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(Alright. Sittin' in my Koubu, twiddlin' my thumbs, and currently en route to a potential war zone that's filled with Wakiji in order to take on a demonic overlord who's filled with shit.)


(And... okay, so it turns out that the Imperial Assault Force's leadership is missing a few nuts and bolts in its already full-of-bats belfry...)


(-- but that isn't as bad as it COULD be, because for chrissakes, the Hive of Darkness doesn't even HAVE a belfry! Ha ha ha.)


(... haaah. Welp, at least I can take comfort from the fact that no matter how the battle goes, it'll all end here.)


(At least I'll always have you, onboard guidance steam-powered computer thing. And while I'm sure you're loaded to the brim with helpful in-combat targeting systems and information-gathering programs, this screensaver is all I need.)


(... GOD I wish I knew how to operate this thing. How'd you get to the Koubu's manual again? Ctrl-alt-d--)


Well, THAT'S not right. I-- waitasec.


... Jean-Paul? What are you DOING?


I'm... I'm fine, thank you very much. Is that it?


... really?


Well, um...




Kind of, yeah. Kind of a lot.


... is this bad?




You're not a very cute bear.


Oh god. What are the I's doing now?






So, wait, WHY are they dying? And how many of them are LEFT?


... how does that count as "killing themselves"? Because if they're anything like MY Flower Division--


... is that bad?


O... kay, so--


Oh god, this--!


... sounds like the plot to a bad movie. So, uh, am I going to turn into a superpowered monstrosity, with the combined strength of an infinite number of myselves?


What? WHAT?



... ouch.


Goddamn. Can't you even give me one little hint?


"Could be"? "Something like that"?


Wha-- now my HEAD could explode? Are you telling me that my head is Schrodinger's Cat!?


Oh god I get the picture. Is that it?


... wow. Well, thanks, I guess.


Hey, wait a second, how the hell do you KNOW all thi--


Stupid mascot animal. Right then, it looks like we don't have any direction to go from here but DOWN, so geroni-fuckin'-mo.

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