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I think I'll ride on a boat with Yuri-kun now. Is that alright?


... is that supposed to be a rhetorical question? I'm the only one LEFT.


HELL yeah! New world record!!


Oh, yeah, that's GREAT. I bet you're just- wait, what happened to Kasumi? And why is Tsubaki curled up in a fetal position?


O-Oh god, I-I-I-I can see everyone's house f-f-from up here. EVERYONE'S houses.


Kasumi? She might've been mildly concussed, though I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact that I kicked off of her to get a running start. And whatever's wrong with Tsubaki, it's totally not my fault. Now are we doing this thing or not?



It's not like I wouldn't be able to do this with anyone else.
You see, it's- it's because of, you know, that. It's just because I think that guys are better at rowing boats.


Hahaha... that's alright, too. Well, let's get going, Yuri-kun.

Why IS it always the girls who look flustered in these kinds of pictures?


... I'll say it again- don't get the wrong idea. There wasn't any other recourse, that's all!
There weren't any small boats left... the only ones left were these large ones that we BOTH have to row.
If it weren't for that... we wouldn't be sitting next to each other and rowing like this, okay?


Well, no, you'd have been sitting across from me, and I'D have been the one doing all the rowing. Also, it wouldn't really have been very romantic at all.


Who said anything about this event being romantic? I just wanted a free ride around the lake, not a freakin' marathon!


... wait, then why the hell are you blushing?




Ooh. ... oh, wow, I keep forgetting that you're not, like, some sort of super-buff superhuman woman-thing.



Hahahahaha... I got it. But it's been a while since I've been in a boat. Not since I was being drilled in the navy.


Come to think of it, Ogami-san, you were an ensign in the navy, weren't you. Why did you transfer to the Assault Force?


Aah, I received a notice of personnel change because of a special mission. What about it?


Because even though you've been fighting desperately up until now, just one loss has unraveled all that you've done...




... I'm going to have to object to that whole "unraveled everything we've done" thing.


Well, we're all horribly fucked, aren't we?


Look, when HAVEN'T we been horribly fucked?


... I suppose you've got a good point there.


... I'd... I'd be happier about that if "we're horribly fucked anyway" DIDN'T keep coming up as a valid argument.



It's probably easier than rowing this boat. Hahahahaha...

Can anyone REALLY blame him for dodging the question? I mean, if he answers POORLY...


I'm being completely serious! If you don't want to row the boat, you can get off here!!

... there won't be any witnesses to whatever accident could lead to his untimely death. Not that this is markedly different from the usual state of affairs, mind you.


Eek!? I-I was just kidding! Stop pushing me like that!!


Honestly... it's because you're messing around at a time like this...


But if I wasn't at least this light-hearted, I wouldn't be able to get along with you like this, right?


Hmmm... well, I DO work better when I'm able to stay relaxed. ... and I got you to cheer me up, right?


Honestly... I just can't beat you. I'm counting on you, so I'm expecting great things from you.


Aah, of course. I'm the Captain of the Imperial Assault Force. I won't let you OR your expectations down.






Fuck it, I'm pushing you over.




Your face is stupid.




This entire situation is stupid!


What!? No, it's-


... well, okay, you were just making doe eyes at me and we're on a boat and you're giving me the third pep talk- IN A ROW- and-


Look, I'm telling you, pushing me in would be a bad idea that has NOTHING to do with the fact that I'm half-robot! ... which, um, I'm not.




... Ogami-san, don't tell me that you can't SWIM.


What? Um. Yes. Exactly. You know how it goes- took a bite of Gum-Gum, gained super powers, sink like a rock.


Yup, that explanation is not at all suspicious and makes total sense. Let's get back to that conversation, shall we?


... wow, this situation IS stupid.



Yeah, I got it. Putting special training into action is better than just thinking about it.


Of course. I'll be cheering for you, okay?


Yuri-kun... I got it.




No... it's nothing. Right now, let us stay like this for just a little longer...




Come to think of it, did we actually, uh, accomplish anything here?


We sat on a boat, just the two of us?


And we talked about the importance of courage and believing in yourself and other after-school special things. So, basically... nothing.


