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The first half of the battle!

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Right. So we've got Sakura and Ogami right in front of the stairs, and everyone else is holed up in a room at the end of the hallway.

However, they're not holed up in just ANY room!


This strange demonic energy spreadin' across th' floor... it looks like it's damagin' th' Koubu.


Naw, that just means that it's time to get an actual ventilation syst--




I mean, how horrid! Those dastardly demons!!


... your leadership abilities never fail to render me speechless, sir.



What did you say...? Then... as long as we remain here, we cannot escape it... I see.


Captain! Hurry up an' get over here!! At this rate, we'll be taken down before th' battle even begins!


Oniichan, save us~!! Hurry up and do something~!!

Oh, NOW they call out for Ogami's help and treat him like something besides a gullible brain-dead man-boy-toy.


... understood. We'll do what we can.

Right, leading off with Ogami. Let's just get to the others as soon as--

-- uh.


... Manager Yoneda, is there any particular reason why I'm still staring at a giant metal shutter instead of a hallway?


Well, m'boy, those are an entirely infallible security measure and the pride of our theater-- steam-powered barrier walls that slam shut at the first scent of demonic energy!


Yes, I gathered that much. We're here to kill the demons, you can totally open them back up now.




... you can't!?


"Can't" is such a strong word, m'boy! We're just not empowered with the necessary mechanisms and all.


Wha-- buh-- how did you expect us to use the rest of the basement when, after we chase off the demons, the rest of the basement is still blocked off by walls?


More to the point, how the fuck do you expect me to save everyone if they're locked in a room full of poison!?


Hahaha, well, you SAID that you were gonna break down the barrier walls, right?


I WAS JUST BEING DRAMATIC!! -- alright, you know what? FUCK it.





The... what strategy?


Uh. Well, d'ya remember th' Summit strategy, when Ogami-han opened our Koubu up to a mountain?


Yeah, of course I do, that's--


-- uh-oh.







Did-- did you just channel the power of the entire sun into our Koubu!?


Holy shi-- wha-- I didn't--


Agh! I'm swelterin' in here!


Turn it off! Quickly!! Iris is going to--


Gieeeeh! Hisssssss!


... I hate t' interrupt y'all, but everyone DOES realize that we're underground an' thus away from th' sun's glare, right? An' 'sides that, it's nighttime, to boot.




... y'know what? I think I'm going to keep it on for a while.


Anyways, between us and everyone else...

There are a few doors, along with those poor bastard Wakiji unfortunate enough to get stuck between 'em without any sort of way to escape.

In total, there are two doors and three Wakiji between us and them--

-- "them" being the rest of the Flower Division, who're stuck up shit creek without a paddle.

Not only are they ALL at half health, but their spirit gauges are completely empty-- meaning that Iris won't be able to unleash her super awesome healing special attack and make this stage ridiculously easy.

Right then-- once again, I'm guarding Sumire because she goes last. While it WOULD be hilarious if she was killed before her turn even rolls around, it wouldn't be very convenient.

And finally, forty-five images into the update, I can finally hit something.


... Captain, I'm fairly certain that you can't electrocute a door.







Hah! See!?


But... but it shouldn't be physically POSSIBLE to blow up a door by channeling electricity into--


Let it go, Maria-han-- th' phrase "ignorance is bliss" was DESIGNED with people like Ogami-han in mind.


'Sides, YOUR Koubu shoots ice bullets.


There's a perfectly good explanation for that.




... fair enough.




(-- just keep moving don't make eye contact don't make eye contact don't--)


Kanna time!

Though I'm finding it harder and harder to place any faith in our leadership, it'd probably be better see what our higher-ups have to say.

... and as expected, the advice received is frighteningly useless. O-kay.


Translation: Fisticuffs with a goddamned vengeance.

... and one of them nifty combination attacks.


Look out, I'm a tiger~!


Roar, roar!

... minus any sort of common sense, but I'd sincerely hope that everyone reading this thread is used to it by now.



... good lord, haven't you guys been weakened at all by the poison that's killing your Koubu bit by bit?


Actually, I think my response time's gone up! Also, I haven't been feeling any pain for the last twenty minutes.


O... kay. Anyone else?


Yup! ... minus the "not feeling pain."


Hah hah hah! Whoops, I guess that last one was just me!


Hah hah hah! Oh, Kanna, you and your utter disregard for the human body's physical limits.


... I need to get out of this place.



And the woman still has enough action gauge left to charge up her spirit gauge and punch the neighboring Wakiji's teeth out.

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