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Oh~hohohoho!! Ensign! Did you see that? Honestly, with the power of the Jinbu augmenting my already-graceful skills, I have become the very apex of perfection!


... huh? Oh, yeah, great, that's swell, Sumire-kun, you took down one Kouma all by yourself.




Hahaha! Don't sweat it! Me and Maria are totally a tough act to follow, y'know.


I... I cannot decide what is worse: the fact that I cannot refute your logic or your butchery of grammar.


Huh? Talkin' what you are?


... right. The latter.


... and Sakura.




... y'know, Sakura-kun, for a holy cherry blossom sword technique thing, that's... a pretty messy result.


Saving the world from demons is a dirty job, Ogami-san, but someone's got to do it.


Isn't there kind of a difference between "dirty" and "disturbingly violent"?


But how can you derive any enjoyment from your job if the enemy isn't spurting blood every which way, Ogami-san?


Um. Employee-of-the-month awards?




... a-actually, wait, um, scratch that. More incentives for competition would just turn the theater into a bloodbath. We STILL haven't gotten the blood out of the carpets from that actress popularity contest.


And last but not least...

The man himself. No, not Yoneda.




... that was fucking metal.


Ensign, you are quite a skilled pilot for someone who's never flown a... a whatever sort of craft the Jinbu would be classified as.


Really? I dunno, it seemed a lot like driving a tank to me. You just obey the rules of the road.


Excuse me, Captain?


You know- never hit the brakes, always look both ways before crossing the road, and crush any obstacle smaller than you under the ironshod treads of your tank.


Kohran, you're giving him actual flying lessons when we get back.


Ah dunno, it seemed 'bout right t' me! 'Sides, he ain't hurtin' anyone but himself and every single winged enemy we'll bump into, right?


... true, an airborne collision WOULD only work in our favor...



... y'know, he COULD have the grace to act just a BIT surprised about the fact that we're currently his previously undefeatable army a new breathing hole.

Unless this is all somehow part of his master plan, asskicking-receiving and all.



Right, here we go, everyone! We're showing him the fruits of our special training!!


From that special training, I have gained the strength to conquer my weaknesses.
Now, my eyes will reflect only your dying bodies.
Maria Tachibana. Remember that name. Spread it through Hell.




U-Um. Y-You WERE talking to the demons, right, Maria? Please?







T-That's not an actual-


... let's just kill some demons.


NEXT TIME: Actual non-filler non-introductory content! HUZZAH

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