... look, you're completely ruining this "just the two of us" moment, so can't you just-


Wait- what time is it!? I totally forgot that we're running on overtime here!!


O-Ogami-san?! Look, calm down, if we row quickly enough, we can be back on the shore in-




Wh- wait! You're going to capsize the boat! And didn't you just say that you can't swim!?


... oh, right, I DID say that splooshblubBZRRRT.






EARLIER, back when one or both halves of Ogami WEREN'T in horrible amounts of trouble:


Ah... could you wait just a bit longer? I'm still getting ready...



Okay, well, given that she comes out two seconds later, he's either getting excited just by 1) imagining her naked putting on her shoes (!?), or 2) imagining her preparing her physically-impossible hairdo.

... neither possibility is entirely appealing, mind you.


And getting ready took some time. How do I look...? This is not at all strange, is it?


Ah... no.


You actually... look the same as you always do. So this WASN'T your version of a pajama outfit?


Well, my spirit power DOES give me the ability to make it socially acceptable to go out in whatever the hell outfit that I want.




... no.


... man, that's no fun. What IS your spirit power, anyway?


Emasculating impertinent young men who ask too many questions.


... y-yes'm. No more questions, ma'am.





Y... Yes'm!


Ah... yes. By the way, Ayame-san... where are we going?


Hmhmhm... that's a se-cr-et. It's nice for the two of us to come out like this every now and then, isn't it?
Or could it be... that you're unsatisfied with me?


Ah... no! That's not what I meant at all!! I mean... um...


Hmhmhm... I'm sorry. I was just teasing you.
You were looking much too dull, Ogami-kun, so I just wanted to tease you a little bit.


... Ayame-san, please, give me a break~.


If I DID, I wouldn't be doing my job, Ogami-kun.


Aren't you supposed to be looking over my mental and psychological welfare-




... wow, Manager Yoneda's really starting to rub off on you, isn't he?


Of course not! I taught him everything he knows, after all.


... wait. What?





... what's wrong? Is there anything big sister can help you with?


Ah... um, y'know, auntie? I wanted to put this letter in the mailbox.
But... the slot's too high, and I can't get it in.


I-I see. Could you give it to me? BIG SISTER will send it out for you.


Ah... yes'm. H-Here it is... big sister.


Wow, um... that kid hit a sore spot, didn't he.


Ha ha ha, what're you talking about, Ogami-kun~?


T-That smile you gave him, I think he has gray hairs now. I can see them from here. And your pupils are really fucking scary, ma'am. Are you really that sore about your age, Ayam-




Ha ha ha, whatever might you be TALKING about, Ogami-kun~~?


... I-I get your point, ma'am. In fact, it's embedded itself in my shoe and has kind of ground my organic toes to powder so could you please move your heel so it's not ow ow ow OW OW OW.


Aaah... God bless the person who invented ironshod high heels.



Th-This is...


Ayame-san... what's the matter?


Yup! I'm mailing it to the Imperial Assault Force.


The Imperial Assault Force!?


Yup. We all wrote a letter to cheer 'em on.


So we'll deliver your letter for you. Would that... be alright?


What? Heck no! I'm not giving this letter to some random auntie-




... can... can I try again, big sis?


Of course~!



Is it really okay!? Then it's a promise! Make sure to give it to them, okay!?

And then he runs off, if only to get away from the horrifically frightening banshee woman.


Here, Ogami-kun... you should be the one to decide what to do with this letter.



Remember, kids, it always pays to be a good Samaritan~!


Let's be sure to mail it out properly. I mean, that's what we promised him.


Mailing it out- how can you say something so irresponsible!


Ah... no!? That may be so, but I was just messing around a bit...


There's a time and place for that! You're not the type of person to misunderstand that child's feelings, right!?


Wh- since when have we ever BOTHERED to care about how ANY children feel!?


We've cared ever since it would have started making your life more complicated, Ogami-kun.


... whyheeeee!?



I-I'm sorry...





Ayame-san... I'm mortified.
That we couldn't win, even though these kids trust us so much...


Hm... that's true. But as long as you remember that feeling, then we'll be okay next time... we'll undoubtedly be okay.
Come now; please hang in there. What you're feeling right now... never forget it, alright?


Yes... I will never forget.


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