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Aah, that's true. Above all else, we can't ruin these kids' dreams, huh.




Wait, did he just say that he'd go tell everyone about what you'd just told him, or about your "secret"?


C'mon now, it doesn't really matter, does it, Ogami-san? The important thing is that we cheered him up!


Besides, we called in some sniper ninjas to trail him and "befriend him" if his lips really ARE that loose--


Wait, you did WH--



Welp, problem solved!


I... I guess it is.



The Flower Mansion's amusement park rides are waiting for us!



Yeah, that's true. Let's just have as much fun as we can today.



Well, I guess we don't even get a montage out of the deal.


We haven't had this much fun since, what, the end of last year?


Ahahahahah! It's still New Year's Day!! Doesn't that mean that all we've been doing has been playing around?
Alrighty then! What should we ride next?


Well, it's already about time to wrap things up... we'll have to make this our last one, okay?
We've got to return to the Imperial Capital and help prepare dinner, after all.


Oka~y, got it~!!


Oh, good, this shouldn't be too bad, then. Hey, guys, how about we--





Hm, let's see. In that case...




... wait. No. No, fuck this.


O-Ogami-san? What's the m--


FUCK these goddammn path splits! I'm not splitting myself into fucking THIRDS! KASUMI! How much time do we have?


B-Barely half an hour, if we-


Right! Each of you gets ten minutes with me! Each! Tsubaki? Go get tickets. Yuri? Go rent a boat. Kasumi? Call the theater and tell them to order some motherfucking pizza, we're going to be a bit late.




Chop chop! You guys dragged me out, so we're playing this by my rules for once in my freaking life!! Got it!?

[Theater Girls]




[Theater Girls]



Right then. Now let's go have some motherfucking fun.




Eheheh... let's go then, Ogami-san.




Well, that WOULD help explain why Tsubaki looks so utterly frightened by Ogami.


Um... Ogami-san. I'm... kind of afraid of heights, so...
It's alright if we stay like this until we get off, right?


Aah, of course. But... if you're afraid of heights, then why go on the ferris wheel?


Um... actually, I had a dream where I'm riding the ferris wheel with someone- just the two of us.
And up until now... I hadn't met with someone who I could do it with. But now...




I still haven't met someone who I could do it with, but you're about the closest thing the theater has to a man, so I didn't want to wait any longer. Teehee.






Are you okay, Tsubaki-chan!?



As usual, we've got three choices here: we could 1) Take advantage (?) of Tsubaki, 2) Comfort Tsubaki, or...

... 3) Traumatize Tsubaki for life.

To be honest, it wasn't a very difficult decision to make, but that may be due to the fact that I am a horrible human being.


Whatever you do, don't look down! If you look down right now, it'll be even scarier!!



That's why I told you not to look!


O-Of course I'll look down if you say something like that...! Ogami-san... you're mean...


S-Sorry... I was trying to make you feel better...


... but damn if it didn't make ME feel better!




... s-sorry.



Ah... Tsubaki-chan. We've come down pretty far. You should be okay now.


O-Okay... if that's the case, then...
Eheheh... I wanted to ride with you, Ogami-san, so I really did my best.


I see...


And you know what...? That's why I think you'll be okay, Ogami-san.
I mean, even I could do my best to ride the ferris wheel with you, Ogami-san.
If it's you... I'm sure you can beat this new enemy. Because I... have faith in you.


Thank you, Tsubaki-chan. I understand that if I do my best... I'll be able to do anything.


And I also learned that you think that fighting bloodthirsty demons from the depths of the underworld is like riding a freaking ferris wheel!!




... s-sorry, I kind of got up on the wrong side of the bed today. Both sides, to be more specific.



Yes... I'm rooting for you. Be sure to win, okay?


Aah... of course.


Okay... until we get to the bottom, please let me stay like this, okay? Just a little longer...




Wh-- no we're not! We're still two stories up--




Wh-- no! Ogami-san, don't leave me here! I'm afraid of heights! OGAMI-SAAAAAN!!







Ogami-san, if you would like to accompany me, then certainly, by all means.



What are you saying at such a time? Ogami-san, you said that you wished to take a short break as well, didn't you?




I guess only Kasumi is cool enough to get the panoramic scene. Heck, even AYAME doesn't get one.


Hmhm... it's perfectly fine. After all, we were the ones who forced you to come along with us today.
Also... sitting like this helps me settle down.


I-Is that so...


As the captain of the Flower Division, you are always pushing yourself, aren't you, Ogami-san? So...
When it's just the two of us, it's alright to let me pamper you once in a while.



If there's one thing I regret about this scene, it's that I ended up going for (what is probably) the most boring answer.


Thank you... I feel much more at ease when you say that.


Hmhmhm... you're very welcome. Things like this ARE the most I can do for you, after all.


So... I just thought that I can at least help support you, Ogami-san.


No, well... you just haven't noticed. That you've been of great help to me.
See... right now, you've been worrying for my sake, haven't you?


Ogami-san... you really ARE kind, aren't you.


No... it's all because of you, Kasumi-kun. Really... thank you.




... yes, Kasumi-kun, that's... that's super.


I'm not done yet, Ogami-san.



And people believe that only they are able to understand themselves.
So... first, please think of yourself as your own ally, and believe in yourself.
Watching you doing your best will resonate with everyone else, and give them strength...
Do not lose those people who believe in you... it'll be good enough if you give it your all.

And thus were fortune cookies invented.


I see... so the important thing is to believe in myself. Believing in myself and doing my best... huh.
Thank you, Kasumi-kun. I feel like the burden on my shoulders has gotten lighter.


Ah, sure. What do you need?


When I get tired... please allow me to rest my head on your lap, okay...?

Aaaand pan up.

NEXT TIME: Yuri's scene, Ayame's scene, and Ogami's grand master plan all get revealed!

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