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But... in the time it's taken us to assemble here, the Kouma have probably already razed the entire city, sir.


Pshaw! Details.



But, Commander Yoneda... we can't... actually use the Koubu. How are we to fight?


Well, d'you see these sharpened sticks we've left in front of everyone's seats?


... y... yessir?


... I don't think I like where this is going.



Don't worry about a thing. Everyone, come down to the hangars.

Well, if there's one thing that anime and anime-based games AND mecha series are good for...

... it's the promised mid-season upgrade.


... t-this is!?


The newest model of spirit armor, the "Jinbu"!



You could probably loosely translate it as "God-Warrior."

... and I'm pretty sure that they used the same kanji that they used for Jimmu, the legendary founding emperor of Japan.


Y'know, maybe this is the first indication that the Flower Division is being given more power than they should reasonably be able to handle.


Ya~y! It's so cool~!


How'd you guys manage to hide something so stylish!


It's not just a new replacement. Kohran... show them "that"!



Haha, hell if I know, it's some sorta weirdo thingamabob It's a device that will allow the spirit armor's power transmission to be boosted to its maximum!


Kohran... so, making this was...


Kohran's special training was to build this device, wasn't it.


... how long did it take you to make that thing?


Five minutes!


... man, why do you non-combat types always get the easiest jobs?




Imperial Assault Force, Flower Division, go forth! We're destroying the Kouma!

Oh boy! It's time for each and every member of the brigade to say something poignant!

... except, apparently, for Sakura.


The results of our three week long special training...


Iris'll do her best, too!


... man, Iris, way to break the flow there.


But they're not mutually exclusive concepts!!


Actually, the way you phrased that, it sounds like you're batting for the KOUMA.




... I mean, tee-hee-hee~!



Jinbu... th' time has finally come for you t' show your strength!



Maria... that cafe in Yokohama isn't going anywhere.


Captain? ... yes, of course.


Because WE'LL be going to IT!


... what.


We're going to carve through the Kouma like a knife through hot butter! I can feel the power flowing through me!! With this... we'll be unstoppable!!




WE ARE LIKE GODS! A GOD AM I!! Hahaha, hahahaha, AHAHAHAHAHAgurk.


Haha, Ah KNEW that Ah installed that remote-controlled Mr. Tranquilizing Shot in everyone's cockpits for a reason!


... good work, Kohran.


If y'all want, Ah can give th' rest of you a shot of my Mr. Adrenaline-pumpin' Bloodlust Cocktail Concocti-


N-No, that's perfectly alright, Kohran.


... actually, could you hit me up with that when we get out there?


Sure as sure, Kanna-han!


... I... I honestly cannot see any of this ending well.


W... welcome to my world... Sumire-kun.



Right! Spirit armor units, Jinbu, start-up!
Maria... here we go!!



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