lost innocence.


Th, that was close, they took us off guard.... what in the world was that cannon?

To his credit, he recovered quickly.


Steam-Powered Fire Arrows.....? You mean the projectile explosives weapon that I learned about in the naval academy?


Exactly! But because the Steam-Powered Fire Arrows are turrets set to face one direction...


If y'all move forward without standin' in front of 'em... they won't be able t' aim at ya!

... sadly, Wakiji apparently aren't nearly smart enough to man the turrets themselves and aim them as necessary.


Right, I understand! We'll protect the Tower, and destroy the enemy!!



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