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Pre-Tenkai shenanigans!

GameVee Version!


Alright, everyone, be careful. We don't know what's waiting for us on the other side of this door.


We could be subjected to anything from a second floor (complete with traps and more defenders) to a gauntlet of boss fights. I don't know.


But what I DO know is that Tenkai will NOT grant us entrance into his lair so easily. Above all else, we must remember that justice is on our side, and that--




Yes, Maria?


I don't think we shall have to worry about any of that.



Given that we have been FALLING for the past forty seconds.


Yeah, I... I don't know what the fuck, either.



Hey, I could check and see how deep this hole goes. All I gotta do is drop a coin and listen for when it hits the bottom, and math it out from there!


Don't think physics works like that. We're fallin', too.


Depends on how hard I throw the coin.


Hah. Yer on! I have jes' th' rocket-powered coin for this type of situa--


We're there, guys. Remind me never to lock you guys alone in the same room.


Right, we're down to the next floor, after falling an unspecified distance!


Th-This is...

Now, all we have to do is to wait for the next shoe to drop, and to see how many obstacles we have to brave before we can finally reach Tenkai and the ultimate boss batt--



I must commend the fact that you have successfully struggled this far... quite impressive...!


The leader of the Hive of Darkness, Tenkai...!


... already!?


What're YOU complaining about, you impudent rascal!? And yea, you have braved the most powerful Wakiji spawned from the depths of hell...


They were kinda underwhelming, if you ask me. I mean, they were just the same old cannon fodder, so--


... bypassed the fiendishly complex security systems that--


-- even idiot child could solve, 'cause ya kinda forced all your most important machines t' be dependent on each other--


... and yea, you have arrived in record time!


We would have arrived even earlier, but our management is only marginally less incompetent than you are, and our field commander is an imbecile who is occasionally capable of amazing feats.





For the Imperial Capital... no, for all of the innocent people directly above us...


We shall take your life, here and now!!

Alright, I'll grant Tenkai one thing, and one thing alone:




... he can, of course, be as ridiculously dramatic as even the best of villains.

And while there is ALSO something to be said about someone who always unleashes his true power through a nice reasonable bout of immolation...


... none of that matters, since HE GOTS A GIANT ROBOT.





Gyaaaahahaha! Gaze upon the might of the Amaterasu and quiver in fear, Imperial Assault Force! I--




... huh?


Yeah, it's kinda typical-lookin'. Is this it?


It looks like you just cobbled together the remains of all the PREVIOUS boss 'bots to make your new one.


Wha-- no! It is representative of the might of Japa--


No. No, it has the Peacock's robot breasts. The only thing represents is the fact that you are a very disturbed old man with bad judgment and horrible taste.


... well, Amaterasu IS a goddess, so it'd stand to reason that the ROBOT version of her--


I do NOT want to hear it. Captain? Do it.







The final showdown: Half of the Flower Division VS The One Remaining Member of the Hive of Darkness!

GameVee Version!


You boss ME around all the time, and you're LEARNING from me!?


Of course. How else will I learn to boss you around more efficiently?


C... can't argue with THAT.



This battle's goals are simple enough:

In other words, tank 'n spank. So, there's the usual house-cleaning stuff.

Defend Maria, and

-- switch to the defensive MOUNTAIN strategy. And after THAT?


All fucking bets are off. Only one debuff really matters right now, so most of the crew, including Ogami, are going to be rolling out the punches.

And, yes, speaking of punches...


... hmm.


Hey, hey, look what I can do!!


Wha-- Kanna, what're you--




... Kanna, please stop jumping over the psychopathic demon lord's thirty-foot tall death machine.





W-we're fighting for the sake of the Imperial Capital and possibly our reputations, so I'd appreciate it if you'd take this seriousl--



Seriously, Kanna, knock it off!


Okay, okay...








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