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Schadenfraulein posted:

Well, maybe Ohgami's just taller than we--


Hahaha, yes.

... then again, it never fails to amuse me to see just how monstrously tall Kanna is, especially when compared to the rest of the cast. I'm pretty sure Sakura barely comes up to her chest.

Schadenfraulein posted:

You can say that again!

Click here for the full 1538x1117 image.


Good god, those legs. I can't stop staring at them.

Zaa Boogie posted:

Man, is that new Sakura portrait an edit? I mean I'd say so but at this point I just don't *know*!

Don't worry, it's an edit.

I can't begin to imagine how frightened I'd be if I'd found it in the game itself.

veekie posted:

Actually, I think Maria just uses bunker buster pistol ammo for training purposes. Kohran mixed it, and it got charged with Maria, Ogami and Sakura's energy.

... I'm just going to give up at this point and refer you to the following all-purpose answer:

hurr i dunno what the fuck anymore (´・ω・`)

LaserShark posted:

...waitasecond. You had your little spy find their hideout two or three chapters/months ago, and you're only now finding this out? Their intel gathering skills clearly suck.

They found out about it right before Kohran's chapter, which didn't exist in the original version.

... so, the Hive of Darkness just kind of procrastinated for a while. "Yeah, yeah, I know we've uncovered our hated enemy's greatest weak point. Yes, I know, I'll start doing something about it tomorr-- look, just gimme more time, the world isn't going anywhere, we'll totally conquer it soon! Gaaaaaawd, leave me alone."

07 Users Suck posted:

You better put up a warning though not to eat and read this thread. I almost choked.

I'll get on it once I put up that "May Cause Readers To Claim Characters As Their Wives" warning.

unangbangkay posted:

Just to address the folks who are all concerned about every character (particularly Maria) devolving into a Sakura-clone, don't be. It may be standard procedure in any harem-ized bishoujo game, but Maria's Sakura-fication is private. Aside from the occasional adorable outburst, she's only Sakura-esque around Ohgami, whereas Sakura's like that all the fucking time. Big big difference.

... that's still not particularly reassuring.

On the other hand, I can't get over the fact that somehow, without us (or me, at least) noticing, we've all started using Sakura as an adjective to refer to the lowest common denominator of character de-evolution.

It's things like that that make me feel sorry for Sakura every now and then, at least until I see her crazy eyes icon again and spittake at how right it looks.

Boat posted:

Oh my god I'm at the end.

Glad you're liking the LP so far!

... and believe you me, the game has more than enough material to make the rest of the ride... interesting.

LightWarden posted:

How the hell will you put this in the LP archive? Truly, the comm chatter is half the experience.

Hahaha oh man, I'd rather not think about that. This is (still) my first LP, I don't even know HOW to archive stuff.

Spoilers Below posted:

Ah, of course! He went to an academy to learn how to steal them... No wonder he's the lightening god...

... it took me longer than it should have, but I see what you did there.

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