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Meanwhile, back on the east side of the map: Maria's being attacked!

But Ogami's got it covered.


Well, I believe in YOU...


... which I figure is probably a better idea than believing in myself, so let's just call it even.


Rest assured, Captain, that I at least believe in your ability to throw yourself into harm's way on a moment's notice.


... with a glowing shield that you create simply by crossing your swords together.


Yeah, I... never really understood that, either.



Now that you're being targeted, can't you simply shield yourself?


I-It doesn't work that way!






Lock on!


BAM. Not only is Ogami protected from damage, the Wakiji's turn is completely shut down.



It is all thanks to you that I became strong, Captain.


Strong enough to come up with a special move that puts my protecting thingamajig to shame?


To be fair, Captain, I'd long since grown stronger than you.


Oh, okay, so the apprentice surpasses than the master, eh?


... well, I'd been stronger than you are now since I was thirteen.


... augh.


The thing makes another Wakiji!

And less than half a minute after being brought into this world...


... the Wakiji is gone.

Meanwhile, back at the Wakiji factory reactors! I can't believe this game actually made me type that out



So are you SURE that punchin' this thing just won't work?


Prrretty sure. Seems that this stuff's made of plotanium, meanin' that it can't actually be destroyed unless we find th' one exact thing or substance that'll knock it down.


... sounds complicated.


Well, t'be fair, that one exact thing or substance's always somethin' that's conveniently on-hand for jes' this occasion. It's jes' a matter o' tryin' to figure out what it is.


Oh, THAT'S easy, it's gotta be--


NOT punchin'.


... naw, that ain't what I was about to say. I mean, if we're going to blast it with spirit energy anyway--




Viola! Vaguely-defined burst of healin' energy that just so happens to fit the bill.


Ya... healed th' power reactor 'til it died? I thought that only worked on th' undead!


Yeah, how about that Tenkai, huh? Bastard's invented the zombie reactor.


... the sheer inanity of your conversation's making my head hurt, so let's focus on the task at hand.



... what's the meaning of this? Nothing happened.


How impudent... it looks like the enemy has prepared decoy power reactors!!


HOLY SHIT, Tenkai actually thought ahead farther than two minutes!?


Probably not, because if he had actually been THINKING, he would have set the decoy power reactors to actually detonate in our faces or do SOMETHING that would delay us.


Well, alright, I see your point, but still... getting tricked by Tenkai feels a little like getting savaged by a toothless rabbit.


... and you would know how that feels because...?


I'd... I'd rather not get into that story.



Then... where's the real power reactor!?


I'm sorry, Ogami-kun. We can't get such accurate information all the way back from the Grand Imperial Theater...


In that case... we'll just keep at it until we destroy all the reactors! Returning to combat!!

It's Kohran's turn to try destroying a completely random reactor.


And lo and behold--

-- it wgood LAWD, it's a straight 299 damage!


... is to destroy the Wakiji factories!!


Got it! Just leave the rest to us!!

One round of combat later...

... there's nothing left standing between us and the remaining Mysterious Wakiji-Making Factories, which are at 1 HP each.


The final part of the battle!

Google Version!

Q: Is it worth it to waste Maria's final attack on something with 1 HP left?


A: Always.



(See previous question and answer.)


The door opened!? So these machines were the keys to unlocking the door, huh...


So, the security system of Tenkai's base is irrevocably linked to the means of producing his army which is in turn linked to its supply line.


That is correct, Captain.


And all three are within spitting distance from the horribly-concealed entrance, which is in turn located right next to a main road.


Yes, Captain.




How the hell did we let the Hive of Darkness get away with doing everything it's been doing for nearly half a year?


That's a question that keeps me awake some nights, Captain.


You and me both, Maria. You and me both.



Rather than hurrying, of course, they simply waltz on through the door.

... naturally.

NEXT TIME: Too early, or MUCH too early?

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