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Introduction to the battle!

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"The Flower Division was back up to full strength. However, in order to reach Tenkai before he made good on his ultimatum, the Flower Division would have to carve through the Hive of Darkness's guards and navigate through an unknown number of floors filled with an unknown quantity of traps, all in less than twenty minutes. This is, quite unsurprisingly, the type of situation that would make any military strategist quiver in his boots.

"The demons, however, quickly learned never to underestimate the Flower Division's strength and bravery. Meanwhile, the Flower Division had the advantage-- they had long since learned never to overestimate the Hive of Darkness."

- Excerpt from the 1977 edition of "Samurai Spirits: The History of the Flower Division," written by M. Sunnyside.

- L. Altair.


Hive of Darkness - Main Base

... how the demons managed to carve out a vast sprawling dungeon underneath a highly-populated urban area and remain unnoticed for the better part of a year is something that's best left to the imagination.


Captain... there are suspicious devices further into the cave!!


So this is their main base, huh. I'm just itching for a fight!!


What's with these machines... anyways, they're most definitely dangerous!




Well, they COULD be th' demonic equivalent of coffee machines an' sammich makers...


... but they'd still be pretty darned dangerous.


True. The leading cause of injury in the Imperial Assault Force is spilling hot coffee and/or tea on oneself and others.


... that was mostly Sakura's doing, though.


Yes, Captain, and enough times to make me wonder how it hasn't become the leading cause of death.


Oh, it's MORE enough to make ME wonder if that's her ultimate plan.



Ogami-han, take a look! There's somethin' weird further in th' back!


Is Tenkai in there...?
But it looks like it's been sealed with some sort of malevolent energy... how do we get it open?


We smash its teeth in!


Or we shoot out its eyes, given that it is basically one big headshot waiting to happen.


Any LESS disturbingly violent suggestions?



Ogami-han... ya shouldn't talk nonsense. What we gotta do first is t' destroy that weirdo device!




... you just want an excuse to blow things up, don't you.


It's the most likely path of action to take!


But I mean, seriously... what're the chances that Tenkai's going to leave the keys to unlock those doors right out in plain sight, next to the freaking entrance?


Quite honestly, it would rank somewhere between "attacking nothing but barrels and crates" and "killing your own underlings through gross negligence."


... well, shit, that means that blowing seemingly-unrelated shit up is as good a plan as anything. Let's get going.





The first part of the battle!

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Right, let's get the usual housecleaning duties out of the way first.

Protectin' Maria, and--

-- setting the strategy. Since we have an assload of distance to cover...


All members of the Flower Division! We're commencing the 'Wind' strategy!

... we're going with WIND.

Once we're done with THAT, we can--

-- proceed with--

-- the usual, and possibly final mass murdering spree--

-- of steam-powered robots.


Huh? Kanna hasn't actually done anything yet.


Naw, I'm speakin' 'bout th' OTHER strongest one here.


... Maria?


... look, jes' forget I said anythin'.



One explosion later:


Seriously, I will be very put off if you do not leave at least ONE enemy for me to shoot.


... war isn't hunting, Maria.


No, but it IS the only method of stress relief I can get, so you'd better stand out of my way.



Well, whatever the fuck this machine thing is, we can't actually progress unless we destroy it.





Problem solved!

Meanwhile, the enemies-- caster-type Wakiji? are faster than Maria, for whatever reason.

What vaguely annoys me about the AI in this game is that instead of actually advancing towards us, the enemies just sit there and wait for you to come into their attack range.

This is a pretty good tactic for DEFENSE, but not if you outnumber the other side by a fair amount.

It's Maria, the MVP of the game!

Aaaaand there's not much for her to do, so I just set her towards the farthest machine-thing.

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