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Yeah, turns out that I really AM missing a chunk of screenshots. I'll fix it later, but for now, the show must go on!

(45 - Theater Lobby)


Heh... compared to all the other theaters, the Imperial Capital's stage is really the most popular, huh?


It's also because we're showing the stage production "Because Of Love" today as well.


That kinda play is Maria-han's time to shine, ain't it? Hey, I'll even take a bit part, so think you guys could let me perform too?
A'right, Ensign-han! -- er, hmm... that don't sound nice no matter which way ya cut it, huh.
... that's right, you wouldn't mind if I jes' call you 'Ogami-han' from here on out, wouldja?

As you can see, "-han" is used instead of "-san" in parts of Western Japan. What wonderful confusion these honorifics cause non-native speakers!!


CHOICE 1: Sure, that's alright. <----- SELECTED
CHOICE 2: .... no.
CHOICE 3: Actually, I'd prefer 'Oniichan'.

ONE person calling me 'Oniichan' is ALREADY too much. There is absolutely NO reason for me to hear that infernal nickname from a distinctly non-loli chara yet ANOTHER person.

Also, I might have... nightmares.


I-Iris?! What're ya doin' with--


*STAB* Me, me, me, me...




........ me too.


All that's left is Oniichan. He's in his room.


What shall we do once we get there?




One syllable, starts with 'R', rhymes with 'tape'.




Sure, that's alright.


Thanks a bunch! I mean, Yoneda-han doesn't like bein' called 'General' either, so...
See, now that kinda thing's what I love 'bout the Imperial Assault Force.
In that case, 's fine if you jes' call me 'Kohran' from here on out, too.


A'right, Ogami-han! Couldja take me over to Yoneda-han, then?


Ah, got it. Let's go, then... Kohran!

(50 - Dining Hall)
And here, we have Iris. I suppose that when she said "I should get going, the play's about to start soon," she REALLY meant "I'm gonna go dick around in the dining hall and do diddly-squat."

Aaah, youth.


Iris, so THIS is where you went, huh. I brought Kohran.


It's Kohran~! How've you been? How've you been~?!

Yeah, Iris's doing that arms-akimbo-with-Jean-Paul-about-to-go-flying-off pose again.

Poor damn bear's gonna get his arm torn out of his socket one of these days. I can just BET that the resulting spiritual backlash of a trillion damned souls escaping at once would... either turn Iris into an all-powerful deity or destroy the theater.


Iris, you haven't changed a bit, eh? It's good t' see ya again.


You know what, Kohran? Iris is going to go on stage!! Isn't that amazing?


Oh, really? Well, y'all're so darn cute that I bet the audience'll love ya.



... as glad as I am that Kohran and Iris're getting along and not actively trying to kill each other (unlike certain OTHER pilots that you shall all see later), these two bounce off each other rather frighteningly.


Ah... that's right!! I might join you up on stage today!


That'd be great! Iris wants to put on a play with Kohran~!!


Hey hey, Oniichan! It's fine if Kohran joins us on stage, right?


That's right... since "Because Of Love" is set in France...

From here on out, we've got screenshots again! Huzzah!!


In that case... I'd like to come on stage as well. I mean, I've got an interest in acting...

Ogami got a taste of the world of acting when helping Sakura practice for "Cinderella." HELLS YEAH HE'S JOINING UP.


An' if that's the case... then let's all three of us hijack th' play!

(Meanwhile, playwrights all over the world shudder in unison as they sense the impending butchering of some poor bastard's play.)


Then I'LL play the bold revolutionary who usurps the throne, abolishes the monarchy, and beheads the princess!!




... killjoy.

... given that the original story is of a soldier falling in love with a flower girl during the French Revolution, I would pay to see these three mess up EVERYTHING.

(I would pay even more to see the dressing-down that would take place AFTERWARDS.)


Ogami-han could play... the part of the prince! It'd be th' perfect opportunity!!


A-aah... but... do you really think it'd be okay?

Poor Ogami's dreams are always so, so fragile, aren't they?


If I ask him, he'll definitely say that it's okay to give Kohran a part on stage!


Oh, hey Iris, what's--






Thanks a bunch. A'right, I'll leave it to you!



A'right... take me to the manager's office, willya?

The rest of the trip is, indeed, blessedly free from blond lolis.


Right then, Ogami-han, 's 'bout time we go in, right? The manager'll definitely be waitin' for us.


Yup, you're right. Shall we?



C'mon in.


Ogami, entering now.



Not at all, I'm fine with goin' wherever as long as I'm allowed t' tamper with machines.
An' besides, the captain's also a nice guy, so...


