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It's the start of yet another point-and-click adventure, this time with the added bonus of we're all going to die if we don't hurry up and figure out how to escape!


The exit's been completely blocked off. We've got to think of something...


That's right...


I wonder if anything's fallen onto the floor?


I'll look around as well.


Sakura-kun... did you find anything?


No... everything in the lockers has been scattered all over the place, so it doesn't look like there's anything of use...


Dammit! The walls and ceiling have collapsed, so the exit's been blocked off!


... we've been completely shut in, huh.


L-look, Sakura-kun, could you please knock off the crazy eyes? They're really freaking me out.


How's this?


Wha-- GAH!


Stop rolling your eyes into the back of your head, that doesn't help.




Christ, this day just keeps getting better, doesn't it.



Goddammit! There are sounds coming from underneath us! Has the basement been infiltrated by the enemy?


(Calm down... calm down and think things through. How on Earth can we get out?)


I guess it sounds like the world's been reduced to cinders by the demons! Might I suggest that we start reproducing like rabbits in order to repopulate it?


Sakura-kun, they're not going to have destroyed the world by the time we get out.




(S-stay calm... and think things through. How on Earth can I stay sane in the face of Sakura's crazy?)




... it was probably knocked out from one of the lockers when the walls collapsed.


The bullets are... whoa! The bullets inside are in excellent condition!


Never you mind the fact that Maria isn't the type of person to make such a mistake and leave a loaded practice gun in the lockers, but...


You work in mysterious ways, my Lord!


Uh, sure, that-- wait, you didn't just materialize a loaded gun out of thin air with the force of your physics-breaking spirit-energy-fueled insanity, right?


Ha ha ha, of course not!


Y-yeah, I think I'll pass on looking this particular gift horse in the mouth.



Right... if we use this, we might be able to break the wall!


Yeah... let's hurry! I'm worried about everyone else.



I shall send you to sleep, along with your precious theater! For all eternity, that is...
Oh~ hoh hoh hoh hoh!

Never mind the fact that we're ALWAYS outnumbered...

... or the fact that Sakura is kinda so-so and has paper armor...

... OR the fact that Ogami isn't nearly as strong as any of his teammates...

... or... well, okay, I guess that kind of makes sense.

Now that we've gotten THAT ego-boosting "Ogami and Sakura are the main characters" reaffirmation out of the way, back to the main story!


We're blowing up this wall! The destructive force of this thing's explosion will be small, but...
If I can just hit a structurally weak point, an explosion like this should definitely shatter these rocks.


Will you really be able to do something like that?


Aah, leave it to me!! Though I may look like this, I WAS among the top students of my class at the naval academy.

If this was truly the case, I'd rather not imagine what the BOTTOM of his class would look like.

The poor bastards probably can't even put their clothes on the right way around.


... but if I mess even one thing up, the both of us will be buried alive. ... I'm gambling on an all-or-nothing risk.


Can you believe in me...?


... right, I forgot who I was talking to for a moment there.


Yes! My L--


I'm just going to go ahead and put us both out of our respective miseries, alright?



... thanks. Right, here I go.


Google Version!




The master plan?

Shoot the wall.

Understandably, Ogami's having second thoughts about this bright idea of his.


Ogami-san... fire.


... holy shit, you're lucid again.


Yeah, the prospect of imminent death can do that to people, Ogami-san.


I'm helping you hold the gun steady. This way, when you inevitably mess up, I'll have at least TRIED to help in some way, rather than sit back and watch you kill the both of us.



... y'know, I kind of liked you better when you were mindlessly singing praise for me.


JuSt ShOoT aLrEaDy, YoU dUmB fUcKeR.





Now, the MASTER plan comes into play. Can Ogami hit a bullet with another bu--


... well.

How 'bout THEM apples!? Ogami didn't fail horribly! M'BOY'S A GENIUS! HE'S--

He's, uh.

He's fucked.

Granted, if there's one thing going for Ogami...



... it's that, at any given point in time...

... he's surrounded...

... by lunatic women...

... with way too much goddamn spirit energy on their hands.





... do you get a kick out of interrupting us at random intervals, Ogami-san?


Being a snarky asshole helps me stay sane.




(I know that all the women in the Flower Division have high amounts of spirit energy, but...)
(Was that power just now... WAS it simply "spirit energy"?)
... anyways, tackling such difficult questions comes after we defeat the enemy!


Let's go, Sakura-kun! Everyone's waiting for us!



... that might be a good start.


If that's the case, then they've actually saved us some trouble!! We can use our Koubu immediately! Alright...


Imperial Assault Force, Flower Division, go forth! We're moving in to support everyone else!!


They probably meant to launch a surprise attack by assaulting us from our own basement, but... just you wait, Hive of Darkness!!


We'll show you that WE'RE the only people allowed to destroy our own theater!!


That's right! We'll show them, my Lord!


... for chrissakes, woman, it gets kind of scary if you don't play the straight man to my funny man routine.


Whatever do you mean?


Well I oh god nevermind stop making that face at me.


What face?


L-let's just go kill some demons, okay?






NEXT TIME: My Base Is Fight!

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