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The first part of the battle!

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Alright, just to refresh your memories of the last update:


Okay, so we have a slew of new robots, a slew of new enemies, and a lot of other new things that we haven't actually discovered yet.

Here, the fighting's basically confined to a city block with a large building in the middle.

We've got a few run-of-the-mill Kouma, a few cars...

... and, uh, a few multi-directional stationary cannons. You know, the sort of thing that Ginza keeps installed on its streets on a semi-regular basis.

Still, even with our new super-cool mecha, our house-keeping duties remain essentially the same- protect the flimsy melee attacker (and leave the strategy setting as-is- Wood will suit our purposes just fine)...

... listen to the utterly useless Mission Goals transmission...

And start jogging around a bit.

All upgrades aside, it's still the same game that we've all come to know and poke fun at love.


What're ya walkin' around for, Ogami-han? Ain't'cha gonna keep flyin' on yer newfound wings?


Look, knowing you, it's BOUND to drain a bit of my soul every time it flies, or the engine runs on fuel made with real babies, or the soul of my dead mother is entombed within the machine and it's going to go berserk and-


Actually, th' flight modules're mostly fueled by electricity- you pump out so much excess lightnin' while attackin' that I figgered it t' be a shame to let it all go to waste.


-- wait, you--


Holy shit, that actually makes SENSE and isn't at all horrifying. So I'm the one powering my own machine when I fly, huh...?


Yup! Just like a hamster running on an exercise wheel attached to a lightbulb, Oniichan!




I... think I'm going to stick to walking. You know, for dignity's sake.


Aww, aren't ya at least gonna take a drink from the hamster drinking bottle or snack on your food pellets?




Tsk. Spoilsport.


... incidentally, in the Sakura Wars series? A new set of robots always means a new set of final attacks, so...

Let's see what this baby can do.




Roukou Mekkyaku...




Musou... TENKE!

Bam! Wolf-Tiger Destroyer, Unparalleled Divine Punishment.



That's a lot of wolf imagery, Captain.


Hey, they ARE really cool animals. Wolves symbolize fierce independence and the untameable nature of the wilds, which is totally like my final attack, see, because-






Just... no, Captain. I'm not letting you walk down this particular path.




... wow, Captain, I'd say that you've been WHIPPED, but I really can't tell how this's supposed to be any different from normal.


I'm more worried that this is going to be indicative of the rest of my life.


If it helps, I think you're kind of like a... y'know, a tamed, incontinent midget wolf-thing that we keep around the house to laugh at when you piddle yourself!


I-I'm only incontinent SOME of the time!


And in this corner, we have our kill-beast AND HER ROBOT OF ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION.

... not that there' s a lot that she can DO this turn, sadly, so she's chiling with Ogami for a while.

And here, we have our cherry blossom samurai girl thing.

As usual, the difference between Sakura and Kanna is that when Sakura's spirit gauge is full, range is very rarely an issue.


Not one cloud...


... taints my blade!


Haja Kensei!






BAM! Destroyer of Evil, Hundred Flowers Profusely Blooming.

... yes, I know, it's an attack name that reads more like a statement of fact than anything else.


I did it! And it's all thanks to the results of the special training and the Jinbu!


... Sakura-san, are you quite certain that your success might not have more to do with the eviscerating blade of spirit energy that scythes out of the ground at your beck and call?


Of course, but the difference is that this one doesn't messily slice up friend and foe alike.


I see. That certainly must have taken some training to-


... w-wait. Sakura-san, how did you determine that your final attack would no longer cut through your own allies?


My Ogami-san volunteered to help test it out, of course!


... translation, Ensign?


She knocked me over the head with a club and dragged me by my hair back to her cave where she proceeded to tie me up and hit me with a couple Hundred Flowers Profusely Blooming.


If you don't mind me asking... how are you still alive?


The power of love!


... translation, Ensign?


The power of Kohran's love of science applied to my most important organs with the usual blunt hammering force.


Look on the bright side, Ensign- whatever does not manage to kill you will serve to make you stronger, right?


... but I've already died multiple times.


Well then, the answer is simple: in the long run, a few more deaths couldn't possibly make any difference!


Y-Yeah, that's... that's super, Sumire-kun.


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