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X Hours Later...

... and Ogami's STILL butthurt about the whole thing.


Thanks to that, I didn't even get to go see the play...
Alright... it's about time I did the nightly rounds, huh.



Hm? Who could it be at this hour?

Ten bucks says it's not even past double-digits-o'-clock yet.


Come on in.


It's Kohran. I'm comin' on in, Ogami-han.

You could at least be HAPPIER to have Kohran in your room, yeah?


Did y'all eat somethin' that went rotten?


No... it's nothing like that. I'm just a bit tired from this afternoon's work.

Bless your little heart for not being totally insane, Kohran.


No, I'm alright. More importantly, what's up, at this late an hour?


In this type of game, lies have a way of coming back and biting you in the ass. The truth it is!


.... I'm sorry. I was too busy with work, and wasn't able to see it.


Aah, I'll be sure to. By the way, what's the matter? It IS pretty late, right?

Our hero valiantly attempts to get the conversation back on track.


Ogami-han, y'all don't have any plans tonight from here on out, do ya?


.... not particularly.


F, fun stuff... what do you mean by that?!

... I... I think whatever freakish obsessive bug that Sakura has is contagious.


Hmmmm.... what should I do.....



... after talking with Kohran, my drowsiness is completely gone.

I... yes, I suppose you could put it that way.


Okay. After all this trouble, I guess I'll drop by Kohran's room during the nightly rounds.

Once again, the nightly rounds begin on the second floor, in front of Ogami's humble pad.

Looks like I have about an hour to burn again... and there's an event right where we start off. May as well check it out first.



Ah, Ogami-san. Please wait a moment.


Eh... what's up?

A letter? For me? From the little red-haired girl? Your luck's finally turning around, Charlie Brown.


.... thanks. I feel sort of bad that you're always bringing these up to my room.


It's perfectly alright. This is part of my job as well.
Now then... I shall excuse myself here.


This letter... ah, it's from big sister Futaba, huh...

As amazing as it may sound, Ogami DOES have relatives, unlike most dating sim protagonists.

... more specifically, he has relatives who aren't valid love interests in themselves.

Finally, we get to have a bit of backstory on our main man.


Ichiro-san, how have you been? I thought that you'd come home after your practices at the naval academy....
But that you would be sent out on a mission in the capital, well, your sister is very proud of you.

She'll be even prouder once she learns how many women Ogami is shacked up with.

Ah, right, right. My son, Shinjiro, has begun learning swordplay.
He's been ridiculously happy for what you've been teaching him since he was little.
Anytime something happens, he always goes "but Uncle Ichiro said..." His cheekiness drives me up the wall sometimes.
Now, take care of yourself, and be sure to work hard.
Futaba Taiga (maiden name Ogami)

... Ogami's an uncle? Holy shi-


Big sister Futaba.... prone to worrying as usual, huh.
Shinjiro's gotten bigger as well. Maybe I'll practice swordplay with him next time.

Ogami tends to regard Futaba as his surrogate mother- which makes sense, given that she's old enough to have a teenaged son of her OWN. Given that neither Futaba or Ogami make any mention of their own parents, it can be assumed that they were orphaned while Ogami was really young.

... since this means that she probably single-handedly raised Ogami, it might also be an indication of how damn badass Futaba herself is.


And once I find some free time, I've got to write a reply to big sister Futaba.
Now then... well, I can't sit in my room forever. Let's keep going with the nightly rounds.

Now that THAT'S done, it's about time to go see what it is Kohran wants.


Ogami-han, I've been waitin' fer ya! The door's unlocked, c'mon in.


In that case, I'm coming in.

... as expected. I dunno, though, it's missing a certain something. I can't put my finger on i-

Oh, right. Yeah, she's pretty importa-





Holy mother of god, Kohran got the guts to do what Sakura and Iris have probably been dreaming of doin' with Ogami.


I'm sure that's an easily answerable ques-

... I just KNOW that somewhere on the internet, this is someone's twisted fetish.


Uwah, Kohran! What the heck IS this?! S, someone save me~!!

God, Ogami, you look kinda maiden in distress.


Mornin', Ogami-han. How're you feelin' right now...?

I feel like I'm about get horribly violated, thank you very much.




Kohran, you can't do this... this is madness!!


Madness... madness, ya say?



A thousand questions coursed through Ogami's mind. What was Kohran DOING to him? WHY was she doing this? How the hell did she get all this stuff moved in during the space of a day while she was busy with the play? How the FUCK did she hide such a gigantic, frightening-looking machine in a room this small?

However, Ogami had enough of his wits about him to ask the most urgent question of them all.


Why am I naked?! At the very least, something like underpants would...


Don't worry 'bout it! I mean, after I'm done wit' you, you'd jes' soil whatever underpants y'all're wearin', anyway.


... too late for THAT.


Ku ku ku... if ya ain't nekkid, I wouldn't be able t' investigate every nook an' cranny on ya.

This is about one step away from turning into the plotline of a bad porno (and incidentally, Kohran's trust level goes way up).


E... every nook and corner?!

Don't worry, Ogami, that's just technobabble for "RAEP RAEP RAEP SQUEAL LIKE A PIGGY RAEP RAEP RAEP"

wait. When the fuck did Sakura Wars become an H game?!


C'mon, Ogami-han, y'all really enjoy bein' dressed like THAT, don'tcha?

Her trust level goes way up AGAIN.


Now, let's keep goin'! I'm gonna collect more an' more data!!

Trust level goes THROUGH THE ROOF.

As if this entire scene wasn't freaky ENOUGH, this says something frightening about Kohran. Because the secret to keeping her happy appears to be allowing her to have her way with you.


Why do you look like you're having so much fun?! Please, don't do this!!


What're you whisperin' about?! A'right, let's DO you in the rear with a mecha vibrat- this thing!! SWITCH, ON!!


Ichiro Ogami's Virginity

Stolen from him by a glasses-wearing Chinese vixen wielding more machinery than God.



.... hah?! I, was just in Kohran's room... huh? ... my clothes are on...
Hmmmmm.... it was... probably a dream.

Which would say something pretty fucked up about your subconscious if that were the case.


C'mon c'mon, Ogami-han! Shake off yer drowsiness 'n get up, you've gotta get back t' yer nightly rounds...


Ah... aah, that's right. Well then, I'm off.



Me posted:

Bless your little heart for not being totally insane, Kohran.

I take this back.

Ogami scuttled off, deeply disturbed by his experience in Kohran's room. However, the scars left in his battered psyche ran deeper than even HE knew....

Next Time: The list of sane, reasonable people left inside the theater becomes shorter still!

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