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Kanna's up to bat again.



Two Kouma and the half of the second device!

Kohran takes a beating, but she's probably okay.


But she'll be fine after sucking out huge amounts of health from the device!

... or, you know, she WOULD be if 1) her attack bonuses weren't so horrible this battle, and 2) the device's defense wasn't so high.

And now she is sandwiched between two Kouma.



Center the target... strike a pose!


Ah- Maria, wait!! It's not glowi-











You saw nothing.


But I-


I merely skipped my turn.





Taking out the trash.



The Kouma around Kohran are insta-gibbed, but the device, well...



... Ah guess th' device sure showed you what it thought of yer work, Sumire-han.


Brazen device...! How dare it procreate in public, in front of our very eyes!!


Ogami gibs a few more Kouma, and Kanna ALMOST gets it.


Battle, part 3!

Youtube Link!

Yeah... when you've blown the vast majority of your final attacks, the devices are actually pretty sturdy.


Kohran is... well, she's in a spot of trouble.


Self-healing from the Kouma works a LOT better than healing from the super-defensive device.

And Maria turns Kanna's opponent into a bloody stain.


Hmph! Now to deal with that Kouma trying to sneak into the theater...!


Focus on the device, Maria!


... Captain, it's about to waltz right into the theater.


Destroying the device comes first.




Don't worry! I've got a little surprise cooked up for the little bastard.



Your funeral, Captain.



Sumire's normal attack summons a phoenix! You never get to see it because her special poison attack is fifty times more useful during boss fights, of course.


Great! There's only one left!!

However, if you have Sakura next to you...




NO! The enemy might be listening in! We need to destroy them all first!!


That's true... I'm sorry.


You idiot! The Kouma's waltzing right into the theater!!




It's alright! I set up a trap just in case something like this happened!


Captain... you actually used foresight!?


Oh my! Perhaps the Ensign has a head for strategy after all!



Gya!! Guwaaaaaaa!!


I take back my previous remark. Actually, Ensign, give me back my scintilla of admiration.



Moron!! Ogami, what the hell kind of messed-up trap did you INSTALL!?


Captain... please don't tell me that was your anti-Kouma trap.


Well... um...


Aaargh! It can't be helped!! You just leave the intruder to us!
The same trap won't work twice!! Do not, under any circumstances, let any more of them into the theater!


Really, what were you thinking!? That kind of thing wasn't enough to even take down IRIS!!


... sorry. I was inspired by the production you guys put on earlier...


To put Iris on the same level as the Kouma... that is the height of foolishness!


What!? You're making fun of Iris! Muuuuuuuuuuu-!!


Welp, whatver. More importantly, everyone! We ain't through with these guys yet!


Are you quite certain that the Commander and the theater hands can handle the Kouma on their own? Between its acid spit and those claws that can rend armor...


It'll be a-okay! Ah thought somethin' like this would happen, so Ah got one o' my long-term projects up an' runnin' again, jes' in case.


Are you kidding me? Just a broom? ... anyway, hold it right there!




Agh! Sunnova- my FACE! You got acid on my face!!




... and it took so long to get it all built back, you son of a bitch!




Welp, anyway, you just waltzed right on in, didn't you?


I'm going to need to see your ticket, sir.


Why do I get the feeling that someone's grave is being walked all over? ... again?



Right, we wrecked 'em all! Now all that's left is th' head honcho!

NEXT TIME: Heads will be honcho'd.

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