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Well, I've hit on both Kasumi and Yuri in sequence, and I had a frightening amount of success, so all that's left to do in order to complete the set would be to...


... to... uh... hit on Tsu... Tsubaki, and...


-- wait! Wait, no, fuck that, I... I'm not sleazing up the entire Wind Division! What the hell's wrong with me!? When did I become such a lady-killer!?


More to the point, why did I have to become a lady-killer when I'm surrounded by the most dangerous women in the country? I wasn't ever like this before I came here, I could never get a girl to look my way when--


... ah fuck, I'm monologing/exposition-dumping out loud. I need help.



And by "help," I mean "Ayame-san." She's the only one who can--





Well, hello to you too, sunshine!



Ah... no, I'm just bumming around a little...
More importantly... Manager Yoneda, it's rare for you to come up to the attic, isn't it?

Translation: Why the hell are you up here, you've sabotaged my one and only chance to see Ayame-san who also happens to be one of the few people keeping me sane you bastard.




Ogami... you be sure to have fun while you still can.
That's just about why... sake is so good. Sake just gets better, even while lighting's crashin' in the background... or when the cherry blossoms bloom... .


Manager Yoneda...


... you came up here to find the sake that Ayame-san took away from you again, right?


Don't deprive me of my one chance to be serious and hardass, Ogami. Also, how the hell did you KNOW?


It's generally the way you work the subject of alcohol into any conversation, especially when you're recovering from withdrawal.


Poppycock, that's about as ridiculous as someone trying to pass off German beer as American wine.




... don't you go gettin' drunk on power, Ogami.



... I'll have a drink with you. Times like these, I can drink to that.


Whenever I come up here, I start gettin' sentimental... that ain't good, huh...


Manager... I think that's fine. Every now and then...


That's true... c'mon, sit with me an' have another drink... Ogami.




What's with that skepticism? I'm offerin' you some alcohol, Ogami, so--


No, it's just that... I don't remember you ever offering me any of YOUR alcohol before. You usually just yell for me to get my OWN damn alcohol, so...




... and you've relented during the one time that I REALLY need a stiff drink. Thank you, Manager, for finally showing me some kindn--



--wait, what about that drink--



Okay... Ogami. Go have fun at the party! I'll be going back down first.


Also, get your own damn alcohol.


... y-yessir.


And stop mopin'! All you need to do is find yourself a stiff drink.


B-but the only alcohol we have in the theater is in your office--


WHICH YOU CAN'T HAVE HA HA HA HA HA man, I love bein' me.



... y'know, in between bouts of laughing at my very existence.



But right now... there's nothing I can do, huh. Right... guess I'd better get going myself.

And now...

... we have an impasse.

This is the view of the basement. There are two scenes here this time around: the first is in the infirmary, while the second is in the baths.

NORMALLY, I'd be all over the bath scene like, uh, Ogami being all over the bath scenes, but for a change...

Ogami is the bathee this time around. Which wasn't a problem, but for the fact that--

-- the tables are kind of reversed... and the fact that this is the Iris bath scene. While showing off the game is kind of the entire POINT of LPing a game, this is the one bath we're skipping.

... for those worried about how the above screenshots turn out...



Ah... Oniichan? Oh, you're in there already? I'll take a bath later, then~.

It has a happy and surprisingly non- ending.

... no, it really does. Trust me on this. Seriously, stop looking at me like that, nothing bad happens, he just climbs out of the bath and walks out the door and gets ambushed by the little girl hanging on the ceiling and waiting for him to pass under her so that she can to the next scene.

Anyways, we've got something happening right next door...


Lo and behold, it's the person that Ogami's actually looking for!


The pain hasn't receded even after I drank some medicine, so I was thinking of getting a check-up.

... who may be on her way to an early grave due to being overworked!


... are you alright? You've been really busy lately, so could it be due to fatigue?


Hmhmhm... thank you. Even though I was simply writing reports, perhaps I strained my nerves.




And then Ogami's newfound mojo kicks in, depriving us all of a series of desperately-needed explanations as to what the fuck is wrong with him.




Thank you. You're worried about me, aren't you?


Well, I can't deny that I'm worried about PARTS of you, but...


You DO realize that honesty isn't a virtue when you stick your foot in your mouth, right?


... is this kind of like how we can't let the public know about the massive number of casualt--




-- of unfortunately tragic and unforeseen accidents?


Sort of, except lying usually doesn't get you giant armed robots and armed trains and armed blimps.


Though I suppose it'll certainly keep you alive when it comes time for you to make your Great Decision, hmm?


Yeah, you're telling me. I honestly can't decide what I want for breakfast tomorrow, but Sakura-kun's got cooking duty and yet I can't decide whether or not to approach her and ask her about it but then again--


... nevermind.



Yeah... Ayame-san, I never see you as the type of person to make complaints, so I was just...


No... I'm alright. I'm just a little bit tired, that's all.


As to the results of my check-up... it doesn't look like there are any problems. Perhaps it's just my imagination.
Sorry for making you worry. Now then... I still have reports to write, so...



Oh crap, it's already this late. I'd better hurry to the dressing room.


IT'S SAKURA-- oh, it's Kohran.


Hey, Kohran. Huh...? Wait, what're you doing out here?



But, uh, not as happy as you, it seems. I--





What? What!?




I-I dunno!! I can't stop myself from-- Ogami-han, what did y'all DO?


Nothing! Wait, maybe I'm contagious, or-- was it something I said? Should I try NOT praising you?


Whatever, jes' hurry up, my head feels like it's burnin'!


Alright, alright, what's a good insult, uh, I, uh--


You have smaller-than-average mammaries though I am not insinuating that your worth as a human being and/or a woman is determined by your physical attractiveness as it applies to our current cultural values and/or outlook!




Did... did it work?


I... I think so? I'm jes' bogglin' over how that was the most unnecessarily attempt at a politically correct insult I've heard in my life.


... it just figures that my sense of self-preservation would kick in at the most unnecessary moment ever.



Come to think of it... that means that we'll finally be able to see the performance that you were keeping under wraps.


You do that to me on a daily basis anyways, Kohran. I--


... wait, speaking of unpleasant surprises...



... come to think of it, has Sakura-kun come back from her shopping errands?


Nope.. .she wasn't in th' dressin' room.


I see...
(Sakura-kun... you're pretty late. I wonder if something happened...)

And then the eyecatch happened, underlining the unnecessary reminder that Sakura is probably possibly the focus of this chapter even though we don't see her for the first third of it, though that part's my fault.

NEXT TIME: It's partangst time!

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