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Time to drop in on Ogami's favorite unrequited love interest-slash-secondary character!

To... all of three weeks ago.

... the boy's really got his own fair share of problems, doesn't he.



It's Ogami... Ayame-san, are you in?


Ogami-kun? Come in, the door's unlocked.


Please excuse me.


Um... Ayame-san...


Oh, right! Kohran invented something amazing while you were all out training.
She called it "Recording Tape." It can record people's voices.

... wow, uh... at this rate, Kohran's going to be single-handedly responsible for every single major technological breakthrough in the 20th century.

Giant killer robots that will be irresponsibly used? Check.
Audio tape? Check.
An express interest in designing jet-propelled aircraft? Check.
Frankenstein's cyborgian monster? ... check.

Seriously, what's she going to do NEXT? Nanomachine technology? Genetic engineering? Video phones!?


Huh... that IS pretty interesting.


Hey, how about we test it out? Come on... it will be fine, won't it?


Wh- are you kidding me!? Why in the world would I want to test out something that probably has a INCENDIARY HUMAN SHREDDING MACHINE function hidden in its guts!?




And, uh, I, uh, p-please don't look at me like that, Ayame-san.


Pretty please?


I-I-I-I yes'm. You KNOW that you're striking a blow against women's rights, right?



Ah... sure. W-What should I do?


Let's see... why don't you try recording words that you like?



... because if there's one thing that Ogami's come to excel at, it's repeating his own name in order to anchor his rapidly-depleting sanity to this cruel and bizarre reality.


... testing, testing. I am Ichiro Ogami. Heheheh... somehow, I can't help but blush.


Hmhmhm... that's true. Um, I am Ayame Fujieda. We are currently in the middle of testing this device.
Now then... shall we play it back?




... huh?


Oh my... I wonder if it's broken? I suppose it can't be helped. I'll get Kohran to fix it later.


... holy shit, it didn't explode in a gout of flame.


Hmhmhm... oh, Ogami-kun, did you really think something like that would happen?


... yeah, I guess that IS pretty silly, even for one of Kohran's inventi-


She expressly told me that the only possible side-effect would be our souls being ripped out through our mouths and trapped in the tape recorder for all eternity. But it's a good thing it didn't happen, right?




... oh, did I forget to tell you? I'm sorry, it must've slipped my mind.


How can you remember each and every single time you've fired the Shogeimaru's cannon and forget to tell me about any potential risks to my immortal soul!?



Let me hear the tape once it gets fixed. I kinda want to hear my own voice.


I got it. I'll get it fixed quickly.


Now then... I'll excuse myself here.

Right then, we've only got about three stops left, so let's use them wisely.

... wisely. I said to use them WISELY, dammit.


Ah... Ogami-san.


... practicing on your own?


It's been a while since I've been back, so I just thought I'd swing by to see the stage again, but...
When I stood up here, my body just started dancing on its own.


Haha, oh man, I know how THAT feels! I mean, it's kind of like how my body moves towards the b-


... er, no, wait, forget I said anything.


Oh, don't worry, Ogami-san! My body's done plenty of embarrassing things on my own. Like the time my body went towards your room on its own-


Yeah, your claw marks are still on the door.


Or the other time my body went towards your room on its own-


The doorknob's still crushed into the shape of your grip, I think.


Or that OTHER time my body went towards your room on its own-


I... I think I have the general idea of it now, Sakura-kun.



Sakura-kun... you really love the stage, don't you.


Now, I always look forward to taking the stage.

In a bloody coup, striking Sumire down from the leading lady role whenever possible




Right. I'll see you later.

Well, now that we've gotten the prerequisite Sakura scene over with, we can walk right into-

... the OTHER Sakura scene.


Is she focusing her spirit? This atmosphere... this must be the result of Sakura-kun's special training...!

I don't think they ever describe what that sort of atmosphere would FEEL like.

... though I'd imagine that Sakura's psychic pressure would make people around her start feeling mysteriously attracted to Ogami.


It might be a problem if I disturb her... I'll go somewhere else.

Right then, it's music room time.



Eek! I-I'll pass.

... and that, folks, is the Ogami-Maria relationship in a nutshell.


... wait, do you mean that you'll show me your skills by shooting at the ENEMY, or by shooting at m-


... crap, she left.




The alarm!? So the Kouma have arrived!!
... right. Let's show them the fruits of our labors!

And it's only taken the Kouma a grand total of THREE WEEKS to capitalize on their highly effective preliminary ASS-RAPING OF THE GOOD GUYS!

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