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The prelude to the boss battle.

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I never thought I'd find myself typing "Ogami saves the day by opening a door," but there you have it.


Miroku... this is as far as you go! Prepare yourself!!



Wait. The demon is the only one who's able to open the doors that are supposed to be sealed against demonic assault?


Hah, so you caught that! Good eye, Ogami, you exceeded my expectations.


Please stop trying to distract me with praise, Commander Yoneda.


Praise? I just thought that you'd be too busy gripin' about how the unopenable barrier wall system to notice more details!


... "unopenable" isn't a word, Commander Yoneda.


Alright, you can stop being so perceptive now, you've got demons to fight and Armageddon to avert. Go get 'em, tiger!


BOY I wish I was getting paid to do this.



It appears that the time has come for me, Crimson Miroku, to show you my true power.




Your true power is that you're a peacock?





Dramatic explosion of feathers!

Needlessly dramatic close-up of feathers!


So... peacock, eh?


Indeed. Peacock.









... peacock.


Yup, it sure is peacock in here.


NO, you uncultured bumpkin schoolchildren! Its name is--




The Kujyaku! GET IT RIGHT!




Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't "kujyaku" actually translate to...


No! Don't you dare! DON'T YOU--




... translate to "Peacock"?




Look, just hurry up and embrace your inner pretentiously showboating demonic diva thing already, we're kind of in a hurry here.




Whoa there, lady, we're just trying to do our jobs by ending your miserable existence in an orgy of firepower. We got a timetable to stick to here.




Gather 'round, folks, we're about to learn how Wakiji are made!

You see, instead of all that nonsense about birds and bees and/or the great big manufacturer in the sky...

... Wakiji are made with sparkles!

Along with an incredible amount of hatred and negative spiritual energy.


... and there're a lot of them.



And so, it begins.

... but before that, a public service announcement!


Ogami-san! Watch out for the red Wakiji around you!


We're picking up an odd thread of demonic energy connecting them to that large-scale demon-driven mechanical soldier!


A connection of demonic energy...?


They will probably... focus their fire on whatever target the large-scale demon-driven mechanical soldier is attacking...


They'll unleash combination attacks...? If we don't defeat the red Wakiji first, things could get ugly.

Y'know, uglier than they already are.


The first part of the boss battle!

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I mean, aside from Sakura and Ogami, Kanna and Iris and the entire team are down to one HP, so unless we can get Iris to go first and heal everyone, we're going to be--


Come to think of it, there's been a conspicuous lack of blood, screaming, and needless dramatics. How the hell are you guys still standing, and why do you all look so damn chipper?


Yeah, I jes' finished analyzin' th' demonic energy stuff, and it seems t' have been completely harmle--


Oh hoh hoh hoh hoh! Allow me to explain: I have successfully tricked you little girls into believing that you were being poisoned, thus causing you undue amounts of stress!!




Wait. Wait just a damn second. Let me get this straight: not only did you fail to make a lethal poison...
You failed to make any sort of poison at all? It was a placebo!?


Th' technical term's actually "nocebo"! 'Cause it was a negative effect, see.


And I had to bust my ass saving people who, once they destroyed all the Wakiji surrounding them, were in no actual danger of injury/death/psychological trauma!?


Exactly! And now that you have done the most damage to YOURSELVES, I shall--



... explain this to us BEFORE you take all the "poisoned" units out of commission, thus negating the nocebo effect and jacking everyone back up to being perfectly fine and back up to full health?




... would it be at all possible to allow me to try this again from the top?




I take it that that's a no.


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