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You'll understand soon...

Ah, our old friend the ancient green-screened Apple computer.


That's right. This is the enemy we've been fighting: the Kouma.


The Kouma...


These troublesome beasties are strong enough to put the Hive of Darkness to shame.




O... kay, I'll be sure to file that under "shit I already know," sir.


Really? Are you SURE you remember what these things are?


They turned our previous robots into piles of scrap and were kicking our asses fifty billion ways before we did our mid-season upgrade. Why would I forg-


Well, that was a rhetorical question, so just sit tight while I stuff enough redundant exposition down your throat to choke a Kanna, m'boy!


Why do you do these things!?




... and why do I even bother ASKING why you do these things?



Since they've already shown themselves, there's something I've got to tell you.




T-The Kouma are depicted in such an old painting!?


This is currently the oldest confirmed depiction...


The war against the Kouma goes much further back than you thought.


Four hundred years ago... the battles between humans and Kouma engulfed this land.
At that time, humanity emerged victorious, although narrowly, and we sealed them deep beneath the earth...
However, the Kouma hid from view and bided their time, waiting for their chance to invade the surface.


As of today, the Kouma have slipped through the spiritual barrier's seams to attack small towns, countless times in the past.
However, us humans have repelled the Kouma each time they appeared on the surface and sent them back underground.


So there were people who fought the Kouma before we did?


Yes. Long before ANY of us.
The Anti-Kouma Squad was also, true to its name, created for just that purpose.
This was a while back, you know... back when no one truly believed that the Imperial Capital would again come under attack by Kouma.


Okay, filing that under "Shit We Already Know," part fifty-nine... This isn't going to turn into a recap episode, is it?


Poppycock! Perish the thought! And another exclamation of dismay that starts with a 'P'!




To be fair, in a few minutes, you might be wishing that this WAS a recap episode.


... and that would be the sound of the rest of my afternoon going down the drain.



All while we were under the shadow of those demons...


B-But... you DID fight the Kouma back before there were any spirit armor units, right?


Wh- really?


Yup! Your superiors are just a bunch of washed-up old fogies! Ha ha ha-


-of course not! Look at the size of that thing in my flashback memory thingamajig! Those annoying bastards were at least FIFTY TIMES stronger than the washed-up old beasties you're play-fighting with today!!



I mean, we faced them with nothing but our own bodies and our blades...


... uphill both ways in twenty feet of snow and all, right, sir?





Kazuma had died, and... Yamazaki went missing in action...


... this was all six years ago.


Okay, so if the demons you'd sealed beneath our capital have had such a long history of slipping back out through the cracks of reality...


For four hundred years, on and off like clockwork!


... then you guys have even LESS of an excuse for not actually bothering to TELL us that we were due for another apocalyptic Kouma attack. Right? Right?




... well, better late than never, m'boy!


P... please just keep going, sir.



Kazuma Shinguji's spiritual energy was a rare variety- he'd inherited the powers of the "Destroyer of Evil."


I believed we discussed this before, but-




(... it'd be too easy.)



- the powers of the "Destroyer of Evil" existed since ancient times, passed down from demon hunters.
Those who've inherited that power can hardly be counted on one hand anymore. ... the Shinguji family is among that number.


The Shinguji family bloodline... is it.
... then... Sakura-kun has that power as well?


Yes, that's correct... but the way to unlock that power remains a mystery...
Colonel Shinguji had... probably planned to teach Sakura once she reached adulthood, but...


... however, we still have one trump card against the Kouma.


A trump card...?


That's right, a trump card. You might even call it our last resort. And... this is it!


T-These are...!


... the most horrifically gaudy things I've ever seen in my life.


Now, don't be that way, Ogami! Let me finish.



These have been called the Majinki.


The Majinki...?


As you can see, the Majinki are a sword, mirror, and orb- ancient equipment used in rituals.
As long as we have these virtuous relics, we can hold the demonic powers at bay. Their potency is absolute!




Commander Yoneda...?


No, it's nothing...


... the Majinki are what you'd call amplifiers. If someone with a wicked heart were to use them, that person's demonic powers would be similarly amplified...
Now that the Hive of Darkness's Six Destructive Stars Fallen Demon Formation has dissolved the barrier sealing away the Kouma...
It's only thanks to the Majinki that we've been able to narrowly defend against the Kouma coming out onto the surface.
For us, the Majinki are our final bastion.


Okay, I stand corrected.


You see? They-


They're the most horrifically gaudy deus ex machinas I've ever seen in my life.


... well, it's a start.



If the Majinki were to fall into enemy hands...
At that time, the empowered Kouma would flood the surface world all at once!


And of course, you don't bother telling us any of this back when the Koubu had been destroyed and when we were actually at risk of the Kouma rushing our base and killing our men.


We figured that you had more than enough things to worry about, Ogami-kun.


You know, there ARE times when exigent circumstances more than outweigh my mental well-being, like the POSSIBLE DEATH OF ALL HUMANITY! I-


... holy freaking crap, that was NOT a line I ever thought I'd say to ANYONE at the theater.



Just as the name suggests, the Majinki contain both demonic (Ma) and godly (Jin) power, making them the ultimate relics...


But why are such important things being kept at the theater- and in the command room, no less?


Our headquarters here at Ginza is right where the leylines converge for the highest concentration of spiritual energy in the Imperial Capital...


Spiritual energy is that of nature, the power of all who live there... and the power of humanity's "emotions."
Where that energy collects, we dance and sing here in the theater, and protect these ancients relics.






Ha ha ha ha-


- no, really, why on Earth are we keeping our country's most important artifacts at the location of the most psychotically incompetent soldiers our country has ever known?


Forcefields created by song 'n dance! Also, ley lines.


... goddamn it, why is that a perfectly reasonable explanation in light of everything else this freakishly nonsensical world has to offer?



These Majinki are also the key to unlocking the Sacred Demon's Castle...
... and we are the ones holding on to that key.


The Sacred Demon's Castle?


It was a castle built hundreds of years ago- for the sole purpose of slaughtering!
We cannot let something like that come up to the surface!


Oh, wow! A giant fortress of doom that Aoi Satan could use to kill us all just about any time he's in the mood! Ha ha ha ha ha-




... well, better late than never, m'boy!




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