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Before the battle.

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"... and this is why I believe that the invention of the condom led to a sharp rise in the global demand for various types of fruit, helium gas pumps, and enough lotion and/or chocolate syrup to give an entire third world country cavities. That, I'm afraid, is a story for another day.*

"Back in Ginza, the dastardly forces of evil once again attempted to crush the Flower Division by launching a cowardly attack right at its heart: the Grand Imperial Theater in Ginza. Though their battle took place in a swirling snowstorm and beneath a blood-red moon- an evil omen if there ever was one- the gallant defenders in their equally gallant Jinbu once again rallied to the occasion, preparing to fight off a goodly amount of Kouma.

"While the demon in charge once again went with a frontal assault, he gave it a twist that was as surprising and complicated as it was ill thought-out."

- Excerpt from the 1977 edition of "Samurai Spirits: The History of the Flower Division," written by M. Sunnyside.

*And now you know why I only post excerpts of his book. For all of its countless faults, though, Michael's chronicle of events remains the most accurate take on the Kouma Wars that we might ever see.

... as to how this ever came to be, well, I must admit that I'm likely as confused as you are.
- L. Altair.




In order to show him my true strength, I, Shika, shall simply wipe out the entire Flower Division!


That's as far as you go!



Sakura! ("I spy with my little eye something beginning with a Demonaskingforanasskicking!")

Sumire! ("Sakura-san, it is not much of a game if you reveal the answer beforehand.")

Maria! ("... not that this is a very big plot twist.")

Kanna! ("Yeah, we HAVE been doing the whole 'demon shows up and then dies' thing for months now, huh?")

Iris! ("This is boring! I want a plot twist that's like, like... 'and then everyone died and demons took over the planet'!")

Kohran! ("What's wit' that stock Bad Endin' Outta Nowhere!?")




MI! ("Now, the question is, which side does Iris count herself on...?")


The Imperial Assault Force has arrived!




What on Earth is that supposed to be?




Well, we walked smack-dab into that one, didn't we?





I'll tell you when the battle's finished! Anyway, we can't let him set foot in the theater.


Awright! Let's jes' gotta thrash these guys so we can hurry an' hear all about this here secret!!


Ku ku ku... Assault Force... I'll destroy your base and everything around it.


Assault Force! I, Shika, shall be the one to end your lives!!
Wah~hah hah hah!


... you guys finally ran out of ways to justify your hatred of humanity, huh.


Hmph! You lot are nothing more than a stepping stone on my way to becoming the strongest!


Do you honestly think that qualifies as a motivating factor after all the villains we have faced? How droll! Go back and think up a more appropriate reason for your irrational hatred, like revenge!


Oh, yeah! Hey, we DID kill your boar-man friend last time, right?


Do I look like I care? Inoshishi died as he lived-


Fried in his own fat an' wrapped right 'round a slab o' salmon to cook 'em both in th' oven?


I- ... excuse me?


He got sort of pre-cooked when we exploded his robot. It seemed criminal to let him go to waste.


We were eating pork and sausages for days!


That's horrifying! Curse you barbaric humans and-


... you know, I hear venison tastes delightful at this time of year.


You wouldn't.


Oh, no, they would.




Ensign, be on your guard! The enemy has vanished into this snowstorm and is surely doing something suspicious!




And, well...


They proceed to do JUST THAT.



Those strange objects in the four corners seem to be for summoning Kouma. We're destroying them all!!



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