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'Cause, well, that loneliness when you lose sight of your parents... I'm familiar with that feeling, too...
And when you think that maybe they've left you behind, you just can't bear it... you really feel like you wanna cry, huh?
Those kids who've come to see the Flower Division's shows... I don't want them to go through those kinds of feelings.




But... fighting is an important duty, too.




Aw, man, I can't believe I'm being reminded about fighting by the guy who didn't stop wetting his bed until last week.


That's not true at all!!


To be fair, it's also common knowledge that you didn't START wetting your bed 'til you started living at the theater.


That, that's true.



Everything that's important to those kids... important people, important towns, important dreams-- I'll defend all of them!


Not at all. That's actually something very wonderful.


C-come off it. You've got nothin' to gain through flattery.


... Captain, thanks for helping me out.

That and the on-stage beatings she regularly dispenses. As you might remember, according to the theater's focus groups (i.e. Iris), kids loev violence.


Now then... I should get going, too.

Where was I...? Ah, yes.

Bugging the hell out of busy co-workers.


Yeah, between Kohran's new stage device and Sumire-kun and Kanna's acting skills, it became hugely popular.

We're just going to gloss over the REST of the actresses because the game isn't really going to be throwing out any more character art.

I'll just say that while it makes sense to have Maria play the serious priest, there's something horribly bizarre about letting Sakura and Iris portray the pig and the kappa, respectively.


And there are a lot of people who said that they want to see it more, and want us to keep it going.


Hahahahaha... well, "Journey to the West" IS the play where the entire Flower Division really came together.


The summer performance has come to an end... and for a little while, it'll become quieter around here due to the rehearsals for the autumn performance.

Nothing like a busy theater to keep all the pilots from doing completely crazy shit and wrecking everything around them!

Never you mind the fact that Sakura and Sumire nearly started beating the holy hell out of each other during the rehearsals in the first chapter, or that one time a pillar nearly broke Ogami's back, or that whole thing about Maria becoming oh so sad, or that time Kohran nearly lodged a motorcycle into the side of the theater, or...


That's true... during that time, we're going to have to go through all the work that's piled up in the meantime.


Hahahahaha... let's see...

Whenever he laughs like that, I always imagine him saying it in a kind of tortured deadpan as his mind continues getting tortured by reality going all around him.

Anyways, bromide-buyin' time.



That's Iris-chan's bromide, isn't it.
It draws your eyes towards it, doesn't it? Everyone acts a little embarrassed when they buy it.

Well... they probably have every reason to be embarrassed when buying a bromide of a ten year old girl.


That's Kohran-san's bromide, isn't it.
Hmmm, Kohran-san seems to be popular with a pretty mysterious type of people.

You mean... there are people who dig Kohran for her glasses, her accent, and her high-slit dress even WITHOUT knowing that she's a master tinkerer with ork-like qualities?

... holy crap.


That comes to fifty sen~. Thank you very much for your business!

We have the means... we have the technology. Let's chat her up.


It must have been pretty tough down at the shop today. Good work, Tsubaki-chan.


Thank you. We sold so much stuff that it just feels good.


Our inventory of items has certainly started running out... we've got to restock by tomorrow, don't we.


Eheheh... actually, we have a vacation starting from tomorrow.
The extended performance of "Journey to the West" has ended, and our work has settled down for the time being.


Eh, is that so...

The entire Wind Brigade-- Tsubaki, Yuri, and Kasumi-- all get a vacation? Well then, there's only one proper way to react to this happy piece of news!

Why the hell doesn't OGAMI get a vacation!?


I want a vacation, too... I've been taking tickets straight, and I haven't gotten any breaks...


Shouldn't it be alright if you took a short vacation?
Maybe if you tried talking it over with the manager?



Maybe-- just maybe-- the Manager will find enough kindness in his gnarled badass heart to take pity on Ogami's plight, and maybe he'll see fit to give Ogami even half a day off so that the ticket-taker can lock himself in his room and do his best to ignore all the psychopaths in the theater!


Ah, Manager.


Or maybe he'll just torment Ogami as he usually does, because Ikki Yoneda exists to allow us all to laugh at Ogami's plight and the fact that he is, indeed, a poor bastard.


... yeah.


Yeah... I got it. I'll do my best...

And Ogami slinks away, trying not to listen to Yoneda laughing uproariously at him, somewhere in the distance.


But there's no time to be depressed!

It's time to celebrate, because Kanna might not be here to beat the stuffing out of an already-tired Ogami!


... belay that. Between the thing at the shop and this, today is clearly the day where all my wishful thinking goes horribly wrong.



Just as I promised you last time, I'll teach you the Super Rinpai, Captain.

Wait, wha--


I'm looking forward to that. Let's get started!

And just as things start to look up, the screen fade to black.

Without even a montage to symbolize the HARD WORK AND GUTS that Ogami put into his less-than-five-minute-long training session, how can we even be sure that he's learned this new final attack!?

... well, okay, it's really not THAT hard to imagine.


Alright, first, you gotta kick the air once an' hold your pose.


Okay, got it.


Then you gotta spout an awesome line. You'd better make damn sure that you yell out the name of the attack.


... okay. And then?


Then the hard part's over, and you just go to town on your opponent.


Wha-- that's it? Punch the opponent as hard as you can?


What, you didn't get it all the first time? You want me to tell you again?


Yes! I mean, wait, no, no, NO--


Alright, first, you gotta kick the air once an' hold your pose...





Help! M-momoko, someone please help Momoko~~!!

Never mind the fact that we'd have heard the alarms go off if there WAS a demon attack or the fact that we'd kind of have to suit up into our robots and all.



Curse you, Hive of Darkness, curse you and your rampaging bulls!


I don't think so, Kanna.


'Course it is! It'd be totally random, horribly planned, and completely pointless! This carries all the hallmark of bein' a Hive of Darkness attack!


... well blow me down, you're right.


You sure? I mean, I COULD punch you so hard that you fall to the ground, but--


Figure of speech, Kanna.


[Old Man]

Momoko, Momoko~~~! Someone please help Momoko~!!




Right! Let's go, Kanna!!



Y'see, where most dating sim characters have their little romantic scenes and adorable cuteness, Ogami and Kanna...

... they go bull-wrasslin'.



Captain, now's your chance! Use the Super Rinpai that I just taught you!!


C... can't I just shoot it or something?


Hell no! Whaddaya think this is, a Maria event!?


Point taken.



R-right, here I go!

After a long and fast-paced Action LIPS...


Uuooooaaaargh! Take this! Super Rinpai!!

Ogami socks the bull in the face.



[Old Man]

Momoko~~! My dear bull, Momoko, just got beaten up~!!


M-Momoko... you mean, that was the BULL'S name...?

I'd ask why the old man named the bull Momoko if I wasn't so busy wondering what the fuck he was doing dragging a bull through Ginza.



[Old Man]

Thank you so much. You really saved us... now... let's go home, Momoko.





You pulled it off perfectly, even though it was the first time you'd used that attack in a real fight!

I hereby suggest the following acronym every time something like this happens:

WCIOD? (What Can't Ichiro Ogami Do?)


N, not at all... that was... that was all thanks to your training, Kanna, so...

I dunno, we wrassled a bull, I don't think we can really top this kind of event.

... on the other hand, this is Kanna we're talking about here, so...


Now that Ogami's learned a new final attack, he's gotta go put it to good use!

Oh Manager Yone~da~...

NEXT TIME: Talking with old men, IT CAME FROM THE DEPTHS OF THE DRESSING ROOM, and good god Maria what in the world are you doing

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