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Not much to say today. If I'm slow with the updates, the reason is as follows:

... Super Robot Wars Z. Enough said.

Canuck-Errant posted:

No buts.

unangbangkay posted:

I only discovered this thread recently, and I'm extremely happy that someone ELSE likes Sakura Taisen other than me. I bought a Dreamcast for those games (and only those games), modified my PS2 to play this remake, and just dropped $240 on the PC versions because I didn't have any space to bring my Dreamcast. Ah, illogical fandom.

Yeah, Sakura Taisen was pretty much the entire reason why I bought my Dreamcast (though my collection's branched out to its buttload of other titles since then).

Basically, welcome to the club!

Terashell posted:

Don't be sad, so have I. I've been categorizing this thread in terms of tropes for a while now.

I swore myself off TV Tropes. Every time I browse the site, I'm incapable of resurfacing for hours.

That said, I'm both amused and kind of worried about the kind of tropes that this thread has been scoring.

Sindai posted:

I am seriously disappointed you didn't pick "steam computers!?!?" because seriously, steam-powered computers?

Camel Pimp posted:

Steam powered computers.


Jesus, when I thought regular ol' PCs didn't get hot enough during operation. Please tell me they don't have steam powered laptops. Those could probably kill people.

Why so skeptical? I mean, we've got steam-powered mecha stomping around and harnessing their pilots' spirit energy to battle demons and their legions of robots, I'd think that steam-powered computers would be the least of your worries.

... for me, at least.

Glazius posted:


Ah, so this is where we find out that a) Sakura is actually part of Lord Tenkai's former court, only she defected over not minding Westernization all that much (since it might let her make the first move! Ah, the springtime of youth!) or b) Longnails The Poison is really quite good at disguises.

Zereth posted:

... the hell are you getting this from? I was under the impression this was meant to paint Sakura as a naive country girl.

When making speculations about the plot of anime-based games, there's merit in starting from the least sensible conclusion and working your way up through logic and common sense.

veekie posted:

Kohran is the single most awesome one this update.

Whose chapter is this anyway?

In the original versions of this game, all this focus on Kohran might've been meant to compensate for the lack of a Kohran-centric chapter.

In this particular case, all this focus on Kohran has the benefit of making up for the bleh-ness of the Kohran-centric chapter.

Wyvernil posted:

(By the way, what would have happened if we decided to go with Sakura instead of stick around the theater? Idle curiosity, mostly, since we've seen most of the other alternate paths.)

I never actually went with Sakura in any of my playthroughs. I looked it up. Apparently, Sakura actually turns Ogami down after Maria makes an off-hand comment about the weather report mentioning a possible thunderstorm-- probably because she doesn't want him to see her turning into a basket case at the first sign of lightning, though it's not revealed at the time.

... and the rest of the chapter proceeds normally. It's not really a branching path, which is a pity.

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