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Let's fuck around a little bit more before the party starts. I've got some loose ends to tie up, after all...


Whoa hey, it looks like those flowers have--

-- finally bloomwhat the shit is this!?


We've ended up growing this many Chinese cabbages!


Ch, Chinese cabbage!? And... this much!? H~m, this is, uh...

Rule number one of botany: if it ain't eyecandy...

... then it's food.


Let's make a stew out of these. It'll certainly warm up the both of us, huh...


A stew? That sounds lovely! If we have this many cabbages, we should have enough for everyone in the theater.


That's not what I meant, Kasumi-kun. I want to cook a stew with you, just the two of us...


I suppose women doing gardening duties have some kind of hypnotic effect on Ogami's libido and/or romantic tendencies...


Eh, Ogami-san...

... though I'm really can't see the romantic aspects of "I want to cook a stew with you," and it makes one hell of an awkward euphemism.


Would you like to stew up some cabbage... together?

Not the most accurate of translations, perhaps, but I couldn't resist.









Regretfully, no stew-making happens because the tone of this scene suddenly switches from "romantic" back to "completely normal."


Sure, we didn't even get FLOWERS, but I'm satisfied with just staring at all these plants and going "damn, I have a shitload of vegetables in my garden."


Much like your romantic life, huh?


Well, I do like to cast my net wide, if you catch my drif--


I mean shut up.




I really enjoyed myself...




If all it takes to get women to love me is standing around and sprinkling water on shit with a watering can, do you think I could get the same effect with a hose?


... you might have better success if you keep your mouth shut, Ogami-san.


What? My flirting-slash-conversational skills are top-notch! For instance: your eyes are as blue as the bluest window cleaner. Eh? How's that?


... well, for starters, they're brown.


Oh, right. So... uh, maybe if I said that your eyes are as brown as shi--


On second thought, stick to the window cleaner.



I got it. Good luck with your work.


Yes! Now, please excuse me here...

We've still got time to burn!

Sure, Sumire probably won't be in the salon, but we can totally catch up on--

-- on, uh, watching Yuri break.

It's kind of hard to see here, but her portrait window is flickering. Kind of like portraits flicker during battle, when a character is at critical HP.


Yuri-kun? Are you alright? You don't look so good...


What the-- what the fuck kind of priorities ARE those!?

"Hey look, she's unconscious, IT'S TIME FOR SURPRISE SEX! " really isn't the type of problem-solving skills that I want to see on my hot-blooded mecha protagonist.


You've come to, Yuri-kun? Thank goodness...

... oh, okay, he's just being a nice conscientious gentleman.



O... Ogami-san...


What on earth happened? That you'd just suddenly collapse...


I... wanted to fit into that outfit that you had chosen for me, Ogami-san...
And, um... I tried that dieting strategy that I'd read about in that one women's magazine...


What the hell kind of dieting strategy did you DO? You look like three shades of death.



- 1 glass of water
- Repeat


... it wasn't a very good idea on hindsight.






It's not quite the "you're a bleeding idjit" response that I was hoping for, but it's close enough.


Don't push yourself like that! Even if you lose weight like that... there's no point if you make yourself sick!!


No matter how many beautiful clothes you can put on, if you're not your usual energetic self, Yuri-kun, I...




Don't... push yourself like that anymore.

[Cue "Awwwww" track.]


Yes... thank you, Ogami-san...


I'm sorry, whenever I see so many "hurrrrr" expressions in one update, a little part of me just curls up and starts crying in the corner.


See you later, Yuri-kun. Don't push yourself too hard now.

NEXT TIME: One last update before THE PARTY TO END ALL PARTIES (ominous echo)

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