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The first part of the battle.

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Alright, here we go: the first battle of the chapter!


Okay, y'know what? Fuck this shit, we're going medieval on their asses.


... what, ya mean we're all gonna become unhygenic and plague-ridden?


No! Just the opposite!




We shall become squeaky-clean!!


But... that's not medieval at all!


Maybe ya shoulda stuck t' some kinda bath pun?


What, you mean something like "I hope you washed behind your ears... or else I'll do it for you!"...?


... on second thought, jes' keep doin' whatever it is you're doin', Ogami-han. Please.


Awright, and the most powerful attack in the game--

-- does a... straight 56-57 damage to each Kouma. That isn't even half of their life bars.

I suppose we'll have to do this the old-fashioned way, then.

Fire, to help charge Ogami's depleted spirit bar...

... and then a little bit of Wood Timber.


All members of the Flower Division! We're commencing the 'Timber' strategy!





... I've been meaning to ask this for a while, Captain, but... trees?


What's wrong with trees?


Nothing. I mean, I understand drawing power from earth, fire and wind, but trees... really don't have any specific strengths.


Um, well, you see...


Ain't it obvious? It's totally th' power of photosynthesis an' capillary action!


I thought it was because of the fact that trees need to use earth, fire, and air to survive?


S-Sakura-san, are you being serious? Trees do not create fire!


Actually, if they're hit by lightning--




-- er, sorry, Sakura, didn't mean to trigger your trauma switch.


Look, if we're quite done wasting time...



... it's time that we laid into these sons of bitches...


... like the fist of an angry GOD.




An... angry and embarrassingly impotent god.


You were doing really well up until that point, Ogami-san.


It's because Oniichan didn't eat his cereal this morning!


Iris, we've told you already: yours are the only powers that are fueled by eating chocolate-covered chocolate-chip cookie cereal with swirly rainbow marshmallow bits in them.


It's because sugar makes everything better!


... how come she hasn't died from eating that every morning?


Some questions o' science were never meant t' be answered, Ogami-han.



Ogami-kun, be careful! These aren't enemies that you can beat in a flat-out fight!!


Grgh... that's true... right now, it doesn't feel like we can win...


Come to think of it, what's the point of fighting them in the first place? And why didn't you mention anything BEFORE we engaged them in close-combat!?


Also, didn't you guys beat these monsters on foot?


Yes, but back then, EVERYTHING was better.


Yup! Back in the day, we were stronger, we were faster, and no one gave us paperwork to fill out over our atrocities against humanity!


We also didn't give OUR superiors any lip for firing heavy ordnance right into our heavily-fortified positions. In fact, we took hundreds of tons of explosive force up the fundament, and were GRATEFUL for it.


... couldn't you come down and help us, then?


Pshaw, persistence in the face of adversity builds character, m'boy! Now go out there and get eaten by demons.




Now, it's time for people who are stronger than a wet towel the rest of the team to go!

And they lay into the Kouma...

... with everything they've got.

Fists, swords, fin funnels...

Heck, even Maria pitches in, even though she doesn't have any final attacks to throw at 'em!


The red stuff ain't coming out!?


That... barely hurt them...!?


... that's... that's inconceivable!


I can't... headshot something that doesn't have eyes...


I told you that you should've eaten your cereal.


Hush, Iris, we're still trying to come to terms with the fact that we are utterly and completely fucked.



... that's true. While it is regrettable... we don't stand a chance against these...


Right now, keeping everyone alive is what's important! We're retreating, Maria!!




We can worry about how much Satan'll laugh at us later, the bastard!


... isn't keeping everyone alive the important thing?


But... but... we're getting beaten by Satan! Someone who used to be in the Hive of Darkness, for crying out loud!!


... while your argument IS strangely convincing, whether or not we should be committing seppuku to retain our honor is an argument that needs to come later.


The remaining two brigade members' turns!


Just go down~!


Just burn up~!


Five damage.

... and another five damage.

The Kouma's turn rolls around! And if they're as strong as they are resilient, well...




... yeah. In five normal hits, the Kouma does about as much damage as a boss's final attack.

Sakura takes another 20 damage when it tags her for two more hits. If any two or three Kouma tag-team any one of my guys (who have 120 HP, max), it's effectively game over.

At the very least, the Kouma are comparatively huge; in such a narrow place, they're having trouble swarming any one Koubu.

... except for Iris, who's basically isolated on the top side. Thankfully, she's got more defense than Sakura.

At the rate this is going, however, even that small advantage isn't going to mean much.

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