Hoh, Ogami... you move fast, don't you! Iris'll get really jealous if you keep this up~.

I love how Yoneda is not at all worried about the prospect that this twenty-year-old captain might be attempting to put the moves on some nine-year-old girl in the first place.


M, Manager Yoneda!!


Daaaaaahahaha! Well, I'll leave it up to you.
Over at the Flower Mansion, Kohran was in charge of the Koubu and the Rolling Thunder's maintenance, you know.
Oh, right! She also made all the necessary adjustments to YOUR Koubu- all by herself.


Wow.... that's amazing.



That's true. And you were pretty damn skilled, for a first battle.



Yeah, that first battle probably WAS all thanks to everyone else in the Flower Division backing me up.



Maria! Be prepared to give us cover fi-




.... yes'm.


Sumire! Back us u-




... I get it, y-you don't need to point and laugh at-





It's all thanks to Kohran's maintenance. I was able to fight precisely because of the adjustments made to my Koubu.


You don't need t'blush. You were just doing your job is all.
Okay, then.... that's just about all I have to say.
I'll leave the more detailed explanations up to Maria, so you go lead Kohran up to her room.
Once that's finished, go to the secretarial office and help out Kasumi-kun.


.... understood.



Ah! Maria-han!!

Sakura and Maria, all decked out for "Because Of Love." Seems like Maria needed more than her fair share of chest bindings


Aah, Maria-han! As usual, yer fittin' the men's costume like a charm, huh.


Excuse me... Ogami-san. Who might this person be...?



Ain't touchin' the last option, the middle option's too boring, so the first option it is.



She's a lost child. I mean, she said that she couldn't find her way through the theater, so...


What the heck, man!



Hahahahaha! That was a nice straight-man routine, Kohran.


An' that was a great fool routine, Ogami-han.

The Kansai region of Japan is famous for its comedians. One type of (ridiculously famed) routine relies on the interplay between a fool ('boke') and a straight-man ('tsukkomi'), with the latter countering a particularly dumb statement with a quick 'nandeyanen' (which I've chosen to translate as 'what the heck, man!') and a slap. Given that this entire exchange boosted Kohran's trust level, it seems that she doesn't have that Kansai accent just for show.

... take notes, kids, you see this referenced a LOT in other anime series.

As awesome as comedy routines are, this still doesn't answer Sakura's question. :/


Good to meetcha! Jes' call me Li Kohran, m'kay?
As of now, I've transferred from the Flower Mansion branch. Nice t'make yer acquaintance!


Kohran was... at the Imperial theater for only a little while, since she was sent to the Flower Mansion branch.


Heh, so that's how it was. If that's the case... then she's my senior here.
Kohran-san, I hope we can get along!


Aah, knock 't off! Being called somethin' like 'Kohran-san' is sorta weird.
It's fine if ya call me 'Kohran'. Ah, right... mind if I call ya 'Sakura-han'?


Yes, of course! In that case... nice to meet you, Kohran.


Pleasure's all mine, Sakura-han!


.... yes, they're necessary, but damn if it isn't a BITCH to write up.


Don'tcha think so too, Ogami-han?


That's right...

Once again, we got Click LIPS. Time to ogle!

Maria's costume is first.


Maria, you look nice dressed up as Andre today, too.


It really suits ya well. Ya really look like a nobleman.


Hmhmhm... thank you, Kohran. When you put it like that, it's somehow embarrassing.

I check out Maria's costume a second time.


Maria... it really suits you very well.


.... thank you very much.

Perhaps understandably, she's a little put off. And now she knows how Ogami felt that last battle.


Ogami-san... that was a nice strategy.


Thanks, Sakura-san.


No, I'm serious- you were WONDERFUL.


I... uh, thanks again?


Ogami-san, I hope you can give me some of your courage someday.


Uh... sure. (... is she coming on to me?)



... ah, why the hell not, you only live once (though you can get shot a shitload of times).


I think you'd look good in cute clothes, too. It'd be great if you could wear something like Sakura's clothes at least once.

Take one for the team, Ogami. T'was good knowing y-

... er.


What's wrong?


Wh, what in the world are you saying. I... always play male roles...


I broke her



Maria-han. Y'all've got beautiful looks- I think it'd be alright even if ya let yer hair grow out some.


Even you, Kohran.... come on... please don't tease me like that.

Incidentally, her trust level rises. Huh.

Sakura's costume comes next, I suppose.


(Uwah... I can even see her bare shoulders. It's a fairly bold outfit, huh.)

Not compared to what, say, SUMIRE wears 24/7, but whatever floats your boat.

