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The second half of the battle!

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You! The battle's already over!! Why do I even bother protecting you!?


Calm down, Ensign, you're simply exaggerating.


What the heck do you DO when everyone's fighting!? Do you just stare at your spear like--





... Ensign? Ensign, why are you laughing so hard? Aren't you going to finish whatever it was you were about to say?


N... never mind, just trust me when I tell you that it's better left unsaid.



Well, at least I was not the one who chose a strategy where we are not even allowed to heal ourselves.


Hah hah hah! Man up, Sumire, pain builds character!


It also builds SHUT YOUR MOUTH, KANNA.


Too much character! TOO MUCH CHARACTER!!




And for some utterly asstarded reason, WE can't break this last door down from THIS side.

Floor's turn!


G-geh, that's bad. I don't think half of the team even HAS 30 hp to spare.

Welp, goodbye, Iris!

... and Kanna!

And. Uh.

How the hell are those two still standing!? They didn't even HAVE 30 HP to spare!!


So that you can get gassed too?


Yeah! So that I can get gassed t--


-- wait, no!



Ogami-kun! At this rate, those girls won't be able to last much longer!!
Hurry... hurry up and save them! At this point, you're the only one they can rely on, Ogami-kun!!


And me too, right?




Yes, exactly.


S... should I even ask what that pause was for...?



... I understand. No matter what I have to do... I will rescue everyone!!

Alright, it's go time.

You're not the only one with a nifty final attack, Sakura!

Wolf-Tiger Destoyer...





It's not a bad final attack, as far as a cheap knock-off of Sakura's Ouka Houshin goes.

R-right, leaving that aside for now...

... 1 HP.

That's not good.

Thankfully, the only enemies left are the ones that Ogami and Sakura are facing down.


... which is of little comfort to 1 HP Kanna.

The fact that there are no enemies left inside the deathtrap ALSO means that there is literally nothing to do but run around like a headless rabbit.


... and wait for Sakura to blow the rest of the enemies to hell.

Once the smoke clears:


Oh, you did that LONG ago.


Welp, the battle's over, and--



Wha-- wait! We defeated all the enemies! Why isn't the door opening!?


... it's called having to push a switch, Ogami-kun.


B-but, no one told me anything about a switch! I thought that the door would open automatically if we just killed all the enemies!!


Ogami-kun, as much as I hate to break it to you... life isn't a side-scrolling action game.





Maria ain't looking too hot, either.

Right. If I just have Iris charge up her spirit gauge, there should be just enough to--

-- to--


... wha.



Right. Well, right after this turn, we should be able to--



... um.

... and everyone else who wasn't damaged takes 29 damage even.


So... everyone's still alive?


Yup! Didn't even have to hold my breath.


Iris could've slipped between the cracks of reality to avoid death! But I didn't have to. ... tee-hee.


Yeah-- it looks like th' poison stops doin' damage after a certain point.


So, what this boils down to is that the Hive of Darkness... basically made a non-lethal poison.






... I'm just going to open the door now.




NEXT TIME: Stupidity Never Dies.

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