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The chapter's epilogue!

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Holy crap, it's the Flower Division's first ever up-skirt shot!!


O-Ogami-han... does somethin' like this even count? I mean, not t' knock my own handiwork, but we're talkin' 'bout a robot with all th' sexual appeal of a trash can Zaku here.


I'd say that it's the principle of the matter. The up-skirt shot is the romantic ideal of every hot-blooded man!


Honestly, what IS it with the otaku subculture men and their fascination with panty shots?


Tsk, tsk, tsk... Sumire-kun, it's the same principle that forms the very basis of the poultry industry! Eggs are a staple of your Western breakfast...


... even when people know full well that they're eating something that came straight out of a chicken's ass! Panty shots are the same thing!!


And this has to do with panty shots how?


... actually, I don't know where I'm going with that analogy, but I'm pretty sure that don't want to take it any further.




And in a flurry of (what else?) cherry blossom petals...




... that's the complete and utter end of Crimson Miroku.

Imperial Assault Force, Flower Division: No Mess Left Behind.


It is perfectly alright. Everyone has something that they simply cannot stand.


Yeah, yeah! Besides, if you guys hadn't been late, we ALL would've been in trouble.


So, should we make it a point to come late to every battle from here on out?


Yes, why not? It is not as if your inability to form a decent strategy THAT ALLOWS US TO HEAL OURSELVES WHEN WE ARE ABOUT TO DIE has actually helped us; your absence will not be missed, I'm sure.


-- or we could ALL take turns slacking off as badly as Sumire-kun does, which would serve roughly the same purpose.


... are you seriously planning to run that insult into the ground, Ensign?


I'll only stop beating this dead horse on the day you actually start moving FASTER than one.




Holy shit, Sumire, how does it feel to get clumsily zinged by the communal whipping boy?


... I feel like I'm never going to be able to live this down.



Hmhmhm... it seems that your navel wasn't stolen, Sakura-kun.

Dammit, Sakura, could you possibly phrase that sentence any more poorly?


"Protectin' ya"~~!?


Eek!? W-well, that is, uh...


That's right!! Let's do what we usually do!! The usual!


One and two and~!




There goes the victory music! And the screen fades to black, bringing us to the wacky happy epilogue that we all know and love!

... or we could be getting to the twist that's been foreshadowed by last chapter's Next Episode Preview, among other things.


She must've escaped in th' confusion of her mech explodin'! She sure is tough!

"Tough" doesn't even BEGIN to describe someone who can survive their mech getting completely and utterly wiped off the face of the planet.


Hohohohoh! Do not think that you have won just by having defeated me.


D-don't tell me! Their assault was meant to slow us down!?


The entire Imperial Capital is in imminent danger of collapsing around our ears, and you're worried about THEM?


You have to admit that they are the usual suspects under most circumstances.


Um... didn't the Hive of Darkness already establish that they've got something that could actually destroy the Imperial Capital?


True, but it has also been established that the Hive of Darkness couldn't fight their way out of a spirit-powered paper bag.


Well, I suppose... what's the worst that coul--


Captain, NO!


Wha-- oh SHIT, did I just--


Meanwhile, CHOOM!


It's complete... hmhmhm...


The time has come!! Let the heavens howl!! Let the earth cry out!!
Raise the beacon that shall celebrate the resurrection of the greatest ruler ever!!











[Assorted Maidens in Distress]


[Assorted Heavy-Hitters in Distress]




Ohohohohohohoho! We've done it. We've done it!


Lord Tenkai is victorious! I am so happy!!


-- huh?

And after managing to survive a full-on assbeating at the hands of a brigade with the most devastating spirit-powered weaponry known to mankind...



... Crimson Miroku faww down go boom.

Most pointlessly stupid death ever, or most pointlessly stupid death ever?


Ooooh, what power! Such magnificent power! And I shall once again revive our ideals!








... and that's the end of that.


Aw, man. What now, Captain?


G... game over, man! GAME OVER!!


Don't worry, Oniichan! Sure, the Imperial Capital's gone boom--


-- again--


-- but WE haven't!


W-well, I guess we can still try to mount some sort of defense over the charred crater that used to be the Imperial Capital...


... yeah, it kind of IS a miracle that we all made it out perfectly alright and unharmed, huh? We should probably--



Kyaaaaah, hyaaaaaiiiaaagghhhhhh!!




What's the matter, Sakura-kun!? Get a hold of yourself!!


Nnnnngh... aaahhhhagh....





Captain! Sakura has...!!




Sakura-kun! What's wrong? Sakura-kun!?




... n-never mind what I just said, Oniichan.


... you have GOT to be fucking KIDDING me.


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