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Checking up on Miroku's stats, it seems that she has more than twice the HP of the entire Flower Division combined, in addition to having an escort of Wakiji to back her up.

Since Kanna will (ideally) be the one running up and punching the boss in the face, it'd make sense to protect her...

... though since we'll all be mobbing the boss AND because more than half the team is melee, guessing who's going to get attacked first is always a crapshoot.


Right then, if I don't switch back to a defensive strategy, there will be deaths.

At the very least, for all their super sparkly specialness...

... the red Wakiji don't have nearly as much HP as you'd think they would. That's one down!

Ending the turn in the corner so as to not die.

... and to make way for Kanna.


Two Wakiji down!


I COULD have Sakura blow her final attack and knock out at least two Wakiji, but...

That'd leave her way too exposed to the boss's counterattack. Given that her idea of "defense" is "thinking really, really hard about Ogami-san," I think it'd be better to play this safe.

Sunnovabitch, the Wakiji get to go BEFORE the majority of my team!?


Granted, in exchange for being hellishly fast, these boss battle Wakiji seem to be LESS powerful than the standard, for whatever reason.

... I mean, it's either that or Ogami's learned how to take his lumps like a man, and we all know how likely that SECOND possibility is.


For once, my decision to protect someone is vindicated! Never mind you the fact that the Wakiji don't actually do much damage in the first place. At least I'm scoring relationship points... right? Right?

Kohran is, at least, faster than Miroku herself is.

Now, changing the camera angle while defending...

... shows us that we've got two Wakiji left. Sadly, Kohran doesn't have enough action gauge left to pop one.


... so we'll leave that to the professionals.

One down, one to go.


Miroku manages to go before Iris AND Sumire!

While this isn't really hard to do-- all that's really needed to beat 'em is a brain and a working pair of legs-- it's kind of been proven that Miroku is sorely lacking in the former, and her Peacock doesn't seem to have the latter.

... in conclusion,

Miroku charges up her final attack!

... which is kind of long-ranged and oh dear I can't even see her targeting module. Cue dramatic cutscene!



Impending doom, in the form of a woman...







Rending Thunder!!

Flower petals?

Light... ning...?


... hey, the hell's wrong with your imagery? It's all over the place.




Look, you've got that batshit crazy woman theme going on, and there's that whole peacock motif going with your magic and your robot--


But when you're suddenly blindsiding us with flower petals and electric storms... I don't get what you're getting at!


There is NOTHING wrong with my choice of imagery! It represents each and every aspect of my inner self, which I can freely express by--



C-could someone please heal me? I think that--


Don't give me that "imagery" drivel. Surely you can simplify it more than that? If you just did away with the flower petals and the lightning...


Perhaps you have a point... I'm not entirely sure that I want to get rid of the lightning, however, since...


I-I can't feel my arms--


Shut up, Sakura-san, no one cares. -- now, Miroku, I simply cannot see how lightning fits into your entire image, and...



-- th-that last attack also degraded my Koubu's spirit energy systems, and e-every monitor in my cockpit's flashing red--


Actually, while we're at it, I gotta raise a moral objection t' those robot boobs she's got there. Ya haven't fired a single missile this entire battle!


Do you think that has not occurred to me, mortal? I WAS planning to create an upgraded version of the Peacock, but I simply did not--


Why th' heck wouldya slap a pair of tits on a robot if you ain't gonna fire BREAST MISSILES? Are ya tryin' ta insult every mecha fanatic known t' mankind!?


G-Guys? Sakura and I are hurting really badly, here. Also, we're fighting, so--



Would anybody particularly mind if I shut him up?


What? Oh, certainly, by all means. Now, as we were saying--


Wha-- wait! Stop! HEY!! DON'T--





Now! Follow my lead!



Wakiji Combination Attack!


... ah. Whoops.


Y-you guys suck... so much.


Haha, wow, Captain, how're you not a crater in the floor?


Because the universe exists to laugh at my suffering, and I can't suffer if I'm dead. More importantly, why aren't you actually saying anything, Maria?


I WOULD scold everyone for being so criminally negligent with the well-being of a fellow teammate--


If not for the fact that the brigade captain's generally responsible for looking after himself.


... maybe I should just approach this from another angle.



Ogami-san! Did something happen!? Your Koubu's attack power is decreasing!!


Your spirit crystal's amplification variable is deteriorating... I think that... there's nothing that can be done but to wait for it to recover naturally.


Ogami-san... please endure it! This is where you need to be patient!!


Ngh... got it. I'll try and wait it out somehow!!


This way, I can feel like people actually care about me! I--


Also, your Koubu's two inches from detonating, you really should leave the battlefield.


Wha-- are you shitting me?


You have no idea how much they dock our pay every time they have to train up another replacement Captain, so maybe you should--


Poppycock! Haven't you ever heard the saying "where there's a loli, there's a way"?


... that's not actually--





Yes, Oniichan?


Huge-ass infusion of chaotic demonic teddy bear energy! NOW!








See? Now I'm doing just fine!


... Ogami-san, are you SURE that it's safe to keep relying on Iris to heal your Koubu?


Well, in the long term, it's probably going to render me mentally unstable, and I'm not even going to START on what all this wacky energy's probably do to my prostate.


But if it's for the sake of the Imperial Capital-- no, for the whole of Japan-- then I shall willingly sacrifice myself and/or parts of myself in defense of my beloved country.




You're getting addicted, aren't you.


N-no, it's just--


The first step is admitting that you have a problem, Ogami-san!


Look, man, I don't know what you're talking about!


I can quit any damn time I want!!




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