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The second part of the battle!

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As for the rest of the Kouma...

... they spread the damage more evenly amongst the troops. When Ogami's turn rolls around, only Iris and Sumire need any amount of healing, though they're all boxed in pretty effectively.

Right then, a little Fire strategy finagling to get his spirit gauge filled up a bit...

... followed by a little bit more Mountain strategy finagling to make sure that they don't all DIE...


And Ogami pulls out his special attack.

Let's see if a little attack buffing will cut through their armor...






Actual damage!

In a nice change of pace, the demon expires in a shower of bloody ichor rather than a huge fiery explosion.


... K-Kanna-san, did you just see...


Y-Yeah. Pinch me, willya? I wanna see if I'm dreaming.


Look, there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this... we're prolly in one of 'em alternate dimension things.


Iris is scared... Oniichan is the useful one, and we're all useless? Everything's backwards!!


I refuse to believe it. The Captain DID team up with Sakura, after all, so maybe it was HER power that managed to kill the Kouma...


... I wish you guys would have a little bit more confidence in me.


Don't worry, Ogami-san, I have confidence in you!


... confidence that doesn't stem from some misbegotten belief that I'm the reincarnation of a thunder god or something crazy like that.


Oh, I don't believe that you're a reincarnation of one, Ogami-san!


Th... thanks, Sakura, that little correction makes a whole WORLD of difference.


Protecting Iris, because 1) she is about to die, which wouldn't really be as big of a deal as it COULD be, but for the fact that 2) she is also our best healer. That is important, mostly because I have a feeling that we're going to end up with a LOT of people who will be about to die.

In any case, everyone's turns roll around again. Not much changes.

Five damage.

Three damage.

Fi-- good lord, Kohran's STILL sore!?

Five damage to three Kouma.



You're pretty good.


So're you.


... five damage.

For a few moments, I started thinking that most ten year old children would probably be screaming in sheer terror at the prospect of getting eaten by some fanged, horrifically unnatural monstrosity that's made from the stuff of nightmares.

... and then I realized that I was trying to think realistically about an anime-style game that features steam-powered robots in some wacky 1920's world, and decided to stop thinking altogether.

Anyways, heals!

Also, poison.

This is normally what I'd call 'the big guns.' In this case, it's necessary to our continued survival, so...

Ichiro Ogami: For All Of Your Protection Needs.

Interestingly enough, Iris's dialogue is markedly less annoying at lower trust levels.

Everyone else, though... they take a beating, most of them going down to half health or less.


Captain! At this rate, we do not even stand a chance! Can you think of any good strategies?


As things stand, it can't be helped... we will be bombarding the Kouma from the Shogeimaru!!


All units of the Flower Division, retreat to the back of the Shinto shrine archway!! We're going to start the bombardment after we've confirmed that you've retreated! Hurry up and run!


... understood! All units, we're retreating to the back of the Shinto shrine archway!! Make sure to get there alive!

I start evacuating them without much incident-- though of course, everyone's got a line or two of their own once they make it past the arch.


Gasp... pant... What's with those things...
To think that they'd make someone like ME shudder... what ARE those guys...

Kanna, as always, cuts straight to the heart of the matter. HOW DO I PUNCH ENEMY


Haah... haah... What ARE... those enemies!?
They can't even be cut by swords... how are we supposed to fight something like that...

Like any good main heroine, Sakura goes straight into sad-girl-in-need-of-protecting mode.


My goodness... to think that even I would no choice but to flee...
This humiliation... I shall most certainly take my vengeance for it later!!

... meanwhile, Sumire proves that she has a backbone made of motherfucking Gundanium alloy.


Whew... these are our new enemy? The Wakiji that we've been fighting until now can't even begin to compare...
We do not have any hope for victory... what in the world should we do?

Maria is ever the pessimist. You'd THINK that some of the hot-blooded lunacy that surrounds her on a daily basis would start rubbing off her eventually...


What were those... those things!? I ain't never seen or heard anythin' 'bout that kinda creature before!!
It's all well an' good that we're able t' run, but... these ain't th' kinda opponent that we can fight straight up an' win...

Okay, so it's the first time that Kohran hasn't been able to explain something away through science, but she's still taking it relatively well.


What the...? Those monsters are... strange.
Iris... Iris is scared. I don't want to fight...

Iris is going straight into Gigyas mode.


Gasp, pant... we should be alright if we retreat this far...
Dammit... if only I was stronger...

... and Ogami shoulders all of the responsibility, because he's learned to suck it up and take it like a man. That, or he's accustomed to the fact that everyone will undoubtedly place all the blame on him.

Now, there's a pretty big segment left that I'm not going to cover.

Just getting everyone into the shrine area is enough to end this part of the battle. However, I decided try killing all of the Kouma to see if the next scene's outcome changes at all. (Hint:  it doesn't. )

As such, I'm not covering it since it's time-consuming and fairly repetitive (buff Ogami's attack, wait for his turn to roll around because he's the only one who can actually hurt anything, keep everyone healed, make sure everyone doesn't die, repeat).

Thus, the following two videos are completely optional.


Killing All The Kouma, p1:
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Killing All The Kouma, p2:
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