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The second part of the boss battle!

Google Version!

And like the second coming of Christ, Sumire's turn is truly a miraculous one-in-a-lifetime event!

Markedly less miraculous is the fact that Sumire isn't close enough to apply poison to Miroku, since it takes five attacks to unleash status effects.

Right, it's Ogami's turn, and we can FINALLY start actually damaging the boss once I get the matter of Sakura's continued existence settled.

... and once we dispose of the remaining Wakiji.








Sure, it's probably overkill, but isn't over-the-top stuff like that what anime's all about?

Besides, the sheer amount of impotence Ogami displays immediately afterwards more than makes up for that, I suppose.

For once, I don't blow Kanna's final attack immediately.

Instead, I whip out her crazy debuff special...

... which chops off Miroku's defense. Between Kanna's turn and Miroku's turn, I have everyone--

-- go to town--

-- on the crazy--

-- sunnovabitch.


The third and final boss battle video!

Google Version!

And we've got a nice attack debuff to cap things off, courtesy of Maria.

After whipping out her one-liner again, Miroku's up to bat!

Thankfully, she doesn't have enough spirit gauge left to use her final attack.

... granted, this doesn't prevent her from attacking NORMALLY.





Whaddaya know, the attack debuff actually WORKS!


What on Earth have you DONE to my precious Kujyaku!?




Shut up, you brat. Well!?


That's a really good question. I mean, you'd THINK that blasting someone down with ice should slow them down, not cut their att--


It's magical spirit ice.


... excuse me?


You heard me. It is because of my magical spirit ice bullets, crafted by mythical snowmaidens using the most inaccessible permafrost found on the highest mountains in Russia, my homeland.


Holy shit, really?


No, but it might as well be, given how little of our world's technology-to-magic ratio we actually KNOW about.


Actually, yer jes' about on th' right track wit' your--




... wha--


Trust me, this type of conversation is more commonplace than you'd think.




Oh~ hoh hoh hoh! Was that not truly amazing!?


... heh?


I poisoned the demon, rendering her virtually powerless. I have cut her offensive power in half! Is that not amazing!? Isn't my ability to poison enemies truly valuable!?


You KNOW that it's already too late for her to do anything but, y'know, curl up and die under the force of our violence, right?




'Sides, we've kinda already debuffed her so much that she's barely scratchin' our paint as it is.






I'm just going to keep hitting her. You go wallow in your tears and stay out of the way, 'kay?










And when Kanna's turn rolls around...

More defensive debuffing! YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH.

... though it seems that you can't stack the same debuff for double the effect.

Back to senseless amounts of violence, then.

Right, Sakura, you'd damn well better finish this, otherwise we'll be eating one hell of a final attack.



Alright! Alright! I give up! I surrender! I shall stop attacking, so please don't blow me up!!





Wh-what? You're defenders of justice, right? You won't strike down an unwilling enemy, right!? You're honor-bound to accept my surrender!!


... I'm afraid that you've got us confused with people who give a shit.


Sakura-kun? Do it.




... oh, jesus.








... oh?


Yes! Oh! Like, 'oh, this is gonna kick ass!' and/or 'oh god, don't kill me!'




Look, I figured it'd be easier to shorten any of the fifty-one phrases that start with 'oh', to make things easier and to--


Just swing your sword, Captain.


Y-yes, ma'am!







... she ain't goin' down?


Doesn't look like it.


A-AAAGH! S-Spirit energy... bleeding out of my... eyes...!



... hey, maybe we should try to capture her and squeeze as much information out of her as possible. Like the location of their secret base, or the weak points of Tenkai, or something!


Really? Do you honestly think it'd actually be worth all that trouble?










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