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Zereth posted:

So you're saying that Sakura's a Terminator sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor and this is just her day job until we get to the 80s?

If that's the case, she'd probably have gotten a job closer to America... or she could just kill one of Sarah Connor's ancestors. And given how the game's going, I wouldn't discount the possibility that Ogami is one of them.

RyuujinBlueZ posted:

Sakura is actually the manifestation of Ogami's feminine side that was shattered from his psyche at a young age when his big sister touched him in an inappropriate way. The reason she wants Ogami so badly is because if they get it on then they'll become a whole person again and as such possess the strength to combat the true evil that is Iris.

Calling it now.

... well, it'd be amusing if none of that were actually true and Sakura is convinced of this fact, but.

Canuck-Errant posted:


Okay, fine, that passes because it's kind of adorable.

... though I really can't get used to seeing Ogami in anything other than his ticket-taking outfit and his mech-piloting suit.


Canuck-Errant posted:

Incidentally, searching for "Sakura Wars Yoneda" in Japanese turned up far more porn than searching for "Maria Tachibana" in Japanese. I mean, it makes sense, but...

... I'm not sure that I want to be asking this, but I really want to hear your thoughts on how it makes sense.

ZeeToo posted:


Did you really go through the trouble of scanning the Sakura Wars manga just to post an out-of-context picture of Iris doing something horrendously sketchy?

little_firebird posted:



Worse yet, Iris WITH Jean-Paul

(fixed the link)

That's... actually kind of awesome. Especially the second picture, which is a perfect summary of what's going on in the theater at any given time.

It's frighteningly accurate.

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