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The prelude to the battle! It's a very short video mainly because this is a very short update.

GameVee Version!





Aaaaaand it just figures that they're not even fighting. They're loitering.

... they just want to be citizens, too.

It's the Shogeimaru, which made its journey completely unopposed because Tenkai didn't think to put up any sort of anti-air defense, despite KNOWING that the Imperial Assault Force uses a BLIMP, AND despite having access to bazooka-toting Wakiji.

Oh Tenkai.

Blimp! Camera! LIGHTS1


Putting a spotlight on your troops during a nighttime battle is generally a very bad idea. It is, at the very least, not standard military practice to go "HEY HEY WE'RE OVER HERE SHOOT RIGHT AT US WHILE WE'RE BLINDED BY THE LIGHT"

Granted, this could just be Ayame's way of getting back at Ogami after all his mouthing off.


Shall we do it?



Let's do it.


SAKURA! ("Worshipping the ground that Ogami-san's been walking on since 1923!")

SUMIRE! ("Ready the spotliWAIT I AM NOT YET DONE--")

MARIA! ("The military strategist in me is currently crying tears of blood.")

KANNA! ("Demons are sealed down here!? HOT DIGGITY DOG, LET'S START DIGGING!!")

IRIS! ("I'm the little sister you've always wanted! Isn't that right... Oniichan?")

KOHRAN! ("'Cause mass destruction's jes' a fancy way of dismantlin' everythin' in a forty-yard radius!")




MI! ("My God... I-I thought I'd never see the spotlight ever again...! I'm not crying!")

And BOY has it arrived.




Oh my god, it's Sumire!!


... further to the left, you horrendous excuse for a human being.





The three that remain will stay here and hold off the enemy!


We're going to need a strong group on defense, and I seriously believe that covering our backs will easily be the most important task.


So who's going to volunteer to stay behind?



Ogami-san! I'll go with you, Ogami-san!


Ensign... you would not dare leave me behind for such a grand scene, correct?


Oniichan... Iris is going with you, Oniichan!


Captain. Please allow me to accompany you to the final battle.


Ogami-han. We're finally at th' last battle, ain't we. An' I'm full up on fightin' spirit, too!


Captain! Hey, take me with you to this fight, too!


... christ, you guys, don't you all volunteer at once, now.


Of course. We're all trusting you to make the right decision.


Isn't that right, my lord?




But of course he will! After all that we have been through, Ogawa has my full and complete trust.


It's Ogami. Sumire-kun, it's been months, don't tell me that you still don't remember my na--


I am the main character, after all, and the Ensign is my unintelligent sidekick-slash-lackey.


No! Oniichan is MY lackey! Isn't that right, Jean-Paul?


(I'm begging you. Leave me out of this.)


See? Jean-Paul agrees!


(Gosh darn it with a cherry on top, woman.)


... r-right. Well, anyways--


Do not put undue pressure on the Captain. The mission comes above all else, and we don't have time for this silly banter.




Now, Captain, hurry up and choose the remaining two pilots who will accompany the both of us.


... son of a bitch, not you too.


Ahahaha, it's jes' like us t' start freakin' out over somethin' like this, ain't it?


Anyways, what'll it be, Mr. Captain, sir? Who's gonna be th' last one t' come on board Kohran's Human Upgradin' Expedition?


No, seriously, you guys, you're starting to run this into the groun--


Welp, that's settled! The three of us are going down to bust Tenkai's head open like a can of cat food, so the rest of you guys just--






Alright, whoever wins this next arm-wrestling competition will get to go with the Captain! Ayame's got the medical pods already set up and all.


For chrissakes, people, gimme a moment to just think on this!!


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