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little_firebird posted:

I was totally unaware that the Sannin Musume were available for wooing until somebody mentioned that they actually got Tsubaki to go out on a date with Ogami.

They're available for wooing, but you can't beat the game on Tsubaki-route or anything like that.

... though I would kill to be able to sortie a powered-up Rolling Thunder that can do a love-love combination attack with Ogami's Koubu. Alas, it is not to be.

ZeeToo posted:

I am deeply disappointed you didn't just tell Kanna to do her best.

Well, Ogami IS a sucker for helping out everyone in the theater because he is a whipped quivering pile of dating protagonist manboy man.

veekie posted:

I can't see how either Iris or Kanna could have had any difficulty with the table, besides their obvious enjoyment at watching Ogami's spine come out of the back. If only he said yes to Iris, she'd have teleported the thing right to the spot.

Oh, Iris wouldn't have had any difficulty with the table, but even Ogami has limits on how far you can crush his ego.

Dectilon posted:

I wonder what kind of table is too heavy for a person who can destroy steel with her bare fists : /

Looks like the Sakura-transmogrification in progress to me : P

Hey, Kanna didn't blush or go all stalkery or crush Ogami under the weight of her "thank you, you are awesome and a man". I consider that a plus.

Revenant Threshold posted:

Come to think of it, taking the needs placed on it into account, the table is probably the theatre's least renowned and smallest koubou.

Everything is steam powered.

I know that I'm beating a dead horse here, but it's the only semi-logical explanation I can think of.

Glazius posted:

Worse than that, it needs to stand up to Kanna unselfconsciously slamming down her glass after she drains it in one pull and 2.6 seconds.

It wouldn't be so bad, except when they reinforced the glass it broke the table and when they reinforced the table it broke the glass...

You think she drinks from a glass?

I'd consider this to be the bare minimum.

Grunduggerer posted:

A perfectly good opportunity to tell Iris she is tiny and unable to help the grown-ups missed.

little_firebird posted:

True. This would've been the perfect opportunity to see how many cans of worms can be opened at one time.

There is a time and place for crushing the egos of little girls.

Getting crushed under the weight of a table is not one of those times.

little_firebird posted:

My god,  Lachette -version Maria is better than  Lachette. 

This is coming from someone who prefers long hair to short hair. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME

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