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Battle, part 1!

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Really!? What's the data say?


To sum it up, you won't have any luck if you attack the devices normally.


What did you say!? What do you mean?


Those devices cycle between two phases.
The first is the demonic power amplification phase. At that time, demonic power rises to a crescendo.
Because of that, it temporarily becomes immune to all attacks made against it.


The other one is its demonic power release phase, when its demonic power runs down to almost nothing.
So... it'll only be affected by attacks.
Because the device leaks demonic power in its release phase, it should glow bluish-white.


So if it's not in its release phase, then there's no point attacking it!?


Yes, exactly.


Well, shit, that seems needlessly complicated. We're in trouble, aren't we. I mean, we're at the mercy of some demonic summoning device that apparently becomes immune on a rhythm we don't actually KNOW about, so-



Also, the Koubus' movement will cause the device to switch between its amplification and release phases.
It seems that the devices is matching the Koubus' movement by releasing and amplifying demonic power.


I see. Then... we'll be fine if we walk around the devices until we lure them into their release phase?


Yes, that's exactly it. You'll be able to destroy them if you hit them while they're emitting a bluish-white light.


... wow, talk about yer design flaws.


I know, right? You'd think that they'd capitalize on the whole 'complete immunity' thing to-


Naw, it's- look, if AH were designin' somethin' like that, I'd add at least fifty big guns t' make it impossible fer us t' walk around 'til the weak point shows itself!


Ooh. That WOULD work, wouldn't it.


An' Ah'd ferget about splittin' th' devices up like that- jes' slap 'em all into th' core of some kinda walkin' death machine! That way, you'd get a big mobile killer robot that spawns Kouma every round an' sprays bullets into th' scenery every two seconds!


... an' then nothin' would ever stand in my way, ever again.


O... one step at a time, Kohran.



Right, hit them when they're glowing. Everyone, let's go!!

Well, it's once again time to rape face. Asking the higher-ups gets us the usual obvious spiel:


The enemy has placed devices called "Maraiki" near the four corners of the theater- and they're producing Kouma!!


Before the Kouma destroy our theater...


Please destroy all four of the "Maraiki"! We're counting on you, Ogami-san!!

... so yeah.




And it seems that this battle, Ogami's got a pretty big affinity with the wind and storms, which powers up the 'Wind' strategy.

Which actually makes sense, because Ogami seems to be all about the lightning... but then, since the Wind strategy is powered up by all the "blue" answer choices during the nightly rounds, which are all of the cool guy Casanova answers...

Oh lord, the thought of those answer choices being Ogami's default canon personality worries me to no end.

The damned things are arranged kind of haphazardly- there's a second one just out of sight to the left, making it ludicrously easy, but...

On the south side of the theater, a ~MYSTERIOUS ROCK BARRIER~ separates the last two (there's another one out of sight to the left), so I'll have to split the team into three squads: one to destroy the device pictured here, one for the northern two, and one to destroy the one just out of sight.


... millions of yen into the development and production of these Jinbu and they can't blast through a pile of rocks?


Hey now, ya darn well know what these babies're capable of!


... it's jes' that their power output don't have no middle ground b'tween "off" an' "whoops, did Ah jes' accidentally blow a hole through th' side of th' theater?"


... I suppose that WOULD be mildly counterproductive to our mission of guarding the theater, yes.


Well, actually, if ya jes' redefine th' terms of the mission to "make sure those damn demons don't step foot into th' theater," then if there ISN'T actually a theater for them t' get INTO an' all...


Okay, yeah, that's kind of a slippery slope there, Kohran.


More slippery than goin' through every nook an' cr-




And to make things even MORE complicated, we've got to stop the Kouma from getting into that door behind Kohran AND the door on the opposite side of the theater.

Thankfully, the first two devices are in ridiculously easy reach.


Yeah, the wind version of his final attack really DOES fit with his theme better.

Anyway, the devices are... really weak. The bulk of this particular stage? Legwork. And also getting potshotted at by Kouma.


For some reason, most of the pilots are in a so-so mood- probably because we haven't had a lot of time to talk to them.

Kanna comes right into view of the southeastern device, but that's about as far as she can go this round.


Maria and Kanna can handle the southeastern front- she's going to go give backup to Ogami while the rest of the team deals with the southwest.


The shooty Kouma turtle up next to their devices and/or shoot their attackers...




And Ogami takes VERY little damage.

Kohran's turn comes up! AND BOY IS SHE PISSED.


She destroys the Kouma next to the device and does some decent damage, but we've got some ways to go.

MEANWHILE! ... Maria is happy.


Not bad.


Same to you.

And another Kouma explodes into goopy grape juice.

... is also unhappy for some oblique reason. Welp, I'll just slot her next to Sakura.

... and it appears that only Maria's mood is neutral or above this battle.


Battle, part 2!

Youtube Link!

And now... well, it's the bizarro crystal thingies' turns, and-


No, the beam of light doesn't come crashing back down to make a Kouma. It just... pops out of the ground. Ah, THE WONDERS OF DEMONTECH. This process repeats itself three more times, one for each device remaining on the field.

And we're right back to the start of this guy's turn!

After exploding the Kouma, the device goes, too.


Right! Three to go!!

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