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Fun Fact: Ogami is one of those lucky few who can sleep standing up in nearly any location, provided that he's more or less alone.

In the Navy, this was a convenience. In the Imperial Theater, where his rare sleeping hours are plagued with nightmares and every moment of his waking life could potentially end up much more horrifying than anything his nightmares can throw at him, it is a survival trait.

Case in point.

... especially since fleeing is rarely an option.

Well, who else has shock-blond hair and is four feet tall?


[Old Guy]

Iris-chan, could you give me your autograph, too? I've been your fan since forever.


Iris-cha~n! Gimme your autograph~!!

... and who else would be the focal point for so much mildly disturbing obsessed adulation?


Kyaa- don't push me~! I've got to get to the dressing room--!


Iris is getting crushed! I've got to do something...

... it's been a long time since I've used this particular smiley, but I feel that this, of all situations, deserves it.


Please move aside, everyone! In exchange, I shall offer you MY autograph!!

[Old Guy]





... hey, hey, mommy, who's this older boy?


Hush, it's not polite to point! Now... let's get going.


Urgh... am... am I really that unpopular...?


(Well, to put it lightly, these folks wanted some fudging delicious undercooked chocolate-chip cookie dough, and you tried to give them rotten ketchup-and-apple cookies. You do the math, bunghole.)


Don't I at least warrant a flavor li-













... wait, what about MY autograph?


I'll take it! I'll take it!!


... normally, I would SAY that I'd be more inclined to give you stuff if you stopped stalking my every footstep from exactly five feet away, but I think my ego needs any boost it can get. Sure, I'll-


Oh... Ogami-san, you're so kind! To think that you would deign to speak to a stalker like me- you're truly a lightning god descended from the heavens, your heart filled with kindness for all that you see!! I'll redouble my efforts to keep track of your movements from when you wake up at exactly six o' clock in the morning to when you finally fall into your fevered dreams at anywhere between three and four in the morning-


You know, on second thought, maybe I should just keep trying to introduce you to a good mental institute or two. Or at least get Kohran to give you a lobotomy.


(Currently recharging ego and sense of self-worth. Please wait.)



... yes, who is it?


It's me, Ogami...


Ogami-kun? ... please, come in. The door's unlocked.


... okay, fine, ASIDE from gawking like some kid who'd just come to the realization that girls do NOT, in fact, have cooties...


Yes... though I haven't really been able to read too much of it yet...


Well, its contents DO make the book a difficult read, don't they...


Wait- you guys RECORDED your battles?


Technically, Commander Yoneda did.


... right then, scaling down my expectations by about five hundred percent.


Oh, it's actually quite informative once you get past the candid camera and "We've-drugged-the-hell-out-of-Yamazaki-and-secretly-replaced-his-underwear-with-a-stick-up-his-ass,-let's-see-if-he-notices" segments.


Why did you guys ever think that giving him a camera was a good idea?


We... we were young and stupid back then, Ogami-kun.


After taking a minute of trying not to think about any of that too much...


Yes. Please do. I'm having trouble getting a grasp on that book...


That's true... it's a manuscript that's a few hundred years old. It's only natural that it's hard to follow.


The doodles don't help very much, either.


Ogami-kun, Commander Yoneda only added mustaches and bad hair days to the illustrations. Think about how much worse it could have been.


... seriously, ma'am, why do we leave ANYTHING to him?


We... we're still young and stupid, Ogami-kun.



Um, about the Kouma War footage...




... Ayame-san!? What's wrong?


What's Commander Yoneda done to the footage NOW!?


... of all the times for you to learn pattern recognition, Ogami-kun...



Once in a while... there are times when my chest starts hurting a bit...



Welp, here, we have the serious answers (for a given value of "serious").

A few seconds later, Ogami's mind jettisons any and all thoughts about Maria refuses to be at all serious.


Don't tell me... is it heartsickness? That your chest would hurt so...


It's... been years since I'd fallen so hard for someone that my chest would start hurting.


I-Is that so...?

... well, shit.

There goes Maria's route.


Eh? ... i-i-i-if you would have me!!

Sorry, folks, I guess all that voting for the One True Pilot all those months ago was absolutely useless!

... that is, until you remember exactly who we're dealing with here.


Ah... it was a joke?


In any case, Ogami-kun... please keep my pains a secret. I don't want to cause the others to worry...


... yes. I understand.


... why must you cockblock me like this, Ayame-san?


Well, Ogami-kun, the answer to that question is-



Sadism, huh.



Yes. I heard it from Maria.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry into my pillow for the rest of the afternoon. Again.



I see... then that's fine. Do your best to be there on time. Now then, I'll see you later.


Right then, moving on to mock other people for actually having to do grunt work while Ogami gets to do nothing but wander around and chat people up ... the large props room!

... this is also one of those scenes that really go on without very much input from the player. Or Ogami, really.

And THAT is because we're dealing with both Sumire and Kanna at the same time.




Even so, why have I been assigned to this task? Honestly, Yoneda, that accursed old man...


Hey... you're talkin' too much. Shut up and work.


Ah, you're right... Sumire! Watch it, that's where the pitfall's set up!

Aah, Kohran and her amazing portable pit traps. No matter where you may find yourself, with this device, a painful free fall is just a button's click away!


Watch out, Sumire-kun!

It's a fairly straightforward event. Press a button to SAVE SUMIRE!


Sumire-kun, I've got you!

Except it... didn't quite take.


Whoops... guess I didn't put enough strength into it.

Sumire's feelings of goodwill toward Ogami goes down...


Hahahahaha! Captain, you really showed me somethin' hilarious!!

... while, of course, Kanna is magnetically attracted towards anyone who engages in dangerous slapstick violence right in front of her eyes.


What'd you say!? What's wrong with laughing at somethin' funny!?


Shut your mouth! The point is, if you had been quicker to tell me about the pitfall...


Are you KIDDING me!? You're gonna blame this on me now, you depraved harpy?!


(It's starting up again... leaving them alone seems like the better choice...)

NEXT TIME: Teasing Sakura, Super Bad End, and Not Failing For Once! ... and possibly the beginnings of the biggest damn infodump we'll ever get in this game.

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