Lookin' a second time.

At the very least, Sakura IS usually a pretty snappy dresser (granted, I think that way of any woman who carts around a sword everywhere she goes, but hey).


Let's see...

There's only one right answer here.

... that is, only one right answer that won't shoot me in the foot.


It suits you well. You look pretty cute.


Seriously! You're ridiculously cute!


... true.

... I have no clue why Maria looks so unsatisfied.

Let's try talkin' to her.


Ensign, are you perhaps... helping to guide Kohran through the theater?


That's right! He even lead me to Yoneda-han's office!!

Everyone's expectations of Ogami are just... so low.

"Oh, Ogami-san couldn't POSSIBLY change clothes like any other human be- HOLY SHIT, HE DID! THAT'S AMAZING!!" "Pfft, he wouldn't possibly be smart enough to lead someone through a theater that he's only been living in for a week- HOLY SHIT, HE DID IT!!"



Naturally, as the leader of the Flower Division, it should have been my duty to guide Kohran through the theater, so...
You have really helped me out. I must give you my thanks.





As the captain, it was the natural thing to do. Showing her the way to her room is nothing, really.


No, even so, you're going out of your way.


It's the truth, Ogami-han, it's thanks t' you. You've been a great help t'me, too.

It's all small talk after this.


Sakura-kun, have you already finished preparing to go on stage?


Yes, I'm already mostly done. All that's left is to wait for the curtain's bell to ring.


Is that so... then, I've got to finish preparing to take tickets, too.

... you're already in your uniform and you've already got your scissors. I don't think there's much left for you to DO, mang.


Ensign, Kohran. Please look forward to today's performance.


I'd like to join y'all on stage as well- would that be okay?

... after her whole spiel about what she'd do if she had free run of the stage.... I don't think this is such a good idea, guys.


Oh, that's right... I'll be sure to talk to the manager about it.


Thanks a bunch! A'right then, I'll leave it up to you, Maria-han.


Now then... we should get going.


Really? In that case... Kohran, let's take our time to talk after the play.


That's right. I got a lotta stuff to ask you 'bout, too.


In that case... please excuse us here.


From here on out... I hope I'll be able to get along with her.

It SHOULD be easier for you 'cause she won't be humping YOUR leg.


Hey, Ogami-han. Are you already... gettin' to be good friends with Sakura-han?

TOO well, as a matter of fact.


Yup, we're getting along well. I mean, we're both new here, so we've managed to connect well.

....... what's that supposed to mean.


Hm...? Is there something wrong?


.... not really.

No, seriously, what's that supposed to mean?!


Eh...? But we don't know if you'll be able to go up on stage yet...


I'm a member of th' Flower Division too. I want t' help them get the stage prepared, even if it's only a lil' bit.
'Sides... if I'm close by th' stage, I'd be able t' join the play that much faster, right?


I see... you have a point there.


Gee, I guess we'd better enjoy the theater while it's still in one piece.


K, Kohran... don't do anything too FLASHY now.


A'right... I'm goin' off!! Thanks a bunch, Ogami-han!


Right then... I guess I should go help Kasumi-kun at the secretary's office, huh...

Guess I should go "help" her.


Kohran, huh.... no matter which way you cut it, it looks like the Flower Division's once again grown in strength.




Hm...? That voice...

Where the heck has SHE been all chapter, anyway?


Ensign, that person who was with you just now was Kohran, was it not?


Aah, that's right. I led her to the manager's office.


By the way, this was the Ensign's first time meeting Kohran, was it not? What did you think of her?

Meganekko FO' EVA, YO


..... she's rather cute. Don't you think so, too?


But she... might have her odd idiosyncracies as well.


But I honestly DO think she's cute...

Who doesn't?


I have, indeed, relayed this to you. In that case, I shall take my leave here. Please excuse me.

... he narrated to no one in particular, earning him some odd glances from the theater's other employees.

Hey, it's Yuri! Does anyone remember Yuri?


Yo, I've come to help out. What do you need me to do?

And Kasumi! Oh man, you guys are all too easily overlooked great.


Sure. If it's just that much, leave it to me.


...... errands?


We have to go to the Flower Mansion branch to complete the manager's errands.


You've got to be kidding me...!




W, wait!

lol grats, you've been shanghai'd into doing three peoples' workload.


Am I... REALLY the captain of the Imperial Assault Force?

Chin up, man, we established the answer to that question back when you were still grappling with the concept of 'secret brigade,' too.

Besides... you've always got the nighttime patrols to look forward to! And you can always hope that you'll be able to get into someone's pants for all this trouble.

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