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... I COULD give you a medal, but then I'd have to give Maria a heart and Kanna a brain.


I could--


No cutting out peoples' organs without their permission, Kohran. Also, you're not allowed to claim to have misinterpreted someone's non-verbal cues as permission. ... again.


I was ABOUT t' say that I coulda bred you a heart an' a lung, but y'all can jes' forget about it NOW.


I... I think I'll do my best to forget, Kohran.


Blushing, again.

Sadly, Sakura's final attack doesn't quite reach...

... so it's just time to cut the barstud up a bit. Nothing special.

FUN FACT: So it turns out that the Crimson Hornet Squad is fast enough to preempt most of my team. For instance, Iris.





Which kind of sucks because jesus hoppity christ on a pogo stick.

And another hit.

... while I usually laugh at this amount of damage, it's kind of frightening when it accounts for a pretty large percentage of a character's remaining hit points.

So, uh, everyone else seems to be facing the same problem.


On the plus side, their spirit energy gauges are going up!


... on the downside, they're tearing us a new asshole.


(Meanwhile, Sakura, the supposed MVP of the chapter, is taking more damage than anyone else on the team.)


After a huge bout of indecision, in which I discover that you CAN'T fit more than one Wakiji into Kohran's area-of-effect attack...


... I have to settle for reducing just one Wakiji to a bloody smear.

Wuh-hey, if there's one thing good about these sorts of cramped quarters, it's that EVERYONE is in range of Kohran's attack! For instance, the Wakiji bugging Iris.

Maria Tachibana!


Should you REALLY be randomly shooting into the ceiling like that?






Now, Manager Yoneda, I believe that you will be upgrading the theater's barrier walls to include failsafes...?


Y-yes! I'll be good! Please don't blow off my other foot.


Very good.


... why aren't you in charge of this theater?


Politics is much too bloodthirsty for my tastes.


Sniping everyone! YAY


And a combination!


You're pretty good.


Same goes for you!



Sensing that its chances of making it out alive are null, the other Wakiji promptly explodes when Maria looks its way.

That leaves one left in here!


Oh, Iris. Still exuding that same ridiculously saccharine annoying-slash-adorable aura, even when two inches away from blowing up.

Chargin' up her spirit gauge so that I can actually access her huge area-of-effect full heal...

... and spending the remainder of her turn in attack mode.


... where the heck did you teleport it to, Iris?


I didn't teleport it anywhere! Iris just went back in time and badtouched its manufacturer so hard that the Wakiji was never created in the first place.




Just... just keep on doing whatever it is you do, Iris.


Okay! Iris is sorry about the original seventh and eighth members of the Flower Division, by the way.


WHAT seventh and eighth members of--


N-Nevermind, Oniichan